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March 30, 2010, at 05:33 PM by cookpa -
Changed lines 16-17 from:
[[ | CAMINO-TRACKVIS]]: Tool for importing Camino streamlines into the TrackVis program.
[[ | CAMINO-TRACKVIS]]: Tool for importing Camino streamlines into the TrackVis program.\\
[[ | Connectome Viewer]: Software application for the visualization and analysis of structural neuroimaging data. Reads TrackVis fibre format.
March 30, 2010, at 04:11 PM by cookpa -
Changed lines 15-16 from:
[[ | Paraview ]]: VTK-based visualization software.
[[ | Paraview ]]: VTK-based visualization software. \\
[[ | CAMINO-TRACKVIS]]: Tool for importing Camino streamlines into the TrackVis program.
March 22, 2010, at 03:12 PM by cookpa -
Added lines 25-28:

[[ | Convert3D]] A command line image manipulation tool from Paul Yushkevich, the author of ITK SNAP. The c3d tool offers a reverse-polish stack calculator environment for 3D image operations.

February 10, 2010, at 12:33 AM by cookpa -
Changed lines 3-4 from:
!! General Utilities
!!! General Utilities
Changed lines 12-13 from:
!! Visualization
!!! Visualization
Changed line 18 from:
!! Medical imaging software
!!! Medical imaging software
February 10, 2010, at 12:33 AM by cookpa -
Added lines 2-4:

!! General Utilities
Deleted lines 7-9:
[[ | Geomview]]: Unix-based 3D viewing program. \\
[[ | MRIcro]]: Medical image viewer which can display Analyze [SPM], DICOM, Elscint, Genesis, Magnetom, Somatom, VFF and NEMA format images. Available for Windows, Linux and Solaris. \\
[[ | ITK SNAP]]: Image viewer and segmentation tool, which allows manual and semi-automated definition of regions of interest. Reads and writes several formats, including Analyze. \\
Changed lines 9-25 from:
[[ | TortoiseSVN]]: A Subversion client, implemented as a windows shell extension. You can use it to download the latest revision of Camino.
[[ | TortoiseSVN]]: A Subversion client, implemented as a windows shell extension. You can use it to download the latest revision of Camino.

!! Visualization

[[ | Geomview]]: Unix-based 3D viewing program. \\
[[ | Paraview ]]: VTK-based visualization software.

!! Medical imaging software

[[ | MRIcro]]: Now deprecated but still handy medical image viewer which can display Analyze [SPM], DICOM, Elscint, Genesis, Magnetom, Somatom, VFF and NEMA format images. Available for Windows, Linux and Solaris. \\

[[ | MRIcron]]: Updated version of MRIcro, includes the @@dcm2nii@@ tool for converting DICOM data to NIfTI format.

[[ | ITK SNAP]]: Image viewer and segmentation tool, which allows manual and semi-automated definition of regions of interest. Reads and writes several formats, including NIfTI. Useful for defining multi-label ROIs for Camino tractography. SNAP can also load RGB images like those produced by @@rgbscalarimg@@. \\
July 29, 2009, at 03:00 AM by shahrum -
Added lines 1-8:
[[ | Java]]: You'll need this to run Camino. Available for multiple formats. You need the java SDK, not the JRE. \\
[[ | bzip2]]: Data compressor, available for multiple formats. A Windows-based version is also available [[ | here]]. \\
[[ | tar]]: GNU tar homepage. \\
[[ | Geomview]]: Unix-based 3D viewing program. \\
[[ | MRIcro]]: Medical image viewer which can display Analyze [SPM], DICOM, Elscint, Genesis, Magnetom, Somatom, VFF and NEMA format images. Available for Windows, Linux and Solaris. \\
[[ | ITK SNAP]]: Image viewer and segmentation tool, which allows manual and semi-automated definition of regions of interest. Reads and writes several formats, including Analyze. \\
[[ | Cygwin]]: A UNIX-like shell environment for windows that will allow the use of pipes and redirection making Camino as flexible as possible \\
[[ | TortoiseSVN]]: A Subversion client, implemented as a windows shell extension. You can use it to download the latest revision of Camino.
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Page last modified on March 30, 2010, at 05:33 PM