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Section: User Commands (1)
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dtlutgen - Generates a PICo lookup table (LUT) or tables.



dtlutgen -[l|f]range <min> <max> -step <step> -snr <value> -schemefile <file> [options]



PICo tractogaphy requires a look-up table that maps FA of the diffusion tensor to the uncertainty in fibre orientation estimate. This command is used to construct this look-up table. The lookup table contains the parameters of the PICo PDFs given a set of imaging parameters and noise conditions. For each entry in the lookup table, the generator synthesizes sets of MRI measurements from a Gaussian model, at the specified snr, performs the inversion, extracts the principal directions and fits the parameters of the PDF (see modelfit(1)). The range of the LUT is specified by the user. For single tensor LUTs, the indices of the LUT are the ratios of the first and second eigenvalues L1 and L2 to the third eigenvalue L3. For two-tensor LUTs, the tensors are always axisymmetric, and the indices are fractional anisotropy.

Two tensor LUTs are calculated with a fixed angle between the two tensors. This is to allow parallelization of the LUT generation. LUTs can be calculated at fixed intervals over a range of angles and combined with combinetwofibreluts.

The lookup table is specific to the imaging scheme, inversion and SNR specified to this program. The units of the b-values in the scheme file should agree with those of the diffusion tensors used in the simulations. By default, this is SI units (diffusivity is in m^2 / s). You can modify the trace of the tensors with the -trace option. For example, if your b-values are in s/mm^2, a typical diffusion tensor in brain parenchyma will have a trace of approximately 2.1 x 10^{-3}.

Three models of the PICo fibre-orientation PDF are supported. The Watson PDF has circular contours on the sphere and is a good model of noise-based uncertainty for cylindrically symmetric diffusion tensors. The Bingham PDF has elliptical contours on the sphere, and is more suitable for non cylindrically-symmetric tensors. The Angular Central Gaussian PDF also has elliptical contours, and is suitable for very noisy data with low concentration. We recommend the Bingham model for general use. This is the default if no PDF is specified.

If one PDF is specified on the command line, the output of dtlutgen is a single LUT which is sent to stdout, or the file specified by -outputfile. If no PDF is specified, the default is bingham. If multiple PDFs are required, they can be computed simultaneously by specifying more than one PDF on the command line. This saves time compared to computing the LUTs separately, because the synthetic data is only generated once.

The output is a binary file containing a header and all the LUT entries. The header contains the dimensions of the LUT, the step sizes, and the number of values at each entry in the LUT. The header size is 80 bytes.

Two-tensor LUTs are computed with a single crossing angle between the two tensors. LUTs with a range of crossing angles can be computed serially or in parallel and combined with combinetwofibreluts. The LUTs are interpolated, so an angular resolution of 10 degrees should be sufficient. With 60 measurements and an SNR of 16, our experience suggests that two tensor fitting is not reliable when the crossing angle is less than 45 degrees.



Generate a LUT for the Bingham distribution, over the range L1 / L3 = 1 to 15. This is a sensible default for single tensor PICo. We use the default sample size (2000) and inversion (1).

dtlutgen -lrange 1 15 -step 0.2 -snr 16 -schemefile A.scheme > Ascheme_bingham_snr16_inv1.Bdouble

Generate LUTs over a range of anisotropy, from L1 / L3 = 1 to L1 / L3 = 10. Produces luts for the ACG, Bingham, and Watson distribution called oneTensor_Ascheme_{acg, bingham, watson}_snr16_inv1.Bdouble

dtlutgen -lrange 1 10 -step 0.1 -samples 5000 -snr 16 -schemefile A.scheme -inversion 1 {-watson|-acg|-bingham} -outputroot oneTensor_Ascheme_

Generate a two-Bingham LUT over a range of anisotropy, from FA = 0.3 to FA = 0.9. This is a sensible range for SNR 16, tensors with FA less than about 0.3 are not resolved reliably.

dtlutgen -frange 0.3 0.9 -step 0.05 -samples 2000 -snr 16 -schemefile A.scheme -inversion 22 -cross 90 > twoBingham_Ascheme_snr16_inv22_90.Bdouble



-lrange <lMin lMax>
Index to one-tensor LUTs. This is the ratio L1/L3 and L2 / L3. The LUT is square, with half the values calculated (because L2 / L3 cannot be less than L1 / L3 by definition). The minimum must be >= 1. For comparison, a ratio L1 / L3 = 10 with L2 / L3 = 1 corresponds to an FA of 0.891, and L1 / L3 = 15 with L2 / L3 = 1 corresponds to an FA of 0.929. The default range is 1 to 10.

-frange <fMin fMax>
Index to two-tensor LUTs. This is the fractional anisotropy of the two tensors. The default is 0.3 to 0.94

-step <size>
Distance between points in the LUT. For example, if lrange is 1 to 10 and the step is 0.1, LUT entries will be computed at L1 / L3 = 1, 1.1, 1.2 ... 10.0 and at L2 / L3 = 1.0, 1.1 ... L1 / L3. For single tensor LUTs, the default step is 0.2, for two-tensor LUTs it is 0.02.

-samples <number>
The number of synthetic measurements to generate at each point in the LUT. The default is 2000.

-snr <value>
The signal to noise ratio of the unweighted (q = 0) measurements. This should match the SNR (in white matter) of the images that the LUTs are used with.

-inversion <value>
Index of the inversion to use. See modelfit(1). The default is 1 (linear single tensor inversion).

-schemefile <file>
The scheme file of the images to be processed using this LUT.

-trace <value>
Trace of the diffusion tensor(s) used in the test function in the LUT generation. The default is 2100E-12 m^2 s^-1.

Compute a LUT for the ACG PDF.

Compute a LUT for the Bingham PDF. This is the default.

Compute a LUT for the Watson PDF.

-outputroot <string>
Prepended onto output file names if multiple luts are selected. If only one LUT is being computed, this option is ignored and output is sent to stdout or the file specified with the -outputfile option.



-cross <angle>
The angle in degrees between the principal directions of the two tensors.

-prop <f>
The mixing proportion of the two test functions G1 and G2. The synthetic signal is A(q) = f * G1(q) + (1-f) * G2(q). Default is 0.5.



Philip Cook <>



combinetwofibreluts(1), modelfit(1)






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