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Installing Camino: Linux/Unix

System requirements
In order to run Camino you will need:

  • A bash-like shell environment
  • The bzip2 compression tools (or GZip if you downloaded that version).
  • The GNU make command.
  • The man command.
  • Java 5 JDK or later. Note that you need the JDK in addition to the JRE. Camino does not work with the current GNU Java compiler.

Step 1: Installing Java and Setup
Many Linux distributions have a package management system that will do the installation for you without going to the Sun site. To download Java yourself, go to Sun and download JDK 6. You'll be given a choice of an RPM or a self-extracting binary to download. The site also has Instructions for unpacking the distribution. After installation, you may need to add Java to your PATH, so that you can call javac and java. The method for doing this is slightly different for different shells. Type

echo $SHELL

into a terminal. If your shell is bash, open the file $HOME/.bashrc in a text editor and add

export PATH=/path/to/java/bin:$PATH

where /path/to/java/bin is the directory containing javac, java and the other JDK commands. If your shell is csh/tcsh, edit $HOME/.cshrc or $HOME/.tshrc and add

setenv PATH /path/to/java/bin:$PATH

Step 2: Install and compile Camino
You may obtain the source code by downloading an archive from the site or by checking out the code via subversion. Please see the main Camino page for details of the subversion repository. If you have a downloaded archive, the file name will contain the exact version that you downloaded, eg camino_v2_325.tar.bz2. Unpack the code with the commands:

bunzip camino_v2_325.tar.bz2
tar xvf camino_v2_325.tar

replacing the version numbering with whichever version you have. The version information is stored in camino/version_info.txt - please include this information if you contact us for help.

To compile the toolkit, type

cd camino

after this is completed, Camino is ready to use.

Step 3: Add Camino binaries and man pages to the path
Bash users should add

export MANPATH=/home/user/camino/man:$MANPATH
export PATH=/home/user/camino/bin:$PATH

to the end of the $HOME/.bashrc file. For csh/tcsh shells, edit $HOME/.cshrc or $HOME/.tshrc and add

setenv PATH /home/user/camino/bin:$PATH
setenv MANPATH /home/user/camino/bin:$PATH

The above examples assume Camino is installed in /home/user/camino, you should substitute the directory where Camino is installed.

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Page last modified on February 09, 2010, at 11:49 PM