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This is the old Camino website, please visit our new page to download the code and get the latest documentation.



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Main.Development History

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May 23, 2011, at 05:37 PM by -
Changed lines 43-44 from:

Browse for the file you want to upload and click Upload. Note that is should appear in the directory /cs/research/medic/common0/paramedic/www/htdocs/camino/pmwiki/uploads; you may have to give this write permission: chmod 777 /cs/research/medic/common0/paramedic/www/htdocs/camino/pmwiki/uploads, and for security reset the permission afterwards: chmod 755 /cs/research/medic/common0/paramedic/www/htdocs/camino/pmwiki/uploads.

To link to the file in your tutorial, use the syntax:

[[(Attach:)ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1 | ActiveAxG140_PM.scheme1]]

or to display an image:


May 23, 2011, at 05:09 PM by -
Added lines 38-43:

To add files or images to the tutorial, the easiest way is to upload them through the wiki. Add ?action=upload to the end of the page you want to add the file or image to, eg:

May 10, 2011, at 04:10 PM by -
May 10, 2011, at 04:09 PM by -
Changed lines 31-32 from:


Changed line 35 from:


May 10, 2011, at 04:07 PM by -
Added lines 25-37:

Tutorials and website

To add a new tutorial to the website, you need first off all to log in to the wiki with the edit username and password. Email the camino developers list if you don't have it. To create a new tutorial, copy the URL from an existing tutorial, eg:

and change the name (last part of the URL after the last ".") to something appropriate, for example:

The wiki will tell you that page doesn't exist, but ask if you want to create it. Say yes and you can add content.

April 28, 2011, at 10:39 PM by pcook -
Changed lines 69-70 from:
  • Nifti support
  • Nifti support
  • XML VTK support
April 14, 2011, at 04:55 PM by pcook -
Changed lines 13-14 from:

The man pages live in man/man1, and are written in NROFF format.

Changed lines 22-24 from:

Each Camino command is accompanied by a man page. Some commands output usage if run without arguments - this inconsistency needs to be fixed.


Each Camino command is accompanied by a man page. The man pages live in man/man1, and are written in NROFF format.

Some commands output usage if run without arguments - this inconsistency needs to be fixed.

April 13, 2011, at 04:04 PM by pcook -
Changed lines 9-10 from:

The Camino code is written in Java, and organized into packages. The user-accessible executables live in the camino/bin/ directory.


The Camino code is written in Java, and organized into packages by theme.

The user-accessible executables (mostly bash shell scripts) live in the camino/bin/ directory.

The man pages live in man/man1, and are written in NROFF format.

March 30, 2011, at 07:15 PM by pcook -
Changed lines 7-11 from:
  See also: 

The Camino code is written in Java, and organized into packages.

  See also: Camino Code Organization

The Camino code is written in Java, and organized into packages. The user-accessible executables live in the camino/bin/ directory.

Changed line 32 from:
 See also: 
 See also: Camino Tests
March 29, 2011, at 07:49 PM by pcook -
Deleted lines 7-8:
March 29, 2011, at 07:48 PM by pcook -
Added lines 8-9:
March 29, 2011, at 07:46 PM by pcook -
Changed line 7 from:
  See also: 
  See also: 
March 29, 2011, at 07:46 PM by -
Changed lines 7-8 from:
  See also: 
  See also: 
Changed line 32 from:
 See also: 
 See also: 
March 29, 2011, at 07:45 PM by -
Changed lines 5-8 from:

Developer overview

The Camino code is written in Java, and organized into packages. You can build the Javadoc documentation with


Camino code organization

  See also: 

The Camino code is written in Java, and organized into packages.


You can build the Javadoc documentation with

Changed lines 25-27 from:

Information on Camino file formats may be found here. The file formats are also documented in the man page of the various programs.

  See also: Camino File Formats

The file formats are documented in the man page of the various programs. Generally, output is raw binary, voxel-ordered data, without headers or file name dependence, to facilitate streaming and parallelization. Conversion to standard file formats (VTK, NIfTI, etc) is provided through specific converter programs.

Added lines 31-32:
 See also: 
February 08, 2011, at 12:27 AM by pcook -
Changed lines 7-9 from:

Basic overview of the code structure, how to do simple things like change command line defaults.


The Camino code is written in Java, and organized into packages. You can build the Javadoc documentation with

make docs

The executables in the camino/bin directory are bash shell scripts. Usually these are just wrappers for a single Java application, sometimes (eg analyzedti) they wrap more complex functionality.

Each Camino command is accompanied by a man page. Some commands output usage if run without arguments - this inconsistency needs to be fixed.

Changed lines 36-37 from:

Application tests

The application tests are in the file camino/test/ScriptTest. It basically runs various Camino commands and outputs results as text to stdout, or diffs against a known result. This makes it easy to write tests but makes the results machine dependent. The main purpose of these tests is for regression testing - making sure that new features don't alter existing results unexpectedly.

Because of the machine dependence of the results, it's necessary to generate results on a clean copy of the code before making local modifications. To do this, cd to camino/ and run

test/ScriptTest > ScriptTest.out.mymachine

Then make your changes and run ScriptTest again, capturing stdout to a new file as above. Then diff the output from your modified code against ScriptTest.out.mymachine.

Added line 50:
  • Tractography tests check image similarity between threshold rather than reporting diffs
Changed lines 54-56 from:
  • Nifti support
February 03, 2011, at 07:07 PM by pcook -
Changed lines 25-26 from:

You can test particular packages by specifying the package name as an option, eg

./ -numerics
Added line 37:
  • Complete Matlab interface
February 03, 2011, at 12:48 AM by pcook -
Changed line 23 from:
February 03, 2011, at 12:46 AM by pcook -
Changed lines 21-24 from:

The unit tests are written in the JUnit test framework. They are not compiled by default, compile them using the makefile in camino/test. Then execute ./


The unit tests are written in the JUnit test framework. They are not compiled by default, compile them using the makefile in camino/test. Then execute

February 03, 2011, at 12:45 AM by pcook -
Changed lines 17-19 from:

Test information goes here.


There are two levels of testing, unit tests for individual classes and methods inside the code, and application tests that are calls to the Camino commands. All of these tests live in the camino/test directory.

Unit tests

The unit tests are written in the JUnit test framework. They are not compiled by default, compile them using the makefile in camino/test. Then execute ./

Changed lines 27-30 from:
  • Consistent command line interface
  • Consistent command line interface - usage, command args
  • More tractography options
November 23, 2010, at 10:22 PM by pcook -
Added lines 1-24:

Camino Development

This page contains information for anyone looking to develop Camino, either for their own use or by contributing to the main code base.

Developer overview

Basic overview of the code structure, how to do simple things like change command line defaults.

File formats

Information on Camino file formats may be found here. The file formats are also documented in the man page of the various programs.


Test information goes here.

Wish list for Camino V3

  • Tests that work consistently across platforms
  • Consistent command line interface
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Page last modified on May 23, 2011, at 05:37 PM