From David Barber

Brml: Software

BRMLtoolbox (matlab)

The software is available under a GNU license. This license does not apply to the book.

The software can be unzipped with 7zip.

There is object oriented code here BRMLtoolkit in package form.

Make sure to run setup.m first

See Contents.m for a brief description of the contents of the toolbox.

The documentation is limited at the moment but it should hopefully be clear how to use it based on the demos.


I'm slowly moving towards adopting Julia as my main technical computing language. It's early days but you might like to take a peek at some very early code:

I'm very much new to Julia so things are implemented in probably a very poor way and liable to drastic change. There's no documentation at the moment but it should be largely self explanatory from the few available demos. Feedback would be welcome.

Older (non-OO code):


Make sure to run setup.m first

See Contents.m for a brief description of the contents of the toolbox.

Apart from issues with some plotting routines, the code works with up to date versions of the free matlab clone Octave.

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Page last modified on August 16, 2017, at 11:12 AM