GV12/3072 Coursework 1

This is the first coursework for course GV12/3072 on Image Processing. The subject of the coursework is simple image segmentation. For a basic pass in the coursework, you need to make a good attempt at the core section. To get full marks you need to have a good go at one or more of the additional sections.

I recommend you use matlab.

Hand in a short report on your work.  This should consist of a short report of NO MORE THAN 2 written sides plus NO MORE THAN 2 pages of pictures and plots showing your results and a print out of your code. Anything that exceeds these limits will be ignored. The short report should start with a brief list of what you have attempted and to what extent you have acheived each item. Next, write a short description of the methods you used for each part together with any conclusions you have drawn from your experiments.

The hand-in deadline for this coursework is 12:00 noon on 27th January. Hand in your report to JJ or Tricia in the CS departmental office. Make sure you attach a completed coursework cover sheet to your work.

Core section

Here is a classic image processing test-image called girlface:


We would like to separate the skin region from the background of the image and surrounding parts of the head.

NOTE: Feel free to use another image in addition to this one, but clearly define how that segmentation task has different challenges to the girlface.

Additional section

You do not need to do all of this, but to get more than a basic pass have a go at one part at least, preferrably two.