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PdviewContent-type: text/html pdviewSection: User Commands (1)Index Return to Main Contents NAMEpdview - Visualizes principal direction(s) in each voxelSYNOPSISpdview -inputmodel <dteig (default) | pds | pico | ballstick> -datadims <x> <y> <z> [-scalarthresh <threshold>] [-scalarrange <min> <max>] [-scalarfile <file>] -norgb -maxcomponents <max tensors per voxel> | -numpds <max peaks per voxel>DESCRIPTIONThis program displays the principal directions of diffusion tensors or the peak directions of spherical functions. The directions are overlaid on a scalar volume, which can be computed from the data or loaded from a file.For tensor data, the program reads the eigen decomposition of a diffusion tensor volume, in the format produced by dteig. One or two tensors per voxel may be displayed. If there are more than two tensors in a voxel, only the first two PDs are displayed. The default scalar background is fractional anisotropy of the tensor (or the mean of the two tensors if there are two within the voxel). For spherical function data, the program reads the output of sfpeaks. If there are more than two peaks in a voxel, only the first two PDs are displayed. The default scalar background is the trace of the Hessian of the first peak. For PICo data, the program reads the output of picopdfs. The default scalar background is the sum of the absolute value of the concentration parameters in the voxel. The default number of PDFs per voxel is one, a maximum of two may be displayed. The default PDF is "bingham". For ballstick data, the program reads the output of fanninggrid. The scalar volume can be loaded from a file using the -scalarfile option. The scalar values should be positive, and of the same data type as the input data. The scalar values are mapped to grey levels according to the range of the data. The contrast range can be modified with the -scalarrange option. The image is colored by the orientation of the PDs, or the mean orientation of the first two PDs in multi-fibre voxels. Turn off colors with -norgb. The default plane view is axial and the user may switch to sagittal or coronal by clicking the buttons at the top of the screen. Next to the plane selection buttons is the currently selected slice, with the zoomed area outlined in yellow. Click anywhere on this image to centre the zoomed area. The main window shows the zoomed area in larger detail. The principal directions in each voxel are drawn as lines. The default input data type is double. This program can be used to edit scheme files. To use this function you must specify the the scheme file you wish to edit using the -schemefile flag. This will enable the scheme file editor buttons. Although the controls allow you to edit your schemefile, they do not update the corresponding PDs (or diffusion tensors). If you modify a scheme file, you will need to recalculate the PDs or diffusion tensors for the changes to take effect. EXAMPLESRun dteig on a 128x128x60 tensor data set, and view the principal directions. dteig < subjectA.inv1.Bdouble | pdview -datadims 128 128 60 -inputmodel dteig Read data from the file subjectA.Inv1.eig.Bdouble and display principal directions in white matter. pdview -inputfile subjectA.Inv1.eig.Bdouble -datadims 128 128 60 -scalarthresh 0.15 -inputmodel dteig Display principal directions for a multi-tensor volume (see multitenfit(1)). dteig -inputmodel multitensor < subjectA.Inv32.Bdouble | pdview -datadims 128 128 60 -maxcomponents 2 -inputmodel dteig Display output of sfpeaks, but use a tensor FA map as scalar background. fa < subjectA.Inv1.Bdouble > subjectA.fa.Bdouble pdview -datadims 128 128 60 -inputmodel pds -scalarfile subjectA.fa.Bdouble < subjectA.sfpeaks.Bdouble Show Watson PICo pdfs picopdfs -pdf watson -luts watsonLUT -inputfile subjectA.inv1.Bdouble > watsonPDFs.Bdouble pdview -inputmodel pico -pdf watson -datadims 128 128 60 < watsonPDFs.Bdouble OPTIONS
AUTHORSPhilip Cook, Kiran Seunarine <camino@cs.ucl.ac.uk>SEE ALSOdteig(1), sfpeaks(1)BUGS
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