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Installing Camino: Mac OS X

Main.InstallMac History

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February 09, 2010, at 11:47 PM by cookpa -
Changed line 7 from:
The installation procedure is the same on Mac OS X as for Linux, except for the Java installation. Java is usually installed by default. After installing Java, open the Terminal application or an xterm, and follow the instructions for [[InstallUnix | Linux/Unix]] from Step 2 onwards.
The installation procedure is the same on Mac OS X as for Linux, except for the Java installation. We recommend that you install XCode, then follow the instructions for [[InstallUnix | Linux/Unix]] from Step 2 onwards.
February 09, 2010, at 11:46 PM by cookpa -
Changed lines 5-7 from:
* OS X 10.4.5 or higher. Mac OS X versions prior to Tiger (10.4) do not have a Sun JDK 5 binary available, and hence cannot run Camino.

* OS X 10.5 or higher.
Changed lines 9-12 from:
'+Step 1: Install Java+'\\
Camino requires Mac OS X version 10.4.5 or later. To find your OS X version, click the apple in the top left corner of the screen and select "About This Mac". If you have this version or later, you can download Java from [[ | Apple]]. If you have 10.4.0-4, you need to upgrade your system. Java will be installed into @@/usr/bin@@, which is on the default path.

If you are missing any of the necessary Unix commands, you can get them via [[ | Xcode]] or [[ | Fink]] or [[ | Mac Ports]].
'+Step 1: Install XCode+'\\
Installing [[ | Xcode]] will give you several useful tools including Java, Subversion, Make and X11. If you have an OS X disk you can install XCode from there, otherwise get it from [[ | Apple]].

Other handy Unix packages for the Mac can be obtained using [[ | Mac Ports]].
February 09, 2010, at 11:36 PM by cookpa -
Changed line 13 from:
If you are missing any of the necessary Unix commands, you can get them via [[ | Xcode]] or [[ | Fink]] or [[ | Darwin Ports]].
If you are missing any of the necessary Unix commands, you can get them via [[ | Xcode]] or [[ | Fink]] or [[ | Mac Ports]].
November 30, 2009, at 03:36 PM by shahrum - added title
Changed line 1 from:
!! Installing Camino: Mac OS X
(:Title Installing Camino: Mac OS X:)
October 29, 2009, at 09:46 AM by shahrum -
Added lines 1-13:
!! Installing Camino: Mac OS X

'+System requirements+'\\
In order to run Camino you will need:
* OS X 10.4.5 or higher. Mac OS X versions prior to Tiger (10.4) do not have a Sun JDK 5 binary available, and hence cannot run Camino.

The installation procedure is the same on Mac OS X as for Linux, except for the Java installation. Java is usually installed by default. After installing Java, open the Terminal application or an xterm, and follow the instructions for [[InstallUnix | Linux/Unix]] from Step 2 onwards.

'+Step 1: Install Java+'\\
Camino requires Mac OS X version 10.4.5 or later. To find your OS X version, click the apple in the top left corner of the screen and select "About This Mac". If you have this version or later, you can download Java from [[ | Apple]]. If you have 10.4.0-4, you need to upgrade your system. Java will be installed into @@/usr/bin@@, which is on the default path.

If you are missing any of the necessary Unix commands, you can get them via [[ | Xcode]] or [[ | Fink]] or [[ | Darwin Ports]].
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Page last modified on February 09, 2010, at 11:47 PM