1.0.2 (r.539)
Forward and inverse modelling in optical tomography
This is the complete list of members for Triangle3D6, including all inherited members.
a0 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
a1 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
a2 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
b0 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
b1 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
b2 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
bbmax (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | protected |
bbmin (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | protected |
Bisect(Mesh *mesh, int side, int newnode, Element *nbr1, Element *nbr2, Element *el1, Element *el2) (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
bndel (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
BndIntF() const | Element | inlinevirtual |
BndIntFCos(int side, const Surface *surf, const RVector &cntcos, double sigma, double sup, const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | virtual |
BndIntFCos(int side, const RVector &cntcos, double a, const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | virtual |
BndIntFDelta(int side, const Surface *surf, const RVector &pos, const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | virtual |
BndIntFF() const | Element_Unstructured | inlinevirtual |
BndIntFF(int i, int j) | Element_Unstructured | inlinevirtual |
BndIntFFSide(int i, int j, int sd) | Triangle6 | virtual |
BndIntFSide(int i, int sd) | Triangle6 | virtual |
BndIntFX(int side, double(*func)(const Point &), const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Element) | Element | virtual |
BndIntPFF(const RVector &P) const | Triangle6 | inlinevirtual |
BndIntPFF(int i, int j, const RVector &P) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
bndside (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
BndSideList(const NodeList &nlist, int *list) | Element | virtual |
c0 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
c1 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
c2 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
ComputeBndIntFF(const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protectedvirtual |
ComputeIntDD(const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protectedvirtual |
ComputeIntFD(const NodeList &nlist) (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
ComputeSize(const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protectedvirtual |
Copy() | Triangle6 | virtual |
DetJ(const Point &loc, const NodeList *nlist=0) const | Element | inlinevirtual |
Dimension(void) const | Triangle3D6 | inlinevirtual |
DirectionCosine(int side, RDenseMatrix &jacin) | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
DThermalExpansionVector(double E, double nu) (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
ElasticityStiffnessMatrix(const RDenseMatrix &D) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
ElasticityStiffnessMatrix(double E, double nu) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
ElasticStrainDisplacement(const RVector &loc, const RDenseMatrix &gder) const (defined in Element) | Element | |
Element() | Element | |
Element(const Element &el) | Element | |
Element_Unstructured() (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | inline |
Element_Unstructured(const Element_Unstructured &el) (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | inline |
Element_Unstructured_2D() (defined in Element_Unstructured_2D) | Element_Unstructured_2D | inline |
Element_Unstructured_2D(const Element_Unstructured_2D &el) (defined in Element_Unstructured_2D) | Element_Unstructured_2D | inline |
Elgeom(const NodeList &nlist) const | Element | virtual |
FTAMat() const (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
GContains(const Point &glob, const NodeList &nlist) const | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
GetBndSubsampleAbsc(int side, const Point *&absc) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
GetBndSubsampleFD(int side, int &n, double *&wght, Point *&absc, RVector *&F, RDenseMatrix *&D, const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Element) | Element | |
GetCaps() const | Triangle6 | inlinevirtual |
GetLocalSubsampleAbsc(const Point *&absc) const (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | virtual |
GetSubsampleFD(int &n, double *&wght, Point *&absc, RVector *&F, RDenseMatrix *&D, const NodeList &nlist) const (defined in Element) | Element | |
Global(const NodeList &nlist, const Point &loc) const | Element | |
GlobalIntersection(const NodeList &nlist, const Point &p1, const Point &p2, Point **list) (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
GlobalShapeD(const NodeList &nlist, const Point &glob) const | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
GlobalShapeF(const NodeList &nlist, const Point &glob) const | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
GlobaltoLocalMat() const (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | inlinevirtual |
HasBoundarySide() | Element | inline |
HasInterfaceSide() | Element | inline |
Initialise(const NodeList &nlist) | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
InitialStrainVector(double E, double nu, const RVector &e0) (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
InitNeighbourSupport() (defined in Element) | Element | |
InitSubdivisionSupport() (defined in Element) | Element | |
intbff (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | protected |
Intd(int i, int k) const | Element | inlinevirtual |
intdd (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | protected |
IntDD() const | Element_Unstructured | inlinevirtual |
IntDD(int i, int j) const | Element_Unstructured | inlinevirtual |
Intdd() const | Triangle6 | virtual |
interfaceel (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
Intersection(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, Point **pi) (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | inlinevirtual |
IntF(int i) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntFD(int i, int j) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntFd(int i, int j, int k) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
intfd_0 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
intfd_1 (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | protected |
IntFDD(int i, int j, int k) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntFdd(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m) const | Element | inlinevirtual |
IntFF() const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntFF(int i, int j) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntFfd(int i, int j, int k, int l) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
IntFFF(int i, int j, int k) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntPd(const RVector &P, int j, int k) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntPdd(const RVector &p, int j, int k, int l, int m) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
IntPDD(const RVector &P) const | Triangle6 | inlinevirtual |
IntPDD(int i, int j, const RVector &P) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntPfd(const RVector &p, int j, int k, int l) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
IntPFF(const RVector &P) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntPFF(int i, int j, const RVector &P) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
IntUnitSphereFF(const NodeList &nlist, const int i, const int j) const (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
IntUnitSphereP(const NodeList &nlist, const RVector &P) const (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
IntUnitSpherePFF(const NodeList &nlist, const int i, const int j, const RVector &P) const (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
IsBoundarySide(int side) | Element | inline |
IsNode(int node) | Element | virtual |
IsotropicElasticityMatrix(double E, double nu) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
IsSide(int nn, int *nd) | Element | |
IsSideNode(int side, int node) | Element | virtual |
LContains(const Point &loc, bool pad=true) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
LNormal(int side) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
Local(const NodeList &nlist, const Point &glob) const | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
LocalShapeD(const Point &loc) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
LocalShapeF(const Point &loc) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
LocaltoGlobalMat() const (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | inlinevirtual |
MapToSide(int side, Point &loc) const | Element | virtual |
MergeAndResplit(Mesh *mesh, int side, int newnode, Element *nbr1, Element *nbr2, Element *el1, Element *el2) (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
nNode() const | Triangle6 | inlinevirtual |
Node (defined in Element) | Element | |
NodeLocal(int node) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
nSide() const | Triangle6 | inlinevirtual |
nSideNode(int) const | Triangle6 | inlinevirtual |
operator=(const Element_Unstructured &el) (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | |
Element::operator=(const Element &el) | Element | |
PostInitialisation(const NodeList &nlist) | Element_Unstructured | virtual |
QuadRule(int order, const double **wght, const Point **absc) const | Element | inlinevirtual |
region (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
Region() const (defined in Element) | Element | inline |
sdnbhr (defined in Element) | Element | |
sdnbhridx (defined in Element) | Element | |
SetRegion(int nr) (defined in Element) | Element | inline |
SideCentre(int side) const | Element | virtual |
SideNeighbour(int side) const | Element | |
SideNeighbourIndex(int side) const | Element | |
SideNode(int side, int node) const | Triangle6 | virtual |
SideSize(int side, const NodeList &nlist) const | Element | inlinevirtual |
size (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | protected |
Size() const | Element_Unstructured | inlinevirtual |
SplitSide(Mesh *mesh, int side, int newnode, Element *nbr1, Element *nbr2, Element *el1, Element *el2) (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
StrainDisplacementMatrix(const Point &glob) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
subdivdata (defined in Element) | Element | |
Subdivide(Mesh *mesh) (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
SubdivisionLevel() const | Element | |
SurfToLocal(int side, const Point &p) const | Triangle3D6 | virtual |
ThermalExpansionVector(double E, double nu, double alpha, double dT) (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
Triangle3D6() (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | |
Triangle3D6(const Triangle3D6 &el) (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | |
Triangle6() (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | inline |
Triangle6(const Triangle6 &el) (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | |
Type() const | Triangle3D6 | inlinevirtual |
VtkType() const | Element | inlinevirtual |
~Element() | Element | virtual |
~Element_Unstructured() (defined in Element_Unstructured) | Element_Unstructured | inlinevirtual |
~Element_Unstructured_2D() (defined in Element_Unstructured_2D) | Element_Unstructured_2D | inlinevirtual |
~Triangle3D6() (defined in Triangle3D6) | Triangle3D6 | |
~Triangle6() (defined in Triangle6) | Triangle6 | inline |