Multi-Objective Higher Order Mutation Testing with Genetic Programming
W. B. Langdon
King's College, London
Mutation Testing
- Software testing is for detecting bugs.
- How good is a test suite?
- How to improve it?
- When to stop testing? (No bugs left to discover?)
- Mutation testing is the injection of changes similar to human programming bugs for testing.
- Does test suite detect change?
- Yes. Maybe test suite ok?
- No. Test suite needs improving? at the mutation?
Higher Order Mutation Testing
- The order of a mutant is the number of changes.
- 1st order means exactly one change is made to the code.
- Most research is on first order mutants.
- Higher order means two or more changes.
Multi-Objective Search
- By extending mutation testing to higher orders we allow mutants to be more complicated, emulating expensive post release bugs which require multiple changes to fix.
- To avoid trivial mutants which are detected by many tests we search for hard to kill mutants which pass almost all of the test suite.
- Two objectives →Pareto multi-objective search
Example of Multi-Objective Search showing Evolution of Pareto Front
Evolving High Order Mutants
- C source converted to BNF grammar
- BNF describes original source plus mutations
- All comparisons can be mutated
- Strongly Typed GP crosses over BNF to give new high order mutants.
- Compile population of mutants to give one executable. Run it on test suite to give fitness.
- Select parents of next generation.
int gettri(int side1, int side2, int side3){
int triang ;
if( side1 <= 0 || side2 <= 0 || side3 <= 0){
return 4;
triang = 0;
if(side1 == side2){
triang = triang + 1;
if(side1 == side3){
triang = triang + 2;
if(side2 == side3){
triang = triang + 3;
Potential mutation sites
(comparisons) in red
Triangle BNF syntax
<line1> ::= "int gettriXXX(int side1, int side2, int side3)\n"
<line2> ::= "{\n"
<line3> ::= " \n"
<line4> ::= "int triang ;\n"
<line5> ::= " \n"
<line6> ::= <line6A> <line6B> <line6C>
<line6A> ::= "if( side1" <compare> "0 || side2"
<line6B> ::= <compare> "0 || side3"
<line6C> ::= <compare> "0){\n"
<line7> ::= "return 4;\n"
<line8> ::= "}\n"
<line9> ::= " \n"
<line10> ::= "triang = 0;\n"
<line11> ::= "\n"
<line12> ::= "if(side1" <compare> "side2){\n"
<line13> ::= "triang = triang + 1;\n"
<line14> ::= "}\n"
<line15> ::= "if(side1" <compare> "side3){\n"
<line16> ::= "triang = triang + 2;\n"
<line17> ::= "}\n"
<line18> ::= "if(side2" <compare> "side3){\n"
Triangle BNF syntax 2
<start> ::= <line1> <line2> <line3> <line4> <line5> <line6-23> <line24-41>
<line42> <line43> <line44> <line45> <line46>
<line6-23> ::= <line6-14> <line15-23>
<line6-14> ::= <line6-9> <line10-12> <line13> <line14>
<line6-9> ::= <line6> <line7> <line8> <line9>
<line10-12> ::= <line10> <line11> <line12>
<line15-23> ::= <line15-19> <line20-23>
<line15-19> ::= <line15-16> <line17-18> <line19>
<line15-16> ::= <line15> <line16>
<compare> ::= <compare0> | <compare1>
<compare0> ::= <compare00> | <compare01>
<compare00> ::= "
<" | "<="
<compare01> ::= "==" | "!="
<compare1> ::= <compare10>
<compare10> ::= ">=" | ">"
Yue's Triangle Test Cases
- 60 test cases chosen to test all branches in triangle.c (I.e. branch coverage plus tests to cover all Boolean expressions.)
- Three integers followed by expected result
-3 4 5 4
3 4 5 1
3 -4 5 4
3 4 -5 4
-3 -4 -5 4
3 -4 -5 4
-3 4 -5 4
-3 -4 5 4
-3 5 4 4
3 -5 4 4
5 3 -4 4
5 -3 4 4
3 3 5 2
5 3 5 2
3 4 4 2
3 4 8 4
3 9 5 4
12 4 5 4
4 5 12 4
-4 12 5 4
High Order Triangle Mutants
High Order Triangle Mutants
- 1 first order very hard to kill (only 1 test).
- 10 first order mutants are equivalent (pass all)
High Order Schedule Mutants
tcas - aircraft collision avoidance
- 1 first order hard to kill (only passes 3 tests).
- No first order passes only 1 or 2 tests.
- 24 first order mutants are equivalent (pass all)
- As with triangle and schedule, high order tcas mutants (HOM) are easy to kill but show some interesting structure:
- 428 tests are ineffective against HOM
- 936 tests are almost ineffective against HOM
- 264 tests kill almost all HOM. These tests check for aircraft threats.
Evolution of tcas Mutants
Evolved tcas Mutants
- GP finds 7th order mutant which is killed by only one test in generation 14.
- Fifth order mutant found in generation 44
- Second GP run found 4th order (generation 90) and third order mutant (generation 105).
- All of these are harder to kill than any first order mutant. They affect similar parts of the code but are not all semantically identical.
Evolved 3rd order tcas Mutant
Changes lines 101, 112, 117:
result = Own_Below_Threat() && (Cur_Vertical_Sep >= MINSEP) && (Down_Separation <= ALIM());
result = Own_Below_Threat() && (Cur_Vertical_Sep >= MINSEP) && (Down_Separation >= ALIM());
return (Own_Tracked_Alt <= Other_Tracked_Alt);
return (Own_Tracked_Alt < Other_Tracked_Alt);
return (Other_Tracked_Alt <= Own_Tracked_Alt);
return (Other_Tracked_Alt < Own_Tracked_Alt); (original in gray)
101 and 117 are silent but 112 fails 12 tests.
Passes all tests except test 1400. Should return 0 but mutant returns DOWNWARD_RA.
Fitness 1,23 (1 tests failed, syntax distance=23).
Future Work
- Coevolution: Mutants→better tests→tougher mutants
- Gzip
- Time to compile (use tcc? ram disk?). Time to test
- Frame work needs to be robust to mutant code:
- Time out looping mutants (For and goto)
- Protect against invalid array indexes and pointers
- bgcc -fbounds_checking
- Protect against trashing files. Intercept IO and system calls
- Trap exceptions
- heavy use of macros and conditional compilation
- Avoid mutations changing configuration but allow in .h by operating on source after include/macro expansion. gcc -E
- Random high order mutants are easy to kill but may provide insight into code and test suite.
- Mutation testing can be viewed as multi-objective search.
- GP can find high order mutants which are both hard to find and do not make too many changes to the original source code.
More information on GP
11 September 2009
(updated 2 Aug 2012)