Jeremy Gow, George Buchanan, Ann Blandford, Claire Warwick & Jon Rimmer, User-Centred Requirements for Document Structure in the Humanities. (pdf)
George Buchanan, Jeremy Gow, Ann Blandford, Jon Rimmer & Claire Warwick (2007), Representing Aggregate Works in the Digital Library. In E. M. Rasmussen, R. R. Larson, E. Toms, S. Sugimoto (eds), ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2007, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 18-23, 2007, Proceedings, pp. 247-256. A considerably updated version of our ECDL poster. (pdf)
Ann Blandford, Jeremy Gow, George Buchanan, Claire Warwick & Jon Rimmer, Creators, Composers and Consumers: experiences of designing a digital library. To appear in Interact 2007 (pdf)
Ann Blandford, Anne Adams, Simon Attfield, George Buchanan, Jeremy Gow, Stephann Makri, Jon Rimmer & Claire Warwick (2007), The PRET A Rapporter Framework: evaluating Digital Libraries from the perspective of information work. To appear in Information Processing & Management.
Stephann Makri, Ann Blandford, Jeremy Gow, Jon Rimmer, Claire Warwick & George Buchanan (2007), A Library or Just Another Information Resource: A Case Study of Users' Mental Models of Traditional and Digital Libraries. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 58(3):433-445. (pdf)
George Buchanan, Jeremy Gow, Ann Blandford, Jon Rimmer & Claire Warwick (2006), Representing Aggregate Works in the Digital Library (Poster). In J. Gonzalo, C. Thanos, M. F. Verdejo & R. C. Carrasco, Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 10th European Conference, ECDL 2006, Alicante, Spain, September 17-22, 2006. Proceedings. LNCS 4172, pp. 532-535. Springer. (pdf)
Ann Blandford & Jeremy Gow (2006), Digital Libraries in the Context of Users' Broader Activities: JCDL 2006 Workshop Report. D-Lib Magazine, Volume 12(7/8), July/August 2006.
More co-authored publications on digital libraries can be found on the UCIS project page.
Harold Thimbleby & Jeremy Gow (2007), Applying Graph Theory to Interaction Design. To appear in Engineering Interactive Systems 2007. (draft pdf)
Jeremy Gow, Harold Thimbleby & Paul Cairns (2006), Automatic Critiques of Interface Modes. In S. W. Gilroy & M. D. Harrison (eds), Interactive Systems: 12th International Workshop, DSVIS 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, July 13-15, 2005, pp. 201-212. LNCS 3941,Springer. (pdf, ps, SpringerLink)
Jeremy Gow, Harold Thimbleby & Paul Cairns (2004), Misleading Behaviour in Interactive Systems. In A. Dearden & L. Watts (eds), Proceedings of HCI 2004: Design for Life, volume 2, pp. 9-12. Research Press International. (pdf)
Jeremy Gow & Harold Thimbleby (2004), MAUI: An Interface Design Tool Based On Matrix Algebra. In R. Jacob, Q. Limbourg & J. Vanderdonckt (eds), Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces IV (CADUI 2004), pp. 81-94. Kluwer. (ps.gz, pdf)
Harold Thimbleby & Jeremy Gow (2004), Computer Algebra in Interface Design Research. In Proc. 2004 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI`04), pp. 366-367. ACM Press. (ps.gz, pdf)
Jeremy Gow & Paul Cairns (2007), Closing the Gap Between Formal and Digital Libraries of Mathematics. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 10(23):249-263 (pdf)
Paul Cairns & Jeremy Gow (2007), Integrating Searching and Authoring in Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning 39(2):141-160 (pdf)
Jeremy Gow & Paul Cairns (2007), A digital library based on Mizar. In Fourteenth Workshop on Automated Reasoning (ARW 2007), Imperial College, London. (pdf)
Paul Cairns & Jeremy Gow (2006), Literate Proving: Presenting and Documenting Formal Proofs. In M. Kohlhase (ed.), Mathematical Knowledge Management, Fourth International Conference, MKM 2005. Springer, 2006. (ps.gz, pdf, SpringerLink)
Paul Cairns & Jeremy Gow (2004), Using and Parsing the Mizar Language. Proceedings of the Mathematical Knowledge Management Symposium 2003, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 93: 60-69. (ps.gz, pdf)
Paul Cairns, Jeremy Gow & Peter Collins (2003), On Dynamically Presenting a Topology Course. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 38: 91-104. (ps.gz, pdf)
Paul Cairns & Jeremy Gow (2003), A Theoretical Analysis of Hierarchical Proofs. In A. Asperti, B. Buchberger & J. H. Davenport (eds), Mathematical Knowledge Management, Second International Conference, MKM 2003, pp. 175-187. Springer, LNCS 2594. (ps.gz, pdf)
Paul Cairns & Jeremy Gow (2002), Automated Deduction Systems for Real Mathematicians. In Second Workshop on the Role of Automated Deduction in Mathematics (RADM 2002), Copenhagen, Denmark. CADE-18 workshop. (ps.gz, pdf)
Paul Cairns & Jeremy Gow (2001), Interactive Presentations of Mathematics: A Position Paper. In Eighth Workshop on Automated Reasoning (ARW 2001), York, UK. AISB'01 workshop.
Louise Dennis, Jeremy Gow & Carsten Shürmann (2007), Challenge Problems for Inductive Theorem Provers v1.0. University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report, ULCS-007-004. (pdf)
Alan Bundy, Lucas Dixon, Jeremy Gow & Jacques Fleuriot (2006), Constructing Induction Rules for Deductive Synthesis Proofs. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Constructive Logic for Automated Software Engineering (CLASE 2005), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 153(1): 3-21. (pdf)
Jeremy Gow (2004), The Dynamic Creation of Induction Rules Using Proof Planning. PhD thesis, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. (ps.gz, pdf, UoE archive)
Jeremy Gow, Alan Bundy & Ian Green (1999), Extensions to the Estimation Calculus. In H. Ganzinger, D. McAllester & A. Voronkov (eds), Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, 6th International Conference, LPAR'99, pp. 258-272. Springer, LNAI 1705. (ps.gz, pdf)
Jeremy Gow (1997), The Diagonalization Method in Automatic Proof. Undergraduate dissertation, University of Edinburgh. (ps.gz)
Forthcoming special issue of Information Processing & Management on Digital Libraries in the Context of Users' Broader Activities. This followed on from the DL-CUBA workshop at JCDL 2006. Proceedings: pdf
Co-chair for the IJCAI-03 workshop on Agents and Automated Reasoning. Proceedings: pdf
Co-chair for the CADE-19 workshop on Challenges and Novel Applications for Automated Reasoning. Proceedings: pdf
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