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MaskContent-type: text/html maskSection: User Commands (1)Index Return to Main Contents NAMEmask - Creates a background mask from a voxel-ordered DW data file by thresholding the average b=0 measurement.SYNOPSISmask [-schemefile <filename> -bgthresh <positive integer>]DESCRIPTIONReads a data file from the acquisition scheme specified in the schemefile. Thresholds the average b=0 measurement in each voxel and outputs one or zero indicating whether the average is above the threshold.EXAMPLESCreate a mask for data file SubjectA.Bfloat: mask -inputfile SubjectA.Bfloat -schemefile test/A.scheme -bgthresh 200 > SubjectA_M200.char or, equivalently, mask -schemefile test/A.scheme -bgthresh 200 < SubjectA.Bfloat> SubjectA_M200.char OPTIONS
AUTHORSDaniel Alexander <camino@cs.ucl.ac.uk>SEE ALSOtrd(1), dtpds(1), dtfit(1), twotenfit(1), threetenfit(1), modelfit(1).BUGSRequires the acquisition to have at least one b=0 measurement. However, you can cheat and create a dummy scheme file with low b measurements set to zero if necessary. Works fine.
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