| Point (int dim) |
| Point (const Point &p) |
| Point (const RVector &v) |
Point | operator= (const Point &p) |
Point | operator= (const RVector &v) |
double | Dist (const Point &p) const |
void | Rotate (const RDenseMatrix &rot, Point &rotpoint) const |
| TVector () |
| Constructor. Creates a vector of length 0.
| TVector (int dim) |
| Constructor. Create a vector of length 'dim' and zero all elements. More...
| TVector (int dim, const doubles) |
| Constructor. Creates a vector of length 'dim' and set all values to 's'. More...
| TVector (int dim, double *values, CopyMode cmode=DEEP_COPY) |
| Constructor. Create a vector of length 'dim' and initialise from 'values' array. More...
| TVector (int dim, const char *init) |
| Constructor. Create a vector of length 'dim' and initialise values from a text string. More...
| TVector (const TVector< double > &v) |
| Copy constructor. Create vector as copy of another vector. More...
| TVector (const TVector< double > &v, int ofs, int dim) |
| Reference constructor. Create a vector which shares its data block with vector v. More...
| ~TVector () |
| Destructor. Delete vector and deallocate data block.
int | Dim () const |
| Returns the size of the vector. More...
double & | operator[] (int i) const |
| Vector element access operator (read and write) More...
TVector & | operator= (const TVector &v) |
| Assignment operator. More...
TVector & | operator= (doubles) |
| Scalar assignment. All vector elements are set to 's'.
void | Copy (const TVector &v) |
| Vector copy. Replaces the vector with a copy of 'v'. More...
void | Copy (const TVector &v, int tofs, int sofs, int n) |
| Partial vector copy. Replaces the vector with a part of 'v'. More...
void | New (int dim) |
| Resize the vector. More...
void | Clear () |
| Zeroes all elements. More...
void | Relink (const TVector &v) |
| Link the vector to the data block of another vector. More...
void | Relink (const TVector &v, int ofs, int n) |
| Link the vector to part of the data block of another vector. More...
void | Relink (double *values, int dim) |
| Link vector to an external data array. More...
double * | data_buffer () |
| Direct access to vector data array. More...
const double * | data_buffer () const |
| Direct access to vector data array. More...
bool | Clip (doublevmin, doublevmax) |
| Truncate vector elements to specified range. More...
void | ShiftLeft (int n) |
| Move vector elements left. More...
void | ShiftRight (int n) |
| Move vector elements right. More...
TVector | operator+ (const TVector &v) const |
| Element-wise addition of vectors. More...
TVector | operator+ (const double &s) const |
| Element-wise addition with a scalar. More...
TVector | operator- (const TVector &v) const |
| Element-wise subtraction of vectors. More...
TVector | operator- (const double &s) const |
| Element-wise subtraction of a scalar. More...
TVector | operator- () const |
| Unary minus. More...
TVector | operator* (const TVector &v) const |
| Element-wise multiplication of vectors. More...
TVector | operator* (const double &s) const |
| Element-wise multiplication with a scalar. More...
TVector | operator/ (const TVector &v) const |
| Element-wise division of vectors. More...
TVector | operator/ (const double &s) const |
| Element-wise division by a scalar. More...
double | operator& (const TVector &v) const |
| Dot product of two vectors. More...
TVector & | operator+= (const TVector &v) |
| Element-wise addition/assignment of vectors. More...
TVector & | operator+= (const double &s) |
| Element-wise addition/assignment with a scalar. More...
TVector & | operator-= (const TVector &v) |
| Element-wise subtraction/assignment of vectors. More...
TVector & | operator-= (const double &s) |
| Element-wise subtraction/assignment of a scalar. More...
TVector & | operator*= (const TVector &v) |
| Element-wise multiplication/assignment of vectors. More...
TVector & | operator*= (const double &s) |
| Element-wise multiplication/assignment with a scalar. More...
TVector & | operator/= (const TVector &v) |
| Element-wise division/assignment of vectors. More...
TVector & | operator/= (const double &s) |
| Element-wise division/assignment of a scalar. More...
void | Read (std::istream &is, int start=0, int n=-1) |
| Read vector from stream. More...
void | ReadIndexed (std::istream &is, int n=-1) |
| Read indexed vector elements from stream. More...
void | Scan (const char *cbuf, int nmax=0) |
| Initialise vector elements from a string. More...