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EstimatesnrContent-type: text/html estimatesnrSection: User Commands (1)Index Return to Main Contents NAMEestimatesnr - Estimates the signal to noise ratio in b=0 images.SYNOPSISestimatesnr -bgmask <mask> -schemefile <file> [-noiseroi <roi>]DESCRIPTIONThis program estimates the noise variance and the signal to noise ratio in a given ROI, for the b=0 data for a given scan. The traditional method for estimating the noise is to sample two ROIs, one in brain white matter, and one in the background. Assuming that the background signal contained only noise, we can estimate the noise standard deviation as
where the constant scaling corrects for the Rician distribution of the noise, giving us the standard deviation sigma of the original signal. To synthesize data with the same noise conditions, we would take the true signal S_0 and calculate
where N(0, sigma) is a random sample drawn from normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation sigma. The two-ROI approach is only valid when the signal in the background follows the distribution
however, this is often not the case. Dietrich et al [JMRI 26:376-385 (2007)] showed the shortcomings of this approach and evaluated better ways to estimate the noise variance without using a background region. ALTERNATIVES TO THE TWO-ROI APPROACHThe first method requires two b=0 images. We call this method sigma_diff, because it uses the difference between the two images. If S_{i1} is the signal in voxel i, image 1, and S_{i2} is the signal from the same voxel in image 2, and there are N voxels in the ROI, then
The SNR is the mean signal in the ROI divided by sigma_diff, ie
The second method requires multiple b=0 images, and defines sigma_mult as the standard deviation of the signal over the ROI, across all K b=0 images. Again, let i be a voxel index, then
And finally SNR is
If there are two or more b=0 images, both snr_diff and snr_mult will both be computed. The more b=0 images there are, the better the estimate via sigma_mult, but sigma_diff only ever uses the first two b=0 images. USES OF NOISE VARIANCE IN CAMINOThe noise variance, or the signal to noise ratio (SNR) in white matter, is used in several Camino programs, such as: picopdfs - the SNR is required to evaluate the uncertainty in principal directions. restore - the noise standard deviation is required to do the fitting. However, the RESTORE method contains other parameters which have the same effect as altering the estimate of sigma. Thus you should consider sigma as a starting point for the RESTORE algorithm. mbalign - this program uses RESTORE, see above. EXAMPLESData exists in a voxel-ordered file, A.Bfloat. A white-matter region WM_ROI.hdr is drawn by hand.
Now we compute the same thing, only we use BG_ROI.hdr, which is simply WM_ROI.hdr translated such that the non-zero voxels are all in the background region of the image.
Start from data in a 4D Analyze file
AUTHORSPhilip Cook <camino@cs.ucl.ac.uk>SEE ALSOpicopdfs(1), restore(1), mbalign(1), datasynth(1), addnoise(1), analyze2voxel(1)BUGS
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