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Installing Camino: Windows

System requirements
In order to run Camino you will need:

  • Windows XP or Vista.
  • Java 5 JDK or later. Note that you need the JDK in addition to the JRE.
  • Cygwin.

Step 1: Installing Java and Setup

  • Download and install the Java Development Kit (JDK) from Sun.
  • Once you have installed the JDK, add Java to your Windows path.
For Windows XP, this is accomplished as follows:
1) From the desktop, click the Start Button, right-click on "My Computer" and click on "Properties".
2) In the "System Properties" window that appears, select the "Advanced" tab.
3) Click the "Environment variables" button.
4) Highlight the "Path" variable in "System Variables" and click the "edit" button.
5) If the path to your Java SDK is not in the list, add the full path to the end of the list, using a semi-colon to separate it from the previous entry. Typically, the path will be similar to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_05\bin
For Windows Vista:
1) Click the Start Button, right-click on "Computer" and click on "Properties".
2) In the "System Properties" window that appears, click "Advanced system settings" on the left hand side.
3) Click the "Environment variables" button.
4) Highlight the "Path" variable in "System Variables" and click the "edit" button.
5) If the path to your Java SDK is not in the list, add the full path to the end of the list, using a semi-colon to separate it from the previous entry. Typically, the path will be similar to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_05\bin
  • To check that the necessary Java tools are correctly installed, run from a command prompt the following commands:
    javac -version
    java -version
The javac command should output a version number and possibly some usage information. The java command should output version information that looks like:
java version "1.5.0_13" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_13-b05-241) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_13-121, mixed mode, sharing)
Sun have used different numbering systems over the years, so if you have JDK 5, the version information in the code will be "1.5.0", and if you have JDK 6 you'll see "1.6.0". If you have one of the updates to a particular JDK you'll see something like "1.5.0_13". Camino works with JDK 5 or later so any version after 1.5.0 may be used.

Step 2: Installing Cygwin and Setup
Although the individual components of Camino will run from a command line under Windows, in order to get the most out of Camino it is necessary to have a Unix-like shell environment that allows data pipes and redirection. Without these facilities, it is extremely difficult to use Camino in the way it was designed.

Fortunately, it is easy to install Camino under windows with Cygwin. This section explains the procedure step-by-step.

  • Download the Cygwin installer from the Cygwin website and run the installer.
  • During installation you will be asked which packages you would like to install with Cygwin. By default, the installer may not install some of the packages Camino requires. You will need the following packages to run Camino:
    • bzip2 (in Utils) -- to unpack the archive
    • tar (in Base) -- extract files from the uncompacted archive
    • make (in Devel) -- to build the toolkit
    • man (in System) -- to read the manual pages provided
  • Once installed, run Cygwin for the first time; in the directory C:\cygwin it will create a directory called home. Inside this directory will be a sub-directory with the name of the current user (e.g. C:\cygwin\home\yourname). You may encounter problems later on if there are spaces in the directory names. If your Windows user name has a space in it (e.g. C:\cygwin\home\Tobias Funke), we would recommend creating another sub-directory in home without spaces (e.g. C:\cygwin\home\TobiasFunke).
  • For instructions on how to install geomview under Windows and Cygwin, click here (SaVi is not required). This step is not required for basic setup of Camino.

Step 3: Installing and Compiling Camino
You may obtain the source code by downloading an archive from the site or by checking out the code via subversion. Please see the main Camino page? for details of the subversion repository. If you have a downloaded archive, the file name will contain the exact version that you downloaded, eg camino_v2_325.tar.bz2. Unpack the code with the commands:

bunzip2 camino_v2_325.tar.bz2
tar xvf camino_v2_325.tar

replacing the version numbering with whichever version you have. The version information is stored in camino/version_info.txt - please include this information if you contact us for help.

To compile the toolkit, type

cd camino

after this is completed, Camino is ready to use.

Many thanks to Jonathan Ashmore for his helpful comments in creating this guide.

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Page last modified on November 30, 2009, at 03:35 PM