April 2022: We're launching Bluezone Insurance, a life insurance policy specifically for those with type 2 diabetes
April 2017: I'm making code available for my paper Bayesian Conditional Cointegration at a new website, Bayesian Conditional Cointegration
October 2013: Rob Symes and I launch our new predictive analytics venture The Outside View
January 2013: my PhD thesis is now available
May 2012: I'll be attending ICML 2012 to present my paper Bayesian Conditional Cointegration, which is runner-up for best student paper (discuss here); supplementary
March 2011: I'll be attending AISTATS 2011 to present my paper Switch-Reset Models: Exact and Approximate Inference
September 2010: Bayes' Theorem for Gaussians - set of results for Bayesian manipulation of linear combinations of Gaussian variables
11 June 2010: Talk at inaugural UCL Algorithmic Trading Conference
March 2010: A fairly high-level missive on the credit crisis and financial regulation