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Tutorials.ActiveAxTutorial History

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July 01, 2011, at 08:06 AM by -
Changed line 49 from:

for i in *.nii; do


for i in DRCMR*.nii; do

Changed line 52 from:

cat *.img | shredder 0 -2 0 | scanner2voxel -voxels $((XSIZE*YSIZE*ZSIZE)) -components $((COMPONENTS*4)) \


cat DRCMR*.img | shredder 0 -2 0 | scanner2voxel -voxels $((XSIZE*YSIZE*ZSIZE)) -components $((COMPONENTS*4)) \

Changed lines 54-55 from:

rm *.img


rm DRCMR*.img

Changed lines 58-59 from:

-inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble


-inputfile All.Bfloat -bgmask MidSagCC.img -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble

Added lines 62-63:

This takes a few hours to run.

Added lines 131-132:

The modelfit command takes a few days to run on a single processor, but you can split it up and run separate chunks on separate processors.

July 01, 2011, at 08:04 AM by -
Changed line 762 from:

data for those simulations comes simply from loading the synthetic data from the Monte Carlo simulation above into matlab and adding a proportion of signal from the model of each of those extra compartments.


data for those simulations comes simply from loading the synthetic data from the Monte Carlo simulation above into matlab and adding a proportion of signal from the model of each of those extra compartments.

June 29, 2011, at 06:25 PM by -
June 29, 2011, at 05:45 PM by -
Deleted lines 135-136:

This part of the tutorial is still is work in progress...

Changed lines 138-141 from:

We find the best-fit gamma distributions to each of the five axon diameter distributions presented in figure 4 of (Aboitiz et al Brain Research 1992) and the six distributions in figure 7 of (Lamantia et al Comp. Neurol. 1990); this requires measuring manually the height of each bin in each histogram and fitting the gamma parameters to the resulting data. The best-fit gamma parameters are, for the Aboitiz histograms (top to bottom of figure 4): (5.3316, 1.0242E-7), (3.5027, 1.6331E-7), (2.8771, 2.4932E-7), (3.2734, 2.4563E-7), and (4.8184, 1.3008E-7); the first number is the shape parameter and the second is the scale parameter. The best-fit gamma parameters for the Lamantia histograms (top to bottom of figure 7) are: (5.9242, 5.3249E-8), (5.2357, 9.3946E-8), (5.2051, 1.0227E-7), (8.5358, 3.7369E-8), (10.196, 3.6983E-8), and (16.275, 1.4282E-8). The simulation experiment in (Alexander et al NIMG 2010) uses each of these distributions as well as distributions in which the size of each cylinder is doubled, which we achieve simply by doubling each scale parameter.

The datasynth command is the access point for the Monte Carlo simulation. This command runs a simulation within a substrate consisting of 100 packed cylinders with radii drawn from a gamma distribution with shape parameter GAMA and scale parameter GAMB:


We find the best-fit gamma distributions to each of the five axon diameter distributions presented in figure 4 of (Aboitiz et al Brain Research 1992) and the six distributions in figure 7 of (Lamantia et al Comp. Neurol. 1990); this requires measuring manually the height of each bin in each histogram and fitting the gamma parameters to the resulting data. Fortunately, we've done it for you. The best-fit gamma parameters, for the Aboitiz histograms (top to bottom of figure 4), divided by two to get distributions of radii rather than diameters, are: (5.3316, 1.0242E-7), (3.5027, 1.6331E-7), (2.8771, 2.4932E-7), (3.2734, 2.4563E-7), and (4.8184, 1.3008E-7); the first number is the shape parameter and the second is the scale parameter. The best-fit gamma parameters for the Lamantia histograms (top to bottom of figure 7), again divided by two, are: (5.9242, 5.3249E-8), (5.2357, 9.3946E-8), (5.2051, 1.0227E-7), (8.5358, 3.7369E-8), (10.196, 3.6983E-8), and (16.275, 1.4282E-8). The simulation experiment in (Alexander et al NIMG 2010) uses each of these distributions as well as distributions in which the size of each cylinder is doubled, which we achieve simply by doubling each scale parameter.

The datasynth command is the access point for the Monte Carlo simulation. The following command runs a simulation within a substrate consisting of 100 packed cylinders with radii drawn from a gamma distribution with shape parameter GAMA and scale parameter GAMB:

Changed lines 160-163 from:

To maximize the packing density, you need to tune the LATSIZE variable to find the lowest setting that does not give a warning like that above. Note that you do not need to complete the run of the simulation, as the warning comes out at the start before the time counter starts from 0.0%. The command also outputs the intra-cylinder volume fraction, as shown above.

In the simulations above, we use two settings of the lattice size for each substrate to provide separate simulations with different packing densities. The first lattice size is the lowest value the algorithm packs all 100 cylinders in successfully; the second produces an intracylinder volume fraction about 0.1 less than the first. Since we have 11 different original distributions (5 from Aboitiz; 6 from Lamantia) and we add an extra 11 with each diameter distribution doubled, including two packing densities for each leads to a total of 44 simulations. Here is the full set of datasynth runs we use to synthesize all 44 sets of signals:


To maximize the packing density, you need to tune the LATSIZE variable to find the lowest setting that does not give a warning like that above, ie it packs all 100 cylinders in. Note that you do not need to complete the run of the simulation, as the warning comes out at the start before the time counter starts from 0.0%. The command also outputs the intra-cylinder volume fraction, as shown above.

In the simulations in the paper, we use two settings of the lattice size for each substrate to provide separate simulations with different packing densities. The first lattice size is the lowest value the algorithm packs all 100 cylinders in successfully; the second produces an intracylinder volume fraction about 0.1 less than the first. Since we have 11 different original distributions (5 from Aboitiz; 6 from Lamantia) and we add an extra 11 with each diameter distribution doubled, including two packing densities for each leads to a total of 44 simulations. Here is the full set of datasynth runs we use to synthesize all 44 sets of signals:

Changed line 597 from:

-noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble


-noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble

Changed line 611 from:

-interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 \


-interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 \

Changed line 614 from:

-interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 \


-interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 \

Added lines 738-759:

Here is an adaptation of the datasynth command above that outputs the list of cylinders to output also a figure showing a cross section of the substrate used for the simulation (we just add the -drawcrosssection option):

datasynth -walkers 5 -tmax 5 -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 \
-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} \
-diffusivity ${DIFF} -substrateinfo -drawcrosssection LamD1aSubstrate.gray > /tmp/test.Bfloat 2>

The file LamD1aSubstrate.gray contains a simple bitmap which you can display using, for example, ImageMagick as follows:

display -size 500x500 -depth 8 /tmp/xsec.gray 

It looks like this:

June 29, 2011, at 05:08 PM by -
June 28, 2011, at 10:17 AM by -
Changed line 695 from:




Changed line 718 from:




Changed line 733 from:

set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [0 0 9 4.5]);


set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [0 0 4.5 9]);

June 28, 2011, at 10:13 AM by -
Changed lines 146-147 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 188-189 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 196-198 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 206-207 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 214-216 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 224-225 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 232-234 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 242-243 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 250-252 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 260-261 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 268-270 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 278-279 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 286-289 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 299-300 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 307-309 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 317-318 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 325-327 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 335-336 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 343-345 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 353-354 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 361-362 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 371-372 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 379-382 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 392-393 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 400-402 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 410-411 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 418-420 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 428-429 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 436-438 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 446-447 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 454-456 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 464-465 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 472-474 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 482-483 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 490-493 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 503-504 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 511-513 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 521-522 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 529-531 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 539-540 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 547-549 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 557-558 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 565-566 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 575-576 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 583-584 from:

-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


-increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

June 28, 2011, at 10:09 AM by -
Changed lines 52-53 from:

cat *.img | shredder 0 -2 0 | scanner2voxel -voxels $((XSIZE*YSIZE*ZSIZE)) -components $((COMPONENTS*4)) -inputdatatype short > All.Bfloat


cat *.img | shredder 0 -2 0 | scanner2voxel -voxels $((XSIZE*YSIZE*ZSIZE)) -components $((COMPONENTS*4)) -inputdatatype short > All.Bfloat

Changed lines 57-58 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble

Changed lines 120-122 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -bgmask WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Mask.img | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_AllMMWMD_PM_Mean.Bdouble &


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -bgmask WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Mask.img | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_AllMMWMD_PM_Mean.Bdouble &

Changed lines 145-146 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 186-188 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 193-196 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 202-204 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 209-212 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 218-220 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 225-228 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 234-236 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 241-244 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 250-252 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 257-260 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 266-268 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 273-277 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 285-287 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 292-295 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 301-303 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 308-311 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 317-319 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 324-327 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 333-335 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 340-342 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 349-351 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 356-360 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 368-370 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 375-378 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 384-386 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 391-394 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 400-402 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 407-410 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 416-418 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 423-426 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 432-434 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 439-442 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 448-450 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 455-459 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 467-469 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 474-477 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 483-485 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 499-501 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 515-517 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 553-554 from:

cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble


cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble

Changed lines 567-570 from:

cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble


cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble

Changed lines 582-583 from:

datasynth -walkers 5 -tmax 5 -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} -substrateinfo > /tmp/test.Bfloat 2>


datasynth -walkers 5 -tmax 5 -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} -substrateinfo > /tmp/test.Bfloat 2>

June 28, 2011, at 10:02 AM by -
Changed lines 1-4 from:

This tutorial demonstrates ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping. The algorithm is explained in detail in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010). Please cite that paper and the usual Camino ISMRM abstract if you use this.

This tutorial runs through an example estimating an axon diameter index map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 2010); it is the one in figure 12 (g) and (h). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm. The Camino implementation is similar but not identical so minor variations occur. The main difference is longer MCMC, which improves convergence and ameliorates to some extent the overestimation of the axon diameter index that we originally reported. Also the experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, we smoothed the fixed-brain data mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.


This tutorial demonstrates ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping. The algorithm is explained in detail in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010). Please cite that paper and the usual Camino ISMRM abstract if you use this.

This tutorial runs through an example estimating an axon diameter index map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 2010); it is the one in figure 12 (g) and (h). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm. The Camino implementation is similar but not identical so minor variations occur. The main difference is longer MCMC, which improves convergence and ameliorates to some extent the overestimation of the axon diameter index that we originally reported. Also the experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, we smoothed the fixed-brain data mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.

Changed lines 27-29 from:

Note on acquisition protocol: The model fitting procedure here does not rely on using the exact protocol defined in ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1. You can replace that scheme file with your own. However, for sensitivity to the parameters of the MMWMD model, you need to use a multi-shell HARDI acquisition protocol. Moreover, for good sensitivity, the diffusion time should vary between the shells. Just varying the b-value without varying the diffusion time is less likely to produce good results, although we have not tested it.


''Note on acquisition protocol: The model fitting procedure here does not rely on using the exact protocol defined in ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1. You can replace that scheme file with your own. However, for sensitivity to the parameters of the MMWMD model, you need to use a multi-shell HARDI acquisition protocol. Moreover, for good sensitivity, the diffusion time should vary between the shells. Just varying the b-value without varying the diffusion time is less likely to produce good results, although we have not tested it.''

Changed lines 56-57 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble@]


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble @]

Changed lines 119-120 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -bgmask WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Mask.img | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_AllMMWMD_PM_Mean.Bdouble &


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -bgmask WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Mask.img | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_AllMMWMD_PM_Mean.Bdouble &

Changed lines 142-143 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 183-184 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 190-192 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 206-208 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 238-240 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 254-256 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 263-264 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 270-273 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 282-283 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 289-291 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 298-299 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 305-307 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 314-315 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

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datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 330-331 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 337-338 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 346-347 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 353-356 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 365-366 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 372-374 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 381-382 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 388-390 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 397-398 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 404-406 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 413-414 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 420-422 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 429-430 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 436-438 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 445-446 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 452-455 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 464-465 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 471-473 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 480-481 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 487-489 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 496-497 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 503-505 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 512-513 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 519-520 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 528-529 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 535-536 from:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}


datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Changed lines 550-551 from:

cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble


cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble

Changed lines 564-565 from:

cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble


cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble

Changed lines 577-578 from:

datasynth -walkers 5 -tmax 5 -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} -substrateinfo > /tmp/test.Bfloat 2>


datasynth -walkers 5 -tmax 5 -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} -substrateinfo > /tmp/test.Bfloat 2>

June 28, 2011, at 09:53 AM by -
June 28, 2011, at 09:38 AM by -
Changed line 494 from:

cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble


cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble

Changed lines 507-508 from:

cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble


cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble

Deleted lines 510-511:

Note that we use a simpler version of the model for the simulations than for fitting to the brain data. The MMWMD basic model has no CSF or isotropic restriction compartment.

Changed lines 570-571 from:

noisefreefit = reshape(res, [13,44]);


noisefreefit = reshape(res, [16,44]);

Changed lines 576-577 from:

noisyfit = reshape(res, [13,440]);


noisyfit = reshape(res, [16,440]);

Changed lines 591-592 from:

scatter(2*noisyfit(8,:), 2*repmat(meanRadByVol, [1,10]), 'r', 'SizeData', 50, 'LineWidth', 1);


scatter(2*noisyfit(10,:), 2*repmat(meanRadByVol, [1,10]), 'r', 'SizeData', 50, 'LineWidth', 1);

Changed lines 594-596 from:

mmps = squeeze(mean(reshape(noisyfit', [44,10, 13]), 2)); scatter(2*mmps(:,8), 2*meanRadByVol, 'bx', 'SizeData', 100, 'LineWidth', 3);


mmps = squeeze(mean(reshape(noisyfit', [44,10, 16]), 2)); scatter(2*mmps(:,10), 2*meanRadByVol, 'bx', 'SizeData', 100, 'LineWidth', 3);

Changed lines 598-599 from:

scatter(2*noisefreefit(8,:), 2*meanRadByVol, 'k', 'SizeData', 100, 'LineWidth', 3);


scatter(2*noisefreefit(10,:), 2*meanRadByVol, 'k', 'SizeData', 100, 'LineWidth', 3);

Changed lines 624-632 from:




Here is the figure that results:

The simulations above all assume that f3 and f4 in the MMWMD model are zero. The (Alexander et al NIMG 2010) paper also contains simulations with those volume fractions set greater than zero. The synthetic data for those simulations comes simply from loading the synthetic data from the Monte Carlo simulation above into matlab and adding a proportion of signal from the model of each of those extra compartments.

June 26, 2011, at 06:06 PM by -
Changed lines 491-492 from:

Now we can run the fitting procedure on the noise free synthetic data (note that we need to set the noise standard deviation -sigma <sig> to an artificial non-zero value for the Rician noise model to work):


Now we can run the fitting procedure on the noise free synthetic data (note that we need to set the noise standard deviation -sigma <sig> to an artificial non-zero value for the Rician noise model to work; we pretend here that SNR is 100):

Changed line 494 from:

cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 0.01 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble


cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 1600 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble

Added lines 564-565:

Here is matlab code to create figures similar to the top left panel in figure 4 of (Alexander et al NIMG 2010) and the left panel of figure 5:

June 26, 2011, at 05:59 PM by -
Changed lines 497-498 from:

We can also generate ten independent noise trials derived from the noise free data, as in (Alexander et al NIMG 2010). We'll generate two, one with SNR at b=0 of 50 and one with SNR or 20:


We can also generate ten independent noise trials derived from the noise free data, as in (Alexander et al NIMG 2010). We'll generate two: one with SNR at b=0 of 50 and one with SNR or 20. Note that the unweighted signal for the simulations is the number of walkers specified in the datasynth command, so we set the value of sigma to WALKERS/SNR:

Changed lines 500-501 from:

for ((i=1; i<=10; i=i+1)); do cat AbLamSim.Bfloat ; done | addnoise -sigma 0.02 > AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat for ((i=1; i<=10; i=i+1)); do cat AbLamSim.Bfloat ; done | addnoise -sigma 0.05 > AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat


for ((i=1; i<=10; i=i+1)); do cat AbLamSim.Bfloat ; done | addnoise -sigma 3200 > AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat for ((i=1; i<=10; i=i+1)); do cat AbLamSim.Bfloat ; done | addnoise -sigma 8000 > AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat

Changed lines 507-508 from:

cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 0.02 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 0.05 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble


cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 3200 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 8000 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble

Changed line 624 from:




June 26, 2011, at 10:19 AM by -
Changed lines 563-624 from:

This file: RadInfo.mat, contains an array of mean axon radius meanRad, mean axon radius weighted by volume meanRadByVol, and intra-cylinder volume fractions fs, for each of the 44 substrates in the order they are generated above. It also contains the list of cylinder radii for each substrate. For example, RadListALS_LamD01a contains the same list of radii we obtained from LamD1a.txt above.


This file: RadInfo.mat, contains an array of mean axon radius meanRad, mean axon radius weighted by volume meanRadByVol, and intra-cylinder volume fractions fs, for each of the 44 substrates in the order they are generated above. It also contains the list of cylinder radii for each substrate. For example, RadListALS_LamD01a contains the same list of radii we obtained from LamD1a.txt above.

% Load in the fitted parameters from the noise free data.
fid = fopen('AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble', 'r', 'b');
res = fread(fid, 'double');
noisefreefit = reshape(res, [13,44]);

% Load in the fitted parameters from the noisy data.
fid = fopen('AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble', 'r', 'b');
res = fread(fid, 'double');
noisyfit = reshape(res, [13,440]);

% Load in the ground truth data.


% Plot the axon diameter indices
hold on;
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Times');
set(gca, 'FontSize', 17);

% Plot the individual noise trials
% We need to double to get diameters from estimated radii.
scatter(2*noisyfit(8,:), 2*repmat(meanRadByVol, [1,10]), 'r', 'SizeData', 50, 'LineWidth', 1);

% Plot the means over the noise trials.
mmps = squeeze(mean(reshape(noisyfit', [44,10, 13]), 2));
scatter(2*mmps(:,8), 2*meanRadByVol, 'bx', 'SizeData', 100, 'LineWidth', 3);

% Now add the noise-free estimates
scatter(2*noisefreefit(8,:), 2*meanRadByVol, 'k', 'SizeData', 100, 'LineWidth', 3);

% Add labels etc
xlabel('a ''/\mum');
xlim([0 7E-6]);
legend('SNR=20', 'E(SNR=20)', 'SNR=\infty', 'Location', 'NorthWest');

% Now plot the volume fractions
hold on;
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Times');
set(gca, 'FontSize', 17);

scatter(noisyfit(3,:), repmat(fs, [1,10]), 'r', 'SizeData', 50, 'LineWidth', 1);
scatter(mmps(:,3), fs, 'bx', 'SizeData', 100, 'LineWidth', 3);
scatter(noisefreefit(3,:), fs, 'k', 'SizeData', 100, 'LineWidth', 3);

xlabel('f ''');

% Finally output the figure
set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'manual');
set(gcf, 'PaperUnits', 'inches');
set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [0 0 9 4.5]);
print -dpng 'AvAlphaFvF.png'
June 26, 2011, at 10:03 AM by -
Changed line 561 from:

From these lists, we can compute the mean axon diameter (sum of the list / (2*100)), the two converts from radius to diameter, or the mean axon diameter weighted by volume (sum(list.^3)/2*sum(list.^2)). The latter is close to what we expect for the axon diameter index.


From these lists, we can compute the mean axon diameter 2*(sum of the list / 100), the factor of two converts from radius to diameter, or the mean axon diameter weighted by volume 2*(sum(list.^3)/sum(list.^2)). The latter is close to what we expect for the axon diameter index; see (Alexander et al NIMG 2010) equation 4.

June 26, 2011, at 09:16 AM by -
Added lines 489-490:

Here is the output for schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1: AbLamSim.Bfloat.

Changed lines 563-565 from:

This file: RadInfo.mat, contains an array of mean axon diameters, mean axon diameters weighted by volume, and intra-cylinder volume fractions for each of the 44 substrates in the order they are generated above.


This file: RadInfo.mat, contains an array of mean axon radius meanRad, mean axon radius weighted by volume meanRadByVol, and intra-cylinder volume fractions fs, for each of the 44 substrates in the order they are generated above. It also contains the list of cylinder radii for each substrate. For example, RadListALS_LamD01a contains the same list of radii we obtained from LamD1a.txt above.

June 25, 2011, at 04:39 PM by -
Added lines 508-509:

Note that we use a simpler version of the model for the simulations than for fitting to the brain data. The MMWMD basic model has no CSF or isotropic restriction compartment.

June 25, 2011, at 04:30 PM by -
Changed lines 148-149 from:

In the simulations above, we use two settings of the lattice size for each substrate to provide separate simulations with different packing densities. Since we have 11 different original distributions (5 from Aboitiz; 6 from Lamantia) and we add an extra 11 with each diameter distribution doubled, including two packing densities for each leads to a total of 44 simulations. Here is the full set of datasynth runs we use to synthesize all 44 sets of signals:


In the simulations above, we use two settings of the lattice size for each substrate to provide separate simulations with different packing densities. The first lattice size is the lowest value the algorithm packs all 100 cylinders in successfully; the second produces an intracylinder volume fraction about 0.1 less than the first. Since we have 11 different original distributions (5 from Aboitiz; 6 from Lamantia) and we add an extra 11 with each diameter distribution doubled, including two packing densities for each leads to a total of 44 simulations. Here is the full set of datasynth runs we use to synthesize all 44 sets of signals:

Added line 165:
  1. These are the intra-cylinder volume fractions for each lattice size.
Added lines 556-560:

From these lists, we can compute the mean axon diameter (sum of the list / (2*100)), the two converts from radius to diameter, or the mean axon diameter weighted by volume (sum(list.^3)/2*sum(list.^2)). The latter is close to what we expect for the axon diameter index.

This file: RadInfo.mat, contains an array of mean axon diameters, mean axon diameters weighted by volume, and intra-cylinder volume fractions for each of the 44 substrates in the order they are generated above.

June 25, 2011, at 04:23 PM by -
Deleted lines 90-91:

This part of the tutorial is still is work in progress...

Added lines 121-122:

This part of the tutorial is still is work in progress...

June 25, 2011, at 04:22 PM by -
Added lines 90-91:

This part of the tutorial is still is work in progress...

June 25, 2011, at 04:18 PM by -
Added lines 506-552:

To test and evaluate the fitted axon diameter index, we need to compute a similar statistic of each axon diameter distribution. We can get the exact list of cylinder radii that make up each substrate, by adding the -substrateinfo@ flag to the datasynth@@ command. For example, for the first substrate in the long list above, we can run:

datasynth -walkers 5 -tmax 5 -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} -substrateinfo > /tmp/test.Bfloat 2>

We set the number of walkers and timesteps very low, as we are just interested in the substrate information rather than the output, which we have already computed. The file contains the position and size of each cylinder:

cylinder 0 pos = (6.65278756664775E-6, 1.8736510967768196E-6, 0.0)      radius = 2.4836106445030362E-6
cylinder 1 pos = (7.075179421691923E-6, 6.310782215503249E-6, 0.0)      radius = 1.2288218199625427E-6
cylinder 2 pos = (9.040679260286337E-7, 1.358410391168818E-5, 0.0)      radius = 1.2057082606855263E-6
cylinder 3 pos = (4.391993962910324E-6, 7.3503496846908985E-6, 0.0)     radius = 1.0606081830751333E-6
cylinder 4 pos = (9.776132252482087E-6, 1.1165129374727735E-5, 0.0)     radius = 1.0479898302635493E-6
cylinder 5 pos = (2.2709875877317475E-7, 2.8099470916851546E-6, 0.0)    radius = 1.0133293909377957E-6
cylinder 6 pos = (9.976382544843197E-6, 1.3158389965085646E-5, 0.0)     radius = 9.45079565714962E-7
cylinder 7 pos = (1.01430033661826E-5, 2.5476110220568397E-6, 0.0)      radius = 9.190732393643317E-7
cylinder 8 pos = (1.2759519960773037E-5, 1.3126264521291948E-5, 0.0)    radius = 9.166534852189462E-7

Here is a simple perl script to filter out just the list of cylinder radii: Thus, LamD1a.txt

Produces just the list:

June 25, 2011, at 03:58 PM by -
Changed line 94 from:

dtfit All.Bfloat NIMG10_PM.scheme1 > /tmp/AllDT.Bdouble


dtfit All.Bfloat ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 > /tmp/AllDT.Bdouble

Changed lines 109-110 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 -bgmask WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Mask.img | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_AllMMWMD_PM_Mean.Bdouble &


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 -bgmask WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Mask.img | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_AllMMWMD_PM_Mean.Bdouble &

Changed lines 135-137 from:



Jun 25, 2011 3:04:05 PM simulation.dynamics.StepGeneratorFactory getStepGenerator INFO: instantiating fixed length step generator Jun 25, 2011 3:04:06 PM simulation.geometry.substrates.SquashyInflammationSubstrate <init>

Added lines 139-140:

Jun 25, 2011 3:04:06 PM simulation.geometry.substrates.SquashyInflammationSubstrate <init> INFO: intracellular volume fraction 0.6538004810678155

Changed lines 144-504 from:

To get the highest packing density, you need to tune the LATSIZE variable to find the lowest setting that does not give a warning like that above; note that you do not need to complete the run of the simulation, as the warning comes out at the start before the time counter starts from 0.0%.


To maximize the packing density, you need to tune the LATSIZE variable to find the lowest setting that does not give a warning like that above. Note that you do not need to complete the run of the simulation, as the warning comes out at the start before the time counter starts from 0.0%. The command also outputs the intra-cylinder volume fraction, as shown above.

In the simulations above, we use two settings of the lattice size for each substrate to provide separate simulations with different packing densities. Since we have 11 different original distributions (5 from Aboitiz; 6 from Lamantia) and we add an extra 11 with each diameter distribution doubled, including two packing densities for each leads to a total of 44 simulations. Here is the full set of datasynth runs we use to synthesize all 44 sets of signals:





mkdir ${OUTPUTDIR}

# Lamantia distributions with diameters doubled

# f1=0.743, f2=0.6061.
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7432, f2=0.666.
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7585, f2=0.6862.
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7212, f2=0.5989.
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.6897, f2=0.5877.
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.6525, f2=0.5053
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# Aboitiz distributions with diameters doubled

# f1=0.7659, f2=0.7020
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7407, f2=0.6712
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.8000, f2=0.6800
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7543, f2=0.6856
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7463, f2=0.6129
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# Lamantia original distributions

# f1=0.743, f2=0.5833
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7432, f2=0.6002
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7585, f2=0.6237
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7212, f2=0.606
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.6897, f2=0.57
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.6525, f2=0.5483
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# Aboitiz original distributions

# f1=0.7256, f2=0.6378
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7259, f2=0.638
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.8000, f2=0.6867
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7508, f2=0.656
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

# f1=0.7463, f2=0.6129
datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

Running all these commands one after the other takes quite a long time (of order 1 week), but each is independent so you can split them up and run them concurrently on separate processors. Once they are all complete, concatenate them all into a single data file:


Now we can run the fitting procedure on the noise free synthetic data (note that we need to set the noise standard deviation -sigma <sig> to an artificial non-zero value for the Rician noise model to work):

cat AbLamSim.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 0.01 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimMMWMD.Bdouble

We can also generate ten independent noise trials derived from the noise free data, as in (Alexander et al NIMG 2010). We'll generate two, one with SNR at b=0 of 50 and one with SNR or 20:

for ((i=1; i<=10; i=i+1)); do cat AbLamSim.Bfloat ; done | addnoise -sigma 0.02 > AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat 
for ((i=1; i<=10; i=i+1)); do cat AbLamSim.Bfloat ; done | addnoise -sigma 0.05 > AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat 

and run the fitting over the noisy data sets:

cat AbLamSimT10S002.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 0.02 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S002_MMWMD.Bdouble
cat AbLamSimT10S005.Bfloat | modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdbasic -fitalgorithm mcmc -mmwmddiff 6E-10 -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 0.05 -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 13 -samples 100 -mean > AbLamSimT10S005_MMWMD.Bdouble
June 25, 2011, at 03:03 PM by -
Changed lines 124-125 from:

We find the best-fit gamma distributions to each of the five axon diameter distributions presented in figure 4 of (Aboitiz et al Brain Research 1992) and the six distributions in figure 7 of (Lamantia et al Comp. Neurol. 1990); this requires measuring manually the height of each bin in each histogram and fitting the gamma parameters to the resulting data. The best-fit gamma parameters are, for the Aboitiz histograms (top to bottom of figure 4): (5.3316, 1.0242E-7), (3.5027, 1.6331E-7), (2.8771, 2.4932E-7), (3.2734, 2.4563E-7), and (4.8184, 1.3008E-7); the first number is the shape parameter and the second is the scale parameter. The best-fit gamma parameters for the Lamantia histograms (top to bottom of figure 7) are: (5.9242, 5.3249E-8), (5.2357, 9.3946E-8), (5.2051, 1.0227E-7), (8.5358, 3.7369E-8), (10.196, 3.6983E-8), and (16.275, 1.4282E-8).


We find the best-fit gamma distributions to each of the five axon diameter distributions presented in figure 4 of (Aboitiz et al Brain Research 1992) and the six distributions in figure 7 of (Lamantia et al Comp. Neurol. 1990); this requires measuring manually the height of each bin in each histogram and fitting the gamma parameters to the resulting data. The best-fit gamma parameters are, for the Aboitiz histograms (top to bottom of figure 4): (5.3316, 1.0242E-7), (3.5027, 1.6331E-7), (2.8771, 2.4932E-7), (3.2734, 2.4563E-7), and (4.8184, 1.3008E-7); the first number is the shape parameter and the second is the scale parameter. The best-fit gamma parameters for the Lamantia histograms (top to bottom of figure 7) are: (5.9242, 5.3249E-8), (5.2357, 9.3946E-8), (5.2051, 1.0227E-7), (8.5358, 3.7369E-8), (10.196, 3.6983E-8), and (16.275, 1.4282E-8). The simulation experiment in (Alexander et al NIMG 2010) uses each of these distributions as well as distributions in which the size of each cylinder is doubled, which we achieve simply by doubling each scale parameter.

Added lines 135-137:

: WARNING: could only place 46 of 100 cylinders on substrate :

Added line 140:

To get the highest packing density, you need to tune the LATSIZE variable to find the lowest setting that does not give a warning like that above; note that you do not need to complete the run of the simulation, as the warning comes out at the start before the time counter starts from 0.0%.

June 25, 2011, at 02:02 PM by -
Changed lines 124-135 from:

The datasynth command is the access point for the Monte Carlo simulation. We find the best-fit gamma distributions to each of the five axon diameter distributions presented in figure 4 of (Aboitiz et al Brain Research 1992) and the six distributions in figure 7 of (Lamantia et al Comp. Neurol. 1990); this requires measuring manually the height of each bin in each histogram and fitting the gamma parameters to the resulting data. The best-fit gamma parameters are, for the Aboitiz histograms (top to bottom of figure 4): (5.3316, 1.0242E-7), (3.5027, 1.6331E-7), (2.8771, 2.4932E-7), (3.2734, 2.4563E-7), and (4.8184, 1.3008E-7); the first number is the shape parameter and the second is the scale parameter. The best-fit gamma parameters for the Lamantia histograms (top to bottom of figure 7) are: (5.9242, 5.3249E-8), (5.2357, 9.3946E-8), (5.2051, 1.0227E-7), (8.5358, 3.7369E-8), (10.196, 3.6983E-8), and (16.275, 1.4282E-8).


We find the best-fit gamma distributions to each of the five axon diameter distributions presented in figure 4 of (Aboitiz et al Brain Research 1992) and the six distributions in figure 7 of (Lamantia et al Comp. Neurol. 1990); this requires measuring manually the height of each bin in each histogram and fitting the gamma parameters to the resulting data. The best-fit gamma parameters are, for the Aboitiz histograms (top to bottom of figure 4): (5.3316, 1.0242E-7), (3.5027, 1.6331E-7), (2.8771, 2.4932E-7), (3.2734, 2.4563E-7), and (4.8184, 1.3008E-7); the first number is the shape parameter and the second is the scale parameter. The best-fit gamma parameters for the Lamantia histograms (top to bottom of figure 7) are: (5.9242, 5.3249E-8), (5.2357, 9.3946E-8), (5.2051, 1.0227E-7), (8.5358, 3.7369E-8), (10.196, 3.6983E-8), and (16.275, 1.4282E-8).

The datasynth command is the access point for the Monte Carlo simulation. This command runs a simulation within a substrate consisting of 100 packed cylinders with radii drawn from a gamma distribution with shape parameter GAMA and scale parameter GAMB:

datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile ${SCHEMEFILE} -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${FNAME}

We find that setting WALKERS=160000 and TIMESTEPS=5000 gives good reproducibility and manageable computation times of about 8 hours per run. You can speed things up by reducing these values and sacrificing some accuracy; keep the ratio WALKERS:TIMESTEPS about the same. The lattice size variable LATSIZE determines the packing density of the cylinders: the larger LATSIZE the greater the area we have to pack the cylinders in so the lower the intra-cylinder volume fraction. If LATSIZE is too low, the algorithm cannot pack all the cylinders into the available space. When that happens datasynth will give a warning like this:

June 25, 2011, at 01:27 PM by -
Changed lines 120-124 from:

Simulations and testing

This section shows how to repeat the simulation experiments in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 2010) using the Monte Carlo simulation system in (Hall et al IEEE Trans. Med. Im. 2009). Please cite both those papers if you use these ideas in your work.

The datasynth command is the access point for the Monte Carlo simulation. We find the best-fit gamma distributions to each of the five axon diameter distributions presented in figure 4 of (Aboitiz et al Brain Research 1992) and the six distributions in figure 7 of (Lamantia et al Comp. Neurol. 1990); this requires measuring manually the height of each bin in each histogram and fitting the gamma parameters to the resulting data. The best-fit gamma parameters are, for the Aboitiz histograms (top to bottom of figure 4): (5.3316, 1.0242E-7), (3.5027, 1.6331E-7), (2.8771, 2.4932E-7), (3.2734, 2.4563E-7), and (4.8184, 1.3008E-7); the first number is the shape parameter and the second is the scale parameter. The best-fit gamma parameters for the Lamantia histograms (top to bottom of figure 7) are: (5.9242, 5.3249E-8), (5.2357, 9.3946E-8), (5.2051, 1.0227E-7), (8.5358, 3.7369E-8), (10.196, 3.6983E-8), and (16.275, 1.4282E-8).

June 02, 2011, at 06:21 PM by -
Changed lines 104-117 from:

Here is the matlab code to do the smoothing: Monkey2503_Smooth.m.


Here is the matlab code to do the smoothing: Monkey2503_Smooth.m. You will also need a whole brain binary image mask; here is mine: WholeBrain.img, WholeBrain.hdr.

The matlab script outputs a file WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_All.Bfloat, which we run the model fitting on in exactly the same way:

# Run the fitting
modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 -bgmask WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Mask.img | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_AllMMWMD_PM_Mean.Bdouble &

# Extract the axon radius index file
shredder $((9*8)) 8 $((15*8)) < WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_AllMMWMD_PM_Mean.Bdouble > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Rad.img
analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 2.4 -datatype double > WholeBrainL06P02B02000_D90_SmthW2_Rad.hdr

Here is the overlay for the middle slice:

June 02, 2011, at 06:18 PM by -
Added lines 103-105:

Here is the matlab code to do the smoothing: Monkey2503_Smooth.m.

June 02, 2011, at 06:14 PM by -
Deleted lines 2-3:

The tutorial is still under construction. A few bits and pieces missing right now; please bare with us...

Added lines 20-23:

Note on acquisition protocol: The model fitting procedure here does not rely on using the exact protocol defined in ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1. You can replace that scheme file with your own. However, for sensitivity to the parameters of the MMWMD model, you need to use a multi-shell HARDI acquisition protocol. Moreover, for good sensitivity, the diffusion time should vary between the shells. Just varying the b-value without varying the diffusion time is less likely to produce good results, although we have not tested it.

Added lines 88-102:

Thresholding and smoothing

The processing pipeline in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010) identifies all voxels with coherent white matter and minimal partial volume with CSF organized by thresholding linearity, planarity and b=0 signal maps. Matlab code for performing those operations is below, but first we need to generate some simple parameter maps using Camino:

# Compute measures of linearity and planarity
dtfit All.Bfloat NIMG10_PM.scheme1 > /tmp/AllDT.Bdouble
dteig < /tmp/AllDT.Bdouble > /tmp/AllDT_EIG.Bdouble
dtshape -stat cl -outputdatatype float < /tmp/AllDT_EIG.Bdouble > AllLin.img
analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 2.4 -datatype float > AllLin.hdr
dtshape -stat cp -outputdatatype float < /tmp/AllDT_EIG.Bdouble > AllPlan.img
analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 2.4 -datatype float > AllPlan.hdr

# Compute file of DT principal directions
shredder 8 24 72 </tmp/AllDT_EIG.Bdouble > AllPD.Bdouble
June 02, 2011, at 06:03 PM by -
Changed lines 56-57 from:

analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 0.4 -datatype float > AllFA.hdr@]


analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 2.4 -datatype float > AllFA.hdr@]

Changed line 80 from:

analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 0.4 -datatype double > Rad.hdr@]


analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 2.4 -datatype double > Rad.hdr@]

June 02, 2011, at 05:53 PM by -
Changed line 79 from:

[@shredder $((9*8)) 8 $((15*8)) < AllMMWMD_PM_MeanMCMC_S0100_I0500_B1000_S02.Bdouble > Rad.img


[@shredder $((9*8)) 8 $((15*8)) < AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble > Rad.img

May 23, 2011, at 05:05 PM by -
Changed line 84 from:


May 23, 2011, at 05:02 PM by -
Changed lines 46-47 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble@]


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble@]

Changed line 54 from:

[@dtfit All.Bfloat NIMG10_PM.scheme1 > AllDT.Bdouble


[@dtfit All.Bfloat ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 > AllDT.Bdouble

Changed lines 84-87 from:



May 23, 2011, at 04:59 PM by -
Deleted lines 17-18:

Files to be uploaded shortly... Email if you want them urgently.

Changed lines 20-21 from:

MidSagCC.img? and MidSagCC.hdr? - region of interest outlining the mid-sagital corpus callosum.


MidSagCC.img and MidSagCC.hdr - region of interest outlining the mid-sagital corpus callosum.

Changed line 84 from:

Image to be added...


May 23, 2011, at 04:54 PM by -
Changed line 20 from:

ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1? - the scheme file for the ActiveAxG140 protocol.


ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 - the scheme file for the ActiveAxG140 protocol.

May 23, 2011, at 04:44 PM by -
May 21, 2011, at 08:36 AM by -
Changed lines 62-76 from:

1. Exit code indicating success/failure of the fitting procedure. 0 means OK. -1 means background. Anything else indicates a problem. 2. S0 - the signal with no diffusion weighting. 3. f1 - the intra-axonal volume fraction (restricted compartment). 4. f2 - the extra-axonal white matter volume fraction (hindered compartment). 5. f3 - the "stationary water" volume fraction. 6. f4 - the CSF volume fraction. 7. d - the intrinsic diffusivity of intra-axonal water. Fixed to 6E-10 m^2/s. 8. theta - angle of colatitude of axon orientation. 9. phi - angle of longitude of axon orientation. 10. R - the axon radius index. 11. d - the parallel diffusivity of the hindered compartment. Fixed to 6E-10 m^2/s. 12. theta - angle of colatitude of principal direction of hindered diffusion (constrained equal to axon orientation). 13. phi - angle of longitude of principal direction of hindered diffusion (constrained equal to axon orientation). 14. d_tort - tortuous diffusivity of perpendicular hindered compartment (constrained to f2*d/(f1+f2)). 15. d_csf - CSF diffusivity. Fixed to 2E-9 m^2/s.


1. Exit code indicating success/failure of the fitting procedure. 0 means OK. -1 means background. Anything else indicates a problem.
2. S0 - the signal with no diffusion weighting.
3. f1 - the intra-axonal volume fraction (restricted compartment).
4. f2 - the extra-axonal white matter volume fraction (hindered compartment).
5. f3 - the "stationary water" volume fraction.
6. f4 - the CSF volume fraction.
7. d - the intrinsic diffusivity of intra-axonal water. Fixed to 6E-10 m^2/s.
8. theta - angle of colatitude of axon orientation.
9. phi - angle of longitude of axon orientation.
10. R - the axon radius index.
11. d - the parallel diffusivity of the hindered compartment. Fixed to 6E-10 m^2/s.
12. theta - angle of colatitude of principal direction of hindered diffusion (constrained equal to axon orientation).
13. phi - angle of longitude of principal direction of hindered diffusion (constrained equal to axon orientation).
14. d_tort - tortuous diffusivity of perpendicular hindered compartment (constrained to f2*d/(f1+f2)).
15. d_csf - CSF diffusivity. Fixed to 2E-9 m^2/s.\\

May 21, 2011, at 08:34 AM by -
Added lines 18-19:

Files to be uploaded shortly... Email if you want them urgently.

Changed lines 54-56 from:

Now create individual parameter maps...

To be continued...


Now we can create individual parameter maps. First let's create an FA image to overlay the axon diameter map:

dtfit All.Bfloat NIMG10_PM.scheme1 > AllDT.Bdouble
fa -outputdatatype float < AllDT.Bdouble > AllFA.img
analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 0.4 -datatype float > AllFA.hdr

The output file AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble contains 16 values per voxel. They are:

1. Exit code indicating success/failure of the fitting procedure. 0 means OK. -1 means background. Anything else indicates a problem. 2. S0 - the signal with no diffusion weighting. 3. f1 - the intra-axonal volume fraction (restricted compartment). 4. f2 - the extra-axonal white matter volume fraction (hindered compartment). 5. f3 - the "stationary water" volume fraction. 6. f4 - the CSF volume fraction. 7. d - the intrinsic diffusivity of intra-axonal water. Fixed to 6E-10 m^2/s. 8. theta - angle of colatitude of axon orientation. 9. phi - angle of longitude of axon orientation. 10. R - the axon radius index. 11. d - the parallel diffusivity of the hindered compartment. Fixed to 6E-10 m^2/s. 12. theta - angle of colatitude of principal direction of hindered diffusion (constrained equal to axon orientation). 13. phi - angle of longitude of principal direction of hindered diffusion (constrained equal to axon orientation). 14. d_tort - tortuous diffusivity of perpendicular hindered compartment (constrained to f2*d/(f1+f2)). 15. d_csf - CSF diffusivity. Fixed to 2E-9 m^2/s. 16. f_opt - the fitting residual, here averaged over all MCMC samples.

Thus for a map of axon radius index (note you need to divide by two to get an axon diameter index map as in the NeuroImage paper), we need to extract the tenth value from each voxel. We can do that using shredder:

shredder $((9*8)) 8 $((15*8)) < AllMMWMD_PM_MeanMCMC_S0100_I0500_B1000_S02.Bdouble > Rad.img
analyzeheader -datadims 128 256 3 -voxeldims 0.4 0.4 0.4 -datatype double > Rad.hdr

Now you can load the FA image into a viewer and overlay the axon radius index map. Here is a snapshot from itksnap showing such an overlay after adjusting the contrast a bit to show the variation.

Image to be added...

May 21, 2011, at 07:59 AM by -
May 21, 2011, at 07:52 AM by -
May 21, 2011, at 07:47 AM by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

This tutorial demonstrates ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping. The algorithm is explained in detail in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010).


This tutorial demonstrates ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping. The algorithm is explained in detail in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010). Please cite that paper and the usual Camino ISMRM abstract if you use this.

Changed lines 5-7 from:

The Camino implementation is still awaiting final testing and verification, so the exact commands may change, but it should work fine.

This tutorial runs through an example estimating an axon diameter index map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 2010). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm. The Camino implementation is very similar but not identical so minor variations in results are possible. Also the experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, the smoothing was mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.


This tutorial runs through an example estimating an axon diameter index map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 2010); it is the one in figure 12 (g) and (h). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm. The Camino implementation is similar but not identical so minor variations occur. The main difference is longer MCMC, which improves convergence and ameliorates to some extent the overestimation of the axon diameter index that we originally reported. Also the experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, we smoothed the fixed-brain data mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.

May 21, 2011, at 07:40 AM by -
Changed lines 7-9 from:

This tutorial runs through an example estimating an axon diameter index map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 2010). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm. The Camino implementation is very similar but not identical so minor variations in results are possible. Also the experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, the smoothing was mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.


This tutorial runs through an example estimating an axon diameter index map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 2010). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm. The Camino implementation is very similar but not identical so minor variations in results are possible. Also the experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, the smoothing was mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.

Changed lines 13-15 from:

DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B13183_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B1931_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B1925_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz



May 21, 2011, at 07:35 AM by -
Changed lines 14-16 from:

DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B13183_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B1931_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B1925_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B3091_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz


DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B13183_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B1931_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B1925_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B3091_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz

Changed line 49 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble@]


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -burnin 1000 -samples 100 -interval 500 -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble@]

May 12, 2011, at 07:34 PM by -
Changed lines 23-24 from:

Here are the unix commands to run:


Here are the bash commands to run:

Added lines 52-56:

Now create individual parameter maps...

To be continued...

May 12, 2011, at 07:26 PM by -
May 12, 2011, at 07:25 PM by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

This tutorial demonstrates ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping. The algorithm is explained in detail in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010.)


This tutorial demonstrates ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping. The algorithm is explained in detail in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010).

Changed lines 8-9 from:

experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, the smoothing was done mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.


experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, the smoothing was mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.

Changed lines 49-51 from:

Clearly the above needs adapting for other data sets. Adaptations to the data preparation steps should be self explanatory. For the actual model fitting command, the choice of sigma is important and should reflect the standard deviation of the noise in the data. You can estimate it by looking at the standard deviation in the b=0 image; see camino command datastats.

For in-vivo data, you should replace the -fitmodel mmwmdfixed with -fitmodel mmwmdinvivo and replace -chunksize 16 with -chunksize 15. Various other options for the choice of model, fitting algorithm and noise model are available. See man page for modelfit.

May 12, 2011, at 07:14 PM by -
Added lines 3-4:

The tutorial is still under construction. A few bits and pieces missing right now; please bare with us...

Added lines 16-21:

You will also need the following files:

ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1? - the scheme file for the ActiveAxG140 protocol.

MidSagCC.img? and MidSagCC.hdr? - region of interest outlining the mid-sagital corpus callosum.

May 12, 2011, at 07:08 PM by -
Changed lines 1-6 from:

ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping

This is still awaiting final testing and verification, so the exact commands may change, but it should work fine.

We will run through an example for estimating a parameter map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al, NeuroImage 2010). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm, which is now emulated in Camino. The Camino code is very similar but not identical so minor variations in results are possible.


This tutorial demonstrates ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping. The algorithm is explained in detail in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010.)

The Camino implementation is still awaiting final testing and verification, so the exact commands may change, but it should work fine.

This tutorial runs through an example estimating an axon diameter index map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al NeuroImage 2010). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm. The Camino implementation is very similar but not identical so minor variations in results are possible. Also the experiment in the NeuroImage paper smoothed the data before fitting and we do not do that here. The smoothing is necessary for the in-vivo data presented in the same paper, but not for the ex-vivo data we use here. In the paper, the smoothing was done mainly for consistency with the in-vivo data. If you want the matlab smoothing code, please email the authors of the paper.

Added lines 14-15:

Here are the unix commands to run:

May 12, 2011, at 06:56 PM by -
Changed line 14 from:

@@# Unzip the data files.


[@# Unzip the data files.

Changed line 36 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble@@


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble@]

May 12, 2011, at 06:54 PM by -
Changed line 14 from:
  1. Unzip the data files.

@@# Unzip the data files.

Changed line 36 from:

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble


modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble@@

May 12, 2011, at 06:51 PM by -
Added lines 2-37:

This is still awaiting final testing and verification, so the exact commands may change, but it should work fine.

We will run through an example for estimating a parameter map from a single data set, which you can download from the DRCMR website here: This is one of the fixed monkey brain data sets used in (Alexander et al, NeuroImage 2010). The published results actually used a matlab implementation of the fitting algorithm, which is now emulated in Camino. The Camino code is very similar but not identical so minor variations in results are possible.

From the DIG homepage, go to the downloads page and download the ActiveAx data set. You may need to register to access the data.

You should have the following files:

DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B13183_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B1931_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B1925_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz DRCMR_ActiveAx4CCfit_E2503_Mbrain1_B3091_3B0_ELEC_N90_Scan1_DIG.nii.gz

  1. Unzip the data files.

gunzip *.gz

  1. Add the Camino bin directory to the path

export PATH=${PATH}:~/Camino/camino/bin

  1. Convert nifti file to Camino format. Note the header is at the
  2. start of the file, so we need to strip it off using tail.

export XSIZE=128; export YSIZE=256; export ZSIZE=3; export COMPONENTS=93;

  1. The input data is little endian shorts so 2 bytes per voxel
  2. and we need to switch the ordering using shredder.

for i in *.nii; do

  tail -c $((XSIZE*YSIZE*ZSIZE*COMPONENTS*2)) $i > ${i.nii}.img

done cat *.img | shredder 0 -2 0 | scanner2voxel -voxels $((XSIZE*YSIZE*ZSIZE)) -components $((COMPONENTS*4)) -inputdatatype short > All.Bfloat rm *.img

  1. Run the fitting

modelfit -fitmodel mmwmdfixed -fitalgorithm mcmc -noisemodel rician -sigma 200 -inputfile All.Bfloat -schemefile NIMG10_PM.scheme1 | chunkstats -chunksize 16 -samples 100 -mean > AllMMWMD_PM.Bdouble

May 10, 2011, at 04:01 PM by -
Added lines 1-2:

ActiveAx - Axon diameter and density estimation and mapping

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Page last modified on July 01, 2011, at 08:06 AM