function C = EgoBoostGetC( frameNum, SeqTemplate, numDigs, outBaseName, iFirsts, iLasts, DataBlock, XYsIn3D ) %% %% MOSTLY from inside MotBoostEvalOneFrame MOSTLY %% bPreComputedXYsIn3D = 1; bPreComputedXYsIn3D = (nargin == 8); % Checks if XYsIn3D was passed in, else we'll have to compute ourselves. %set(gcf,'Renderer','OpenGL') % MAN! Without this, renderer could be anything set(0,'DefaultFigureRenderer','opengl') % Sets it for all future figures. % (Find out: get(gcf,'Renderer'); ) and could then have transparency etc. % problems. % % OR, % for samson, which has poor graphics card (??) %opengl neverselect % Note: also using white and 0.75 width for triangle edges, since NOT % transparent with this setting! % % Replicate transparency bug: % load mandrill % image(X); colormap(map) % Faces = [1 2 3]; % Vertices = [100 100; 200 200; 50 100] % patch( 'Vertices', Vertices, 'Faces', Faces, 'EdgeColor', 'white', 'EdgeAlpha', 0.2 ); numLasts = size(iLasts(:),1); iLast = iLasts( numLasts ); if( frameNum > iLast ) fprintf( 1, 'Error: Wanted Eval frame %d but batches only reach %d\n', frameNum, iLast ); elseif( frameNum > iLast -25 ) iBatch = numLasts; else iBatch = find( iLasts - 25 > frameNum, 1 ); % The (...,1) says: give me at most 1 index. end; if( numDigs == 4 ) % These two have been precomputed already! %banFileName = sprintf( '%s%.4d_%.4d.ban', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); %txt2DfileName = sprintf( '%s%.4d_%.4d_2D.txt', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); matFileName = sprintf( '%s%.4d_%.4d.mat', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); %matTriFileName = sprintf( '%s%.4d_%.4d_TriVIds.mat', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); elseif( numDigs == 5 ) % These two have been precomputed already! %banFileName = sprintf( '%s%.5d_%.5d.ban', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); %txt2DfileName = sprintf( '%s%.5d_%.5d_2D.txt', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); matFileName = sprintf( '%s%.5d_%.5d.mat', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); %matTriFileName = sprintf( '%s%.5d_%.5d_TriVIds.mat', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); elseif( numDigs == 6 ) % These two have been precomputed already! %banFileName = sprintf( '%s%.5d_%.5d.ban', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); %txt2DfileName = sprintf( '%s%.5d_%.5d_2D.txt', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); matFileName = sprintf( '%s%.6d_%.6d.mat', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); %matTriFileName = sprintf( '%s%.6d_%.6d_TriVIds.mat', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); end; %Using pad-by-6 for all TriFiles!! matTriFileName = sprintf( '%s%.6d_%.6d_TriVIds.mat', SeqTemplate, iFirsts(iBatch), iLasts(iBatch) ); % Now load up the 2D traj file and 3D camera calibs load( matFileName ); %load( matTriFileName ); if( DataBlock == 1 ) % Restore! After ICCV deadline. %debugImgName = sprintf( 'G:\\MotBoostData01\\StillsRaw_full\\Test\\Seq05VD_f%.5d.png', frameNum ); debugImgName = sprintf( 'G:\\MotBoostData01\\701_StillsRaw_full\\Seq05VD_f%.5d.png', frameNum ); elseif( DataBlock == 2 ) debugImgName = sprintf( 'G:\\MotBoostData01\\701_StillsRaw_full\\0016E5_%.5d.png', frameNum ); elseif( DataBlock ==3 ) debugImgName = sprintf( 'G:\\MotBoostData01\\701_StillsRaw_full\\0006R0_f%.5d.png', frameNum ); elseif( DataBlock ==4 ) debugImgName = sprintf( 'G:\\MotBoostData01\\701_StillsRaw_full\\0001TP_%.6d.png', frameNum ); elseif( DataBlock == -1 ) debugImgName = 'G:\\MotBoostData01\\StillsRaw_full\\blankWhite960x720.png'; end; % debugImgName = % 'G:\\MotBoostData01\\StillsRaw_full\\blankWhite320x240.png'; % debugImgName = % 'G:\\MotBoostData01\\StillsRaw_full\\blankWhite960x720.png'; % find( TrajTable(:, 1) == 7074 ); % Find indexes to all frames with this Traj# % find( TrajTable(:, 2) == 1502 ); % Find indexes to all Traj's with this Frame# isOfTrajsExistingNow = find( TrajTable(:, 2) == frameNum ); % Look through column 2 of TrajTable, return indexes. XYs = TrajTable( isOfTrajsExistingNow, 3:4 ); %% %% Accum 3D camera center for the frames in this batch: %% numXYs = size(XYs,1); offsetForFrameNums = iFirsts(iBatch) -1; iInBig = frameNum - offsetForFrameNums; %P = Kbig(:,:, iInBig ) * Rbig(:,:, iInBig ) * [eye(3) -Tbig(:,:, iInBig )]; C = [Tbig(:,:, iInBig )]'; %Cs( frameNum-offsetForFrameNums, 1:3); return; Cs = zeros( iLasts(iBatch) - iFirsts(iBatch) + 1, 3); j=1; for( iFrameC = iFirsts(iBatch):iLasts(iBatch) ) iInBig = iFrameC - offsetForFrameNums; % Long way, if we only have P... %P = Kbig(:,:, iInBig ) * Rbig(:,:, iInBig ) * [eye(3) -Tbig(:,:, iInBig )]; %p1 = P(:,1); p2 = P(:,2); P(:,3); p3 = P(:,3); p4 = P(:,4); %C = [det([p2 p3 p4]) -det([p1 p3 p4]) det([p1 p2 p4]) -det([p1 p2 p3]) ]; %Rbig(:,:, iInBig ) * [eye(3) -Tbig(:,:, iInBig )] %C = C(1:3) / C(4); %Cs(j, 1:3) = C; Cs(j, 1:3) = [Tbig(:,:, iInBig )]'; % ...vs short way if we have T j = j+1; end; curC = Cs( frameNum-offsetForFrameNums, 1:3); if( ~bPreComputedXYsIn3D ) XYsIn3D = zeros( numXYs, 3 ); for( iTraj = 1:numXYs ) %fprintf(1, 'iTraj #%d\n', iTraj); trajNum = TrajTable(isOfTrajsExistingNow(iTraj), 1); rowsTrajWasTracked = find( TrajTable(:, 1) == trajNum ); %rowsTrajWasTracked = find( (TrajTable(:, 1) <= trajNum+0.001) && (TrajTable(:, 1) >= trajNum-0.001) ); %% Weird hacks, attempting to circumvent Matlab bug that would crash %% here... Still breaks! %% %TrajByFrame = sortrows( TrajTable(rowsTrajWasTracked, 2:4), 1); rowsTrajWasTracked2 = find( TrajTable(:, 1) == trajNum ); while( (size(rowsTrajWasTracked,1) ~= size(rowsTrajWasTracked2,1)) || sum(rowsTrajWasTracked == rowsTrajWasTracked2) ~= size(rowsTrajWasTracked,1) ) fprintf(1, ','); rowsTrajWasTracked = find( TrajTable(:, 1) == trajNum ); rowsTrajWasTracked2 = find( TrajTable(:, 1) == trajNum ); end; TrajByFrame = TrajTable(round(rowsTrajWasTracked), 2:4); if( size( TrajByFrame, 1 ) < 3 ) continue; % No point in processing too short a track. end; %[VarianceIn3D Res] = VarOfBackProjectTraj( TrajByFrame, offsetForFrameNums, Kbig, Rbig, Tbig ); XYsIn3D(iTraj, 1:3) = BackProject2DTrajTo3D( TrajByFrame, offsetForFrameNums, Kbig, Rbig, Tbig ); fprintf(1, '.'); end; fprintf(1, '\n'); end; trajsExistingNow = TrajTable(isOfTrajsExistingNow(:), 1); PerTraj3D = [trajsExistingNow, XYsIn3D]; % Gives: 210.0000 2.8633 -0.0752 17.6500 % auto_# X Y Z isOfTrisExistingNow = find( TriVIDsTable(:, 1) == frameNum ); trisExistingNow = TriVIDsTable(isOfTrisExistingNow, 2:4); % Column1 was just frameNum % Great - each row lists 3 vertex ID#s. But those #s refer to real IDs, % while the XYZ for each V is listed with that ID in a "short" matrix % PerTraj3D. % TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes = zeros( size(trisExistingNow)); % Is now the same size % numTriVs = size(TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(:)); % for( iTri = 1:numTriVs ) % TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(iTri) = find( PerTraj3D(:, 1) == trisExistingNow(iTri) ); % end; % Now a row of TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes == [153 3 38] which are 3 % indexes, each to the row in XYsIn3D (and XYs in 2D, btw) for that % Triangle. % % Example: % XYsIn3D( TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(1, :),: ) % and % XYs( TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(1, :),: ) % each returns 3 rows, one for each point; either 3 or 2 columns wide. %% ===================================== %A = imread( debugImgName ); % A(:) = 0; % % imagesc(A); % set(gca,'xtick',[]); % set(gca,'ytick',[]); % hold on; % fig1 = figure; % winsize = get(fig1,'Position'); % winsize(1:2) = [0 0]; % hold on; % set(fig1,'NextPlot','replacechildren'); % Nice, but unneccessary while triangle edges show the same info. %plot( XYs(:,1), XYs(:,2), 'r.' ); Ns = zeros( size(trisExistingNow)); numTris = size(TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes,1); TriCenters = zeros( numTris, 3 ); TriCsplusNs = zeros( numTris, 3 ); for( iTri = 1:numTris ) ABCpts = XYsIn3D( TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(iTri, :),: ); Apt = ABCpts(1,:); Bpt = ABCpts(2,:); Cpt = ABCpts(3,:); Nvec = cross( Bpt - Cpt, Apt - Bpt ); Ns( iTri, : ) = Nvec; TriCenters( iTri, : ) = (Apt + Bpt + Cpt) / 3; %TriCsplusNs( iTri, : ) = TriCenters( iTri, : ) + 5 * Nvec; end; %TriCsplusNs = TriCenters + .0756 * Ns; [NormalizedNormals,NormLengths] = normaliz(Ns); TriCsplusNs(1:end,:) = TriCenters(1:end,:) + 0.01 * NormalizedNormals(1:end,:); %TriCsplusNs(i,:) = 0.01 * Ns(i, : ) / norm( Ns(i, : ) ); % plot( NormLengths ); % sum(NormLengths) / size(NormLengths,2) % .............................................................. % Commented out for faster production of orientations for EgoBoost % ............................................................... % scaleRed = max( Ns(:,1)) - min( Ns(:,1)); % shiftRed = 0 - min( Ns(:,1)); % scaleGreen = max( Ns(:,2)) - min( Ns(:,2)); % shiftGreen = 0 - min( Ns(:,2)); % scaleBlue = max( Ns(:,3)) - min( Ns(:,3)); % shiftBlue = 0 - min( Ns(:,3)); % % NsScaledShifted = [(Ns( :, 1 ) + shiftRed) / scaleRed, (Ns( :, 2 ) + shiftGreen) / scaleGreen, (Ns( :, 3 ) + shiftBlue) / scaleBlue ]; % .............................................................. % .............................................................. % % For 2D Orientation: Project a scaled version of the normals (if big % enough). % % iInBig = frameNum - offsetForFrameNums; % P = Kbig(:,:, iInBig ) * Rbig(:,:, iInBig ) * [eye(3) -Tbig(:,:, iInBig )]; % Ns2DtoGrayScale = zeros( numTris, 1); % ThetasX = zeros( numTris, 1); % ThetasY = zeros( numTris, 1); % for( iTri = 1:numTris ) % % Wasteful: gets re-computed in the plotting function just below! % TriCenter = [TriCenters(iTri,:) 1]'; % ProjectedTriCenter = (P * TriCenter ); % projectedTriCenter = ProjectedTriCenter( 1:2 ) / ProjectedTriCenter(3); % % % % if( NormLengths( iTri ) < 0.5 ) % TriCplusN = [TriCsplusNs(iTri,:) 1]'; % ProjectedCpN = (P * TriCplusN ); % projectedCpN = ProjectedCpN( 1:2 ) / ProjectedCpN(3); % % n2D = projectedCpN - projectedTriCenter; % %fprintf(1, '%d %d\n', n2D' ); % preScaled = atan2(n2D(2), n2D(1)); % % same as cart2pol( x, y ) or % % acos(n2D(1) / sqrt(n2D(1)*n2D(1) + n2D(2)*n2D(2))) % % though acos sign is often wrong! % % atan2 uses sign(Y) and sign(X) to determine the specific % % quadrant. % preScaled = preScaled + pi; % Slide them all up to be positive. % % So hopefully [0-2pi] % % thetaX = ( (1+ cos(preScaled))*254 / 2 ) +1; % thetaY = ( (1+ sin(preScaled))*254 / 2 ) +1; % % cos/sin starts off [-1,1], and ends up [1,255], leaving room for % % zero to flag "no orientation" pixels % ThetasX(iTri, 1) = thetaX; % ThetasY(iTri, 1) = thetaY; % % scaled = 1 + preScaled * 254 / (2*pi); % Ns2DtoGrayScale(iTri, 1) = scaled; % % % end; % end; % % For 3D Orientation: Just make the (short enough) Normals scaled up to % span the range [0, 254] and shift up. They start as [-1,1]. % % iInBig = frameNum - offsetForFrameNums; % P = Kbig(:,:, iInBig ) * Rbig(:,:, iInBig ) * [eye(3) -Tbig(:,:, iInBig )]; ScaledX = zeros( numTris, 1); ScaledY = zeros( numTris, 1); ScaledZ = zeros( numTris, 1); ScaledShiftedNs = ( 127* (NormalizedNormals + 1) ) + 1; % Shift [-1,1] to [0,2], scale that to [0,254], then shift up to 255, % leaving space for 0's that are really zero (as opposed to -1 originally). %GoodNs = NormLengths < 0.5; GoodNs = NormLengths < 5000000; ScaledX(GoodNs) = ScaledShiftedNs(GoodNs, 1); ScaledY(GoodNs) = ScaledShiftedNs(GoodNs, 2); ScaledZ(GoodNs) = ScaledShiftedNs(GoodNs, 3); FacesColors = [ScaledX ScaledY ScaledZ] / 255; % %Plot suff % %patch('Vertices', XYs, 'Faces', TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes, 'FaceColor', [0.9, 0.8, 0.75], 'EdgeColor', 'black','BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'FaceLighting', 'phong', 'EdgeLighting', 'none','LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 1); % % % Start by just plotting the triangles which are based on the tracked 2D % % features. % FacesColorsR = ThetasX / 255; % FacesColorsG = ThetasY / 255; % FacesColorsB = Ns2DtoGrayScale / 255; % % FacesColorsB = zeros(size(Ns2DtoGrayScale)); % Nice blue-less colors. % FacesColors = [FacesColorsR FacesColorsG FacesColorsB]; Faces = [1 2 3]; for( iTri = 1:numTris ) Vertices = XYs( TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(iTri, :),: ); % patch( 'Vertices', Vertices, 'Faces', Faces, 'FaceColor', ... % NsScaledShifted(iTri,:), 'EdgeColor', 'black', 'EdgeAlpha', 0.2, ... % 'BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'FaceLighting', 'phong', ... % 'EdgeLighting', 'none','LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 1, 'FaceAlpha', 0.0); patch( 'Vertices', Vertices, 'Faces', Faces, ... 'FaceColor', FacesColors(iTri,:), ... % Ns2DtoGrayScale(iTri,:), 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... % 'black' 'FaceAlpha', 1.0 ); % 'FaceColor', NsScaledShifted(iTri,:), 'EdgeColor', 'black', ... % Good version - makes clean transparent black wire triangles. % patch( 'Vertices', Vertices, 'Faces', Faces, ... % 'FaceColor', 'none', 'EdgeColor', [0.0 0.0 0.0], 'EdgeAlpha', 0.2, ... % 'FaceColor', NsScaledShifted(iTri,:), % 'BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'FaceLighting', 'phong', ... % 'EdgeLighting', 'none','LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 0.5 ); % 'FaceAlpha', 0.0 %patch('Vertices', Vertices, 'Faces', Faces, 'FaceColor', [0.9, 0.8, 0.75], 'EdgeColor', 'black','BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'FaceLighting', 'phong', 'EdgeLighting', 'none','LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 1); end; % iTri = 650; % Vertices = XYs( TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(iTri, :),: ); % patch('Vertices', Vertices, 'Faces', Faces, 'FaceColor', [1 1 1], 'EdgeColor', 'black','BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'FaceLighting', 'phong', 'EdgeLighting', 'none','LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 1, 'FaceAlpha', 0.5); bRenderNormalLine = 0; if( bRenderNormalLine ) iInBig = frameNum - offsetForFrameNums; P = Kbig(:,:, iInBig ) * Rbig(:,:, iInBig ) * [eye(3) -Tbig(:,:, iInBig )]; for( iTri = 1:numTris ) %Vertices = XYs( TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(iTri, :),: ); % Commented out for faster production of orientations for EgoBoost % ............................................................... % Xs = [XYsIn3D( TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes(iTri, :),: )' ; 1 1 1]; % ProjectedXs = (P * Xs); % xs = [ProjectedXs(1:2,1) / ProjectedXs(3,1), ProjectedXs(1:2,2) / ProjectedXs(3,2), ProjectedXs(1:2,3) / ProjectedXs(3,3)]; % ............................................................... %plot( xs(1,:), xs(2,:), 'b.' ); TriCenter = [TriCenters(iTri,:) 1]'; ProjectedTriCenter = (P * TriCenter ); projectedTriCenter = ProjectedTriCenter( 1:2 ) / ProjectedTriCenter(3); plot( projectedTriCenter(1), projectedTriCenter(2), 'gx' ); % if( NormLengths( iTri ) < 0.5 ) TriCplusN = [TriCsplusNs(iTri,:) 1]'; ProjectedCpN = (P * TriCplusN ); projectedCpN = ProjectedCpN( 1:2 ) / ProjectedCpN(3); % plot( projectedCpN(1), projectedCpN(2), 'r.' ); plot( [projectedTriCenter(1) projectedCpN(1)], ... [projectedTriCenter(2) projectedCpN(2)], ... 'r-', 'LineWidth', 1.0 ); % default is 0.5; possible choices 2,3,4. % end; %patch('Vertices', Vertices, 'Faces', Faces, 'FaceColor', NsScaledShifted(iTri,:), 'EdgeColor', 'black','BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'FaceLighting', 'phong', 'EdgeLighting', 'none','LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 1); %patch('Vertices', Vertices, 'Faces', Faces, 'FaceColor', [0.9, 0.8, 0.75], 'EdgeColor', 'black','BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'FaceLighting', 'phong', 'EdgeLighting', 'none','LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 1); end; end; % Endif over plotting normal line in Red. % Example of point with BAD 3D reconstruction. % iFeat = 1; % XYs(iFeat,:) % XYsIn3D(iFeat,:) % tmp = P * [XYsIn3D(iFeat,:)'; 1] % tmp / tmp(3) % hold off % F = getframe; % pngFileName = sprintf( '%s_01_%.5d_Normals.png', outBaseName, frameNum ); % print( F, '-dpng', '-r80', pngFileName ); hold off fig=gcf; units=get(fig,'units'); set(fig,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]); set(fig,'units',units); %pngFileName = sprintf( '%s_01_2DNormals_%.6d.png', outBaseName, frameNum ); % Used for EgoBoost CVPR08 submission %pngFileName = sprintf( '%s%.5d_2DNormals.png', outBaseName, frameNum ); % Used (1st attempt) for ECCV08 pngFileName = sprintf( '%s%.5d_3DNormalsAll.png', outBaseName, frameNum ); % If UIW_SetUpGLPrinting problem: % Try changing the Renderer property of your figure from OpenGL to ZBuffer. % To do this, use: set(gcf, 'Renderer', 'ZBuffer') % and read % %saveas(gcf, pngFileName, 'png'); % Gives large-format image of Figure %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r80', pngFileName ); % Gives 640x480 (small) figure %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r130', pngFileName ); % 806 x 636 usable %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r140', pngFileName ); % 870 x 686 %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r142', pngFileName ); % 882 x 695 %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r145', pngFileName ); % 900 x 709 blocky! %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r147', pngFileName ); % 911 x 719 <-- good for making videos %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r150', pngFileName ); % 931 x 733 %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r152', pngFileName ); % 942 x 745 print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r155', pngFileName ); % 961 x 758 %print( gcf, '-dpng', '-r156', pngFileName ); % 967 x 763 %% ===================================== %% patch('Vertices', XYsIn3D, 'Faces', TrisExistingNow_AsIndexes, 'FaceColor', [0.9, 0.8, 0.75], 'EdgeColor', 'black','BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'FaceLighting', 'phong', 'EdgeLighting', 'none','LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 2);