GV12/3072 Coursework 2

This is the second coursework on Image Processing. This coursework is about using mathematical morphology to perform optical character recognition. For a basic pass in the coursework, you need to make a good attempt at the core section. To get full marks you must have a good go at one or more of the additional sections.

I recommend you use matlab.

Hand in a short report on your work, which should be two written sides of A4 at most, plus any pictures and plots showing your results and a print out of your code. The short report should start with a brief list of what you have attempted and to what extent you have acheived each item. Next, write a short description of the methods you used for each part together with any conclusions you have drawn from your experiments. Make sure it is clear what commands you used to generate each of the pictures you include.

The hand-in deadline for this coursework is 12:00 on 10th February. Hand in your report to on paper, just like last time. Make sure you submit a completed coursework cover sheet to your work to the CS departmental office.

Core section

Write a matlab program "findCharacter.m" that uses binary image processing methods such as imerode and imdilate (no bwhitmiss please) to find instances of the lower case letters 'e' in the following two relatively noise-free scanned texts of the same font and size:

The output should be two images in which the detected letters appear highlighted in a color, and all other text and symbols appear in black.

Additional section

You do not need to do all of this, but to get more than a basic pass have a go at one part at least.