I am currently an honorary fellow at the Department of Computer Science at the University of York. I am now on an indefinite sabbatical and

still actively do research. I work on CGP and using CGP to evolve programs that build brain-like computational systems.

I have a degree in Physics (Birkbeck College, University of London) and a PhD in Mathematics (The City University, London). I also have a teaching

qualification called PCLTHE from the Unversity of Birmingham, UK.

I originally wanted to be a theoretical physicist and would not have believed that I would have become a computer scientist! My great hero as a

teenager was Albert Einstein. The greatest scientist of all time. A later hero was Richard Feynman. 


I am best known as the inventor of CGP and a pioneer in trying to get materials to solve computational problems (evolution in materio).

I think Darwin' evolution by natural selection is one of the greatest ideas of all time. Using those principles on computers has profoundly altered

my personal philosophy. I think living systems are extremely precious. They are all unique and took 3.5 billion years to evolve to what they are. Imagine

it took 3.5 billion years to build something wouldn't it be fantastically precious?.....




  1. Miller, J. F. Tutorial on Principles of CGP at CEC2021(available as powerpoint)


  1. Miller, J. F. The alchemy of computation: how to use the unknown, Unconventional and Natural Computing conference, Fontainebleau, June 26, 2018.



  1. Cartesian Genetic Programming, Springer, 2011.



  1. Proceedings of EvoApplications (part of Evostar 2019, European Conference on Evolutionary Computation), 2019.

  2. Proceedings of 16th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation,2016. Integrative Genetic and Evolutionary Computation

  3. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, 2010.

  4. Proceedings of 11th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation,2010. Generative and Developmental Systems Track

  5. Proceedings of 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation,2009. Generative and Developmental Systems Track

  6. Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation,2008. GP Track.

  7. Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation,2007. Generative and Developmental Systems Track

  8. Proceedings of the GECCO Workshop on Complexity through Development and Self-Organizing Representations (CODESOAR), 2006.

  9. Proceedings of the GECCO Scalable, Emergent, Evolvable, Developmental/Design Systems(SEEDS), 2005.

  10. Proceedings of the GECCO Workshop on Regeneration and Learning in developmental systems (WORLDS), 2004.

  11. Proceedings on the Symposium on Evolvability and Sensor Evolution, 2003.

  12. Proceedings of the 5th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation,2003. Evolvable Hardware Track.

  13. Proceedings of the 4th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation,2002. Evolvable Hardware Track.

  14. Proceedings of the 5th European conference on Genetic Programming,2002.

  15. Proceedings of the 4th European conference on Genetic Programming,2001.

  16. Proceedings of the 3rd European conference on Genetic Programming,2000.

  17. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware,2000.



  1. Miller, J. F. Evolving developmental neural networks to solve multiple problems (under review), Artificial Life, 2021.

  2. Miller, J. F. Cartesian Genetic Programming: its status and future, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Vol. 21, pp. 129-168, 2020

  3. Dale, M., Miller, J. F., Stepney, S., Trefzer, M. A. A Substrate-Independent Framework to Characterise Reservoir Computers. Proc. Royal Soc A., Vol. 475, Issue 2226, 2019.

  4. Miller, J. F. The alchemy of computation: designing with the unknown, Natural Computing, Vol 18, Issue 3, pp. 515-526, 2019.

  5. Turner, A., Miller, J. F. Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming of Artificial Neural Networks,Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 18 (2017), 185-212

  6. Picek S., Carlet, C., Guilley, S., Miller, J. F., Jakobovic, D. Evolutionary Algorithms for Boolean Functions in Diverse Domains of Cryptography, Evolutionary Computation, 24 (2016) 667-694

  7. Mohid, M., Miller, J. F., Harding, S. L, Tufte, G., Massey, M. K., Petty, M. C.. Evolution-In-Materio: Solving Computational Problems Using Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites, Soft Computing, 20 (2016), 3007-3022.

  8. Mohid, M., Miller, J. F. Evolving solution to computational problems using carbon nanotubes, Journal of Unconventional Computing 11 (2016), 245-281.

  9. Pisek, S.,Jakobovic, D., Miller, J. F., Batina, L., Cupic, M. Cryptographic Boolean Functions: One Output, Many Design Criteria, Applied Soft Computing 40(2016), 635-653.

  10. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. Neutral genetic drift: an investigation using Cartesian Genetic Programming , Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 16 (2015), 531-558.

  11. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. Introducing A Cross Platform Open Source Cartesian Genetic Programming Library , Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 16(2015), 83-91.

  12. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. NeuroEvolution: Evolving Heterogeneous Artificial Neural Networks , Evolutionary Intelligence, 7 No. 3, (2014), 135-154.

  13. Khan, G. M., Miller, J. F. In Search of Intelligence: Evolving a Developmental Neuron Capable of Learning , Connection Science, 26 (4) (2014), 297-333.

  14. Miller, J. F., Harding, S. L., Tufte, G. Evolution-in-materio: evolving computation in materials , Evolutionary Intelligence, 7 (2014), 49-67.

  15. Khan, M. M., Ahmad, A. M., Khan, G. M., Miller, J. F. Fast learning neural networks using Cartesian Genetic Programming , Neurocomputing, 121 (2013), 274-289.

  16. Trefzer, M.A., Kuyucu, T., Miller, J.F., Tyrrell, A.M. On the Advantages of Variable Length GRNs for the Evolution of Multicellular Developmental Systems.IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 17 (2013) 101-121

  17. Broersma, H., Gomez, F., Miller, J. F., Petty, M., Tufte, G. Nascence Project: Nanoscale Engineering for Novel Computation Using Evolution , International Journal of Unconventional Computing Volume 8, Number 4, (2012), pp. 313-317.

  18. Khan, G. M., Miller, J. F., Halliday, D. M. Evolution of Cartesian Genetic Programs for Development of Learning Neural Architecture. Evolutionary Computation,19 (2011) 469-523

  19. Miller, J. F., Khan, G. M. Where is the brain inside the brain?. Memetic Computing, 3 (2011) 217-228

  20. Kuyucu, T., Trefzer, M.A., Miller, J.F., Tyrrell, A.M. An Investigation of the Importance of Mechanisms and Parameters in a Multi-cellular Developmental System. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15 (2011) 313-345

  21. Harding S. L., Miller, J. F., Banzhaf W. Developments in Cartesian Genetic Programming: Self-modifying CGP. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines,11 (2010) 397-439

  22. Zhan S., Miller, J. F., Tyrrell A. M. An evolutionary system using development and artificial Genetic Regulatory Networks for electronic circuit design .Biosystems, 96 (2009) 176-192

  23. Walker J.A., Völk, K. , Smith, S. L., Miller, J. F. Parallel evolution using multi-chromosome cartesian genetic programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 10 (2009) 417-445

  24. Younes A., Rowe, J. E., Miller J.F. Enhanced quantum searching via entanglement and partial diffusion. Physica D,237 (2008)1074-1078.

  25. Walker J.A., Miller J.F. The Automatic Acquisition, Evolution and Re-use of Modules in Cartesian Genetic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,12(2008)397-417.

  26. Harding S.L., Miller J.F., Rietman E. A. Evolution in Materio: Exploiting the Physics of Materials for Computation. Journal of Unconventional Computing, 4 (No. 3) (2008) pp. 155-194.

  27. Harding S.L., Miller J.F. Evolution in Materio: Evolving Logic Gates in Liquid Crystal. Journal of Unconventional Computing, 3 (No. 4) (2007) pp. 243-257.

  28. Miller J.F., Smith S.L. Redundancy and Computational Efficiency in Cartesian Genetic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 10 (2006) 167-174

  29. Banzhaf W., Beslon G., Christensen S., Foster J.A., Képès F., Lefort V., Miller J.F., Radman M., Ramsden J. Guidelines: From artificial evolution to computational evolution: a research agenda. Nature Reviews Genetics, 7 (2006) 729-735

  30. Yu T., Miller J.F., Through the Interaction of Neutral and Adaptive Mutations Evolutionary Search Finds a Way. Artificial Life, 12 (2006) 525-551

  31. Younes A., Miller J.F. Representation of Boolean Quantum Circuits as Reed-Muller Expansions. International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 91 (2004) 431-444.previous version available at arXiv.org:quant-ph/0305134

  32. Miller J.F., Job D., Vassilev V.K. Principles in the Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits - Part I. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 1 (2000) 8-35 (most cited paper in this journal)

  33. Miller J.F., Job D., Vassilev V.K. Principles in the Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits - Part II. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 3 (2000) 259-288

  34. Vassilev V.K., Fogarty T.C., Miller J.F. Information Characteristics and the Structure of Landscapes. Evolutionary Computation, 8 (2000) 31-60

  35. Robertson G., Miller J.F., Thomson P. Non-Exhaustive Search Methods and their Use in the Minimisation of Reed-Muller Canonical Expansions. International Journal of Electronics, 80 (1996) 1-12.

  36. Thomson P., Miller J.F. Symbolic Method for Simplifying AND-EXOR Representations of Boolean Functions using a Binary Decision Technique and a Genetic Algorithm.IEE Proceedings on Computers: Digital Techniques 143 (1996) 151-155

  37. Almaini A.E.A., Miller J.F., Thomson P., Billina S. State Assignment of Finite State Machines using a Genetic Algorithm. IEE Proceedings on Computers: Digital Techniques, 142 (1995) 279-286.

  38. Miller J.F., Thomson P. A Highly Efficient Exhaustive Search Algorithm for Optimising Canonical Reed-Muller Expansions of Boolean Functions. International Journal of Electronics 76 (1994) 37-56.

  39. Miller J.F., Luchian H., Bradbeer P.V.G., Barclay P.Using a Genetic Algorithm for Optimising Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller Expansions of Boolean Functions. International Journal of Electronics, 76 (1994), 601-609

  40. Xu L., Almaini A.E.A., Miller J.F., McKenzie L. Reed-Muller Universal Logic Module Networks. IEE Proceedings Computers: Digital Techniques, 140 (1993) 105-108.

  41. McKenzie L., Almaini A.E.A., Miller J.F., Thomson P.Optimisation of Reed Muller Logic Functions. International Journal of Electronics, 75 (1993) 451-466.

  42. Almaini A.E.A., Miller J.F., Xu L. Automated synthesis of digital multiplexer networks. IEE Proceedings on Computers: Digital Techniques, 139 (1992) 329-334.

  43. Bryan A.C., Miller J.F., Stuart A.E.G. Superposition Formulae for Sine Gordon Multisolitons.Il Nuovo Cimento, 101B (1988) 637-652.

  44. Bryan A.C., Miller J.F., Stuart A.E.G. Superposition Formulae for Multisolitons II. The Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation. Il Nuovo Cimento101B(1988) 715-720

  45. Bryan A.C., Miller J.F., Stuart A.E.G. A Linear Superposition Formula for the Sine-Gordon Multisoliton Solutions. Journal of the Physical Society (JPN), 56 (1987)905-911



  1. Miller J. F., Poli, R. Editorial to tenth anniversary issue of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 11(2000) 247-250.

  2. Miller J. F. First NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware (EH’99). Journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 1 (2000) 171-174.

  3. Miller J. F. Evolvable Systems 1998 – Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware (ICES’98).IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 3 (1999) 157-158



  1. Miller, J. F.: Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, ALIFE 2020, Newcastle UK (video)

  2. Miller, J. F.: Turorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, ALIFE 2019, Newcastle UK

  3. Miller J. F.: Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Coimbra, Portugal, 2018 (to appear soon)

  4. Miller J. F.:  Ryser-Welch, P. Tutorial on Graph-based GP and Cartesian Genetic Programming, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Edinburgh, UK, (2016)

  5. Miller J. F.: Evolution-in-materio: Giving evolution the freedom to exploit the unknown TRUCE Summer School, Malaga, Spain, (2015)

  6. Miller J. F.:  Turner, A. J. Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Madrid, Spain, (2015)

  7. Miller J. F.:  Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (2014)

  8. Miller J. F.: Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (2013)

  9. Miller J. F.:  Harding S. L. Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2012)

  10. Miller J. F.:  Harding S. L. Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Dublin, Ireland (2011)

  11. Miller J. F.:  Harding S. L. Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Portland, OR, USA (2010)

  12. Miller J. F.:  Harding S. L. Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Montreal, CA (2009)

  13. Miller J. F. : CEC 2009 Tutorial: Cartesian Genetic Programming, Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Trondheim, Norway (2009)

  14. Miller J. F.: Harding S. L. Tutorial on Cartesian Genetic Programming, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Atlanta, USA (2008)

  15. Miller J. F. :Evolution in materio, International Conference on Evolvable Systems, Prague, Czech Republic (2008).

  16. Miller J. F. :Evolvable Physical Media, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, USA (2004)


  1. Miller, J. F.  Designing Multiple ANNs with Evolutionary Development: Activity Dependence (under review). Genetic Programming Theory and Practice, XVII, 2021
  2. Miller, J. F. , Wilson, D. G., Cussat-Blanc, S. Evolving developmental programs that build neural networks for solving multiple problems, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice, XVI, Banzhaf, W., Spector, L., Sheneman, L. chapter 8, 2019.

  3. Miller, J. F. , Wilson, D. G., Cussat-Blanc, S. Evolving programs to build artificial neural networks, From Astrophysics to Unconventional Computation: Essays Presented to Susan Stepney on the Occasion of her 60th Birthday (Emergence, Complexity and Computation Book 35) , Andy Adamatzky and Vivien Kendon (Eds.), 2019.

  4. Miller, J. F. The Software Garden. R. Walsh, S. Stepney (Eds.) Narrating Complexity, Springer pp. 230-243, 2017.

  5. Miller, J. F., Higginbotham, S. In materio computation using carbon nanotube. S. Stepney, S. Rasmussen, M. Amos (Eds.) Computational Matter, pp 33-43, Springer 2017.

  6. McCaskill, J., Miller, J. F., Stepney, S. , Wills, P. R. Encoding and representation of information processing in irregular computational matter. S. Stepney, S. Rasmussen, M. Amos (Eds.) Computational Matter, pp 227-243, Springer 2017.

  7. Dale, M., Miller, J. F., Stepney, S. Reservoir Computing as a Model for In-Materio Computing, A. Admatzky (ed.) Advances in Unconventional Computing Volume 1: Theory , pp 533 – 572, Springer 2016.

  8. Broersma, H., Miller, J. F., Nichele, S. Computational Matter: Evolving Computational Functions in Nanoscale Materials, A. Admatzky (ed.) Advances in Unconventional Computing Volume 2: Prototypes, Models and Algorithms , pp 397 – 428, Springer 2016.

  9. Miller J. F. Neuro-centric and holocentric approaches to the evolution of developmental neural networks. Growing Adaptive Machines: Combining Development and Learning in Artificial Neural Networks Kowaliw T., N. Bredeche N. and R. Doursat R. (Eds.), Springer, 2014, pages 227-249 (chapter 8). This paper is an edited version of a paper that appeared at the DevLeaNN workshop in Paris on 27-28 October in 2012

  10. Harding, S. L., Miller J. F. Cartesian Genetic Programming on the GPU. Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs Tsutsui, S., Collet, P. (Eds.), Springer, 2013, (chapter 12).

  11. Harding, S. L., Miller J. F. Evolution in materio. Computational Complexity (Selected Readings Meyers, R. A. (Ed.), pages 1030-1042, Springer, 2012.

  12. Miller J. F. Cartesian Genetic Programming.Cartesian Genetic Programming Miller J. F. (Ed.). Springer. 2011

  13. Miller J. F. Introduction to Evolutionary Computation and Genetic Programming.Cartesian Genetic Programming Miller J. F. (Ed.). Springer. 2011

  14. Walker, J.A., Miller, J. F., Kaufmann, P., Platzner, M. Problem Decomposition in Cartesian Genetic Programming.Cartesian Genetic Programming Miller J. F. (Ed.). Springer. 2011

  15. Harding, S, Miller, J. F., Banzhaf, W. Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming. Cartesian Genetic Programming Miller J. F. (Ed.). Springer. 2011

  16. Smith, S. L., Walker, J. A., Miller, J. F. Medical Applications of Cartesian Genetic Programming. Cartesian Genetic Programming Miller J. F. (Ed.). Springer. 2011

  17. Harding S. L., Miller J. F., Banzhaf W. A Survey of Self-Modifying CGP.Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VIII Riolo R.(Ed.). University of Michigan, Illinois USA. Springer. 2010

  18. Khan, G. M., Halliday, D. M., Miller, J. F. Intelligent agents capable of developing memory of their environment.Advances in Modeling Adaptive and Cognitive Systems. Angelo Loula A., Queiroz, J. (Eds.), Editora UEFS (2010)

  19. Harding S. L, Miller J. F. Evolution in materio.Encyclopaedia of Complexity and System Science. Myers Robert (Ed.), Springer, New York, 2009 pages 3220 – 3233.

  20. Garmendia-Doval B., Miller J.F., Morley S.D. PostDocking Filtering using Cartesian Genetic Programming.Genetic Programming Theory and Practice II.O'Reilly U-M., Yu T., Riolo R., Worzel B. (Eds.). University of Michigan, Illinois USA. Springer. 2004

  21. Banzhaf W., Miller J.F. The Challenge of Complexity.Frontiers of Evolutionary Computation. Menon Anil. (Ed.) Kluwer Academic. 2004

  22. Miller J.F., Banzhaf W.Evolving the Program for a Cell From French Flags to Boolean Circuits.On Growth, Form and Computers. Kumar S., Bentley P. (Eds.), Elsevier Academic Press. 2003. This is an uncut version.

  23. Vassilev V.K.,Fogarty T.C., Miller J.F. Smoothness, Ruggedness and Neutrality of Fitness Landscapes- from Theory to Application. Advances in Evolutionary Computation: Theory and Application. Ghosh A., Tsutsui S. (Eds.) Springer. 2003

  24. Miller J.F., Kalganova T., Lipnitskaya N., Job D.The Genetic Algorithm as a Discovery Engine: Strange Circuits and New Principles. Creative Evolutionary Systems. Bentley P., Corne D. (Eds.) Morgan Kaufmann. 2001

  25. Fogarty T.C., Miller J.F., Thomson P. Evolving Digital Logic Circuits on Xilinx 6000 Family FPGAs. Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing. Chawdhry P.K., Roy R., Pant R.K.(Eds.) Springer. 1998

  26. Miller J.F., Thomson P., Fogarty T.C. Designing Electronic Circuits Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Arithmetic Circuits: A Case Study. Genetic Algorithms and Evolution Strategies in Engineering and Computer Science: Recent Advancements and Industrial Applications. Quagliarella, D., Periaux J., Poloni C., Winter G. (Eds.). Wiley. 1997




Three best paper, eleven best paper nominations. Please note: Papers are only downloadable after the conference has taken place

  1. Miller, J. F.: Evolving developmental neural networks to solve multiple problems, Proceedings of ALIFE2020.

  2. Wilson, D. G., Cussat-Blanc, S., Luga, H., Miller, J. F. Evolving simple programs for playing Atari games , Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Conference, pp 229-236, 2018 (also available in archive).

  3. Miller, J. F., Wilson, D. G. A developmental artificial neural network model for solving multiple problems , Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Conference Companion, pp 69, 2017.

  4. Dale, M., Stepney, S., Miller, J. F., Trefzer, M. Reservoir Computing in materio: A Computational Framework for in materio Computing , Proceedings of the 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE Press, pp. 2178-2185, 2017.

  5. Knezevic, K., Picek, S., Miller, J. F. Amplitude-oriented mixed-type CGP classification , Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pages 1415-1418,(conference companion) 2017.

  6. Dale, M., Miller, J. F., Stepney, S., Trefzer, M. A. Reservoir Computing in Materio: An Evaluation of Configuration through Evolution. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES): From Biology to Hardware Springer. IEEE Press 2016.

  7. Dale, M. Miller, J. F., Stepney, S., Trefzer, M. Reservoir Computing: Evolution in materio’s missing link . Proceedings of the 2016 York Doctoral Symposium, pp. 67-76, 2016.

  8. Dale, M., Miller, J. F., Stepney, S., Trefzer, M. A. Evolving Carbon Nanotube Reservoirs. Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, LNCS, Vol. 9762 Springer, pp. 49-61, 2016

  9. Ryser-Welch, P. Miller, J. F., Swan, J. Trefzer, M. A. Iterative Cartesian Genetic Programming: Creating general algorithms for solving Travelling Salesman Problems. In EuroGP 2016: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 9594, pages 294-310, Springer Verlag.

  10. Picek, S., Guilley, S., Carlet, C., Jakobovic, D., Miller, J. F. Evolutionary Approach for Finding Correlation Immune Boolean Functions of Order t with Minimal Hamming Weight. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, Springer LNCS Vol. 9477, (2015) pp. 71-82.

  11. Mohid, M., Miller, J.F. Solving Even Parity Problems Using Carbon Nanotubes. Computational Intelligence (UKCI), 2015 15th UK Workshop on , vol. X, no. X, pp. xx-xx, IEEE Press 2015.

  12. Mohid, M., Miller, J. F. Evolving Robot Controllers Using Carbon Nanotubes. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL2015), MIT Press, pp. 106-113.

  13. Ryser-Welch, P., Miller, J. F., Asta, S. Generating Human-readable Algorithms for the Travelling Salesman Problem using Hyper-Heuristics. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 5th Workshop on Evolutionary Computation for the Automated Design of Algorithms (ECADA) pp. 1067-1074, ACM, 2015.

  14. Ryser-Welch, P., Miller, J. F., Asta, S. Evolutionary Cross-domain Hyper-Heuristics. Perspective. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pp. 1473-1474, ACM, 2015.

  15. Picek, S., Carlet C., Jakobovic, D., Miller, J. F., Batina, L. Correlation Immunity of Boolean Functions: An Evolutionary Algorithms Perspective. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pp. 1095-1102, ACM, 2015.

  16. Picek, S. Jakobovic, D., Miller, J. F. Batina, L. Cartesian Genetic Programming Approach for Generating Substitution Boxes of Different Sizes. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pp. 1457-1458, ACM, 2015.

  17. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming Applied to Series Forecasting. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pp. 1499-1500, ACM, 2015.

  18. Clegg, K. D., Miller, J. F., Massey, K. M., Petty, M. C. Practical issues for configuring carbon nanotube composite materials for computation. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES): From Biology to Hardware Springer. IEEE Press (2014) 61-68

  19. Mohid, M., Miller, J. F., Harding, S.L, Tufte, G., Lykkebø, O. R., Massey, K. M., Petty, M. C.Evolution-In-Materio: Solving Bin Packing Problems Using Materials. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES): From Biology to Hardware Springer. IEEE Press (2014) 38-45

  20. Mohid, M., Miller, J. F., Harding, S.L, Tufte, G., Lykkebø, O. R., Massey, K. M., Petty, M. C.Evolution-In-Materio: A Frequency Classifier Using Materials.Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES): From Biology to Hardware Springer. IEEE Press (2014) 46-53

  21. Clegg, K. D., Miller, J. F., Massey, K., Petty, M. Travelling Salesman Problem solved ‘in materio’ by evolved carbon nanotube device. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN), Springer LNCS 8672 (2014) 692-701

  22. Mohid, M., Miller, J. F., Harding, S.L, Tufte, G., Lykkebø, O. R., Massey, K., Petty, M. Evolution-In-Materio: Solving Machine Learning Classification Problems Using Materials. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN), Springer LNCS 8672 (2014) 721—730 (nominated best paper)

  23. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN), Springer LNCS 8672 (2014) 476-486

  24. Ryser-Welch, P., Miller, J. F. Plug-and-Play hyper-heuristics: an extended formulation. Proceedings of the SASO 2014 Conference 2014.

  25. Mohid, M., Miller, J. F., Harding, S.L, Tufte, G., Lykkebø, O. R., Massey, K., Petty, M. Solving Function Optimization Problems Using Materials. Proceedings of the 14th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence. IEEE Computer Society (2014) 1-8

  26. Lykkebø, O. R., Harding, S., Tufte, G., Miller, J. F. Mecobo: A hardware and software platform for in materio evolution Proceedings of the Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation (UCNC). Springer LNCS (2014) 8672 267-279

  27. Ryser-Welch, P., Miller, J. F. A Review of Hyper-Heuristic Frameworks Proceedings of the Evo20 Workshop, AISB 2014.

  28. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. NeuroEvolution: The Importance of Transfer Function Evolution and Heterogeneous Networks. Proceedings of the Evo20 Workshop, AISB 2014.

  29. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. Cartesian Genetic Programming: Why No Bloat?. Proceedings of the European Conference on Genetic Programming, pp. 193-204, Springer, LNCS (2014) 8599, 216-227

  30. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. The Importance of Topology Evolution in NeuroEvolution: A Case Study using Cartesian Genetic Programming of Artificial Neural Networks. Proceedings of the Thirty-third SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(2013), published in Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, pp. 213—226 (best student paper)

  31. Turner, A. J., Miller, J. F. Cartesian Genetic Programming encoded Artificial Neural Networks: A Comparison using Three Benchmarks. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), ACM (2013) 1005-1012

  32. Miller, J. F. , Mohid, M. Function Optimization using Cartesian Genetic Programming. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), ACM (2013) 147-148

  33. Seaton, T., Miller J. F., Clarke, T. Semantic Bias in Program Coevolution. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Genetic Programming. Springer LNCS (2013) 7831 193-204.

  34. Stepney, S., Diaconescu, A., Doursat, R., Giavitto, J.-L., Kowaliw, T., Leyser, O., MacLennan, B., Michel, O., Miller, J. F., Nikolic, I., Spicher, A., Teuscher, C., Tufte, G., Vico, F. J., Yamamoto, L. Gardening Cyber-Physical Systems, Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, Springer LNCS 7445 (2012) 237-238.

  35. Ahmad, A. M., Khan G. M., Mahmud, S., Miller J. F.Breast Cancer Detection Using Cartesian Genetic Programming evolved Artificial Neural Networks. Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'12), ACM (2012) 1031—1038

  36. Seaton, T., Miller J. F., Clarke, T. An Ecological Approach to Measuring Locality in Linear Genotype to Phenotype Maps. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Genetic Programming. Springer LNCS (2010) 7244 170-181. (nominated best paper)

  37. Harding S., Miller J. F., Banzhaf W. SMCGP2: Self Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming in Two Dimensions. Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'11), ACM (2011) 1491-1498.

  38. Harding S., Miller J. F., Banzhaf W. SMCGP2: SMCGP2: Finding Algorithms That Approximate Numerical Constants Using Quaternions and Complex Numbers. Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'11), ACM (2011) 197-198.

  39. Miller, J. F. Neuro-centric and holocentric approaches to the evolution of developmental neural networks. Proceedings of the DevLeaNN: A Workshop on Development and Learning in Artificial Neural Networks (2011)

  40. Khan, M. M., Khan, G. M., Miller, J. F. Developmental Plasticity in Cartesian Genetic Programming Artificial Neural Networks. Special session on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing in Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) (2011) 197-198.

  41. Khan, M. M., Khan, G. M., Miller J. F. Efficient representation of Recurrent Neural Network for Markovian/Non-Markovian Non-linear Control Problems.. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), (2010) 615-620

  42. Ledwith, R. D., Miller, J.F. Introducing flexibility in digital circuit evolution: exploiting undefined values in binary truth tables. Proceedings of 8th International Conference in Evolvable Systems, Springer, LNCS 6274 (2010) 25-36

  43. Trefzer, M., Kuyucu T. Miller, J. F., Tyrrell, A. M. Evolution and Analysis of a Robot Controller Based on a Gene Regulatory Network. Proceedings of 8thInternational Conference in Evolvable Systems, Springer, LNCS 6274 (2010) 61-72

  44. Faulconbridge, A., Stepney, S., Miller, J. F., Caves, L. S. D. RBN-World: The Hunt for a Rich AChem.. Proceedings of Conference on Artificial Life. Part I, LNAI, Vol. 5777 (2011) 377-384

  45. Khan, G. M., Miller J. F. Solving Mazes using an Artificial Developmental Neuron.. Proceedings of Conference on Artificial Life (2010) 241-248

  46. Khan, G. M., Miller J. F. Learning Games using a Single Developmental Neuron.. Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Life (2010) 634-641

  47. Khan, G. M., Miller J. F., Khan, M. M. Evolution of Optimal ANNs for Non-Linear Control Problems Using Cartesian Genetic Programming.. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI 2010), (2010)

  48. Harding S., Miller J. F., Banzhaf W. Self Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming: Finding algorithms that calculate pi and e to arbitrary precision.. Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'10), ACM (2010) 579-586.

  49. Trefzer, M., Kuyucu T. Miller, J. F., Tyrrell, A. M. Image Compression of Natural Images Using Artificial Gene Regulatory Networks.. Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'10), ACM (2010) 595-602. (nominated best paper)

  50. Khan, M. M., Khan, G. M., Miller, J. F. Evolution of Neural Networks using Cartesian Genetic Programming.. Proceedings of 12th IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'10), IEEE Press (2010) xxx-xxx

  51. Zhan, S. Miller, J. F., Tyrrell, A. M. Modular Design from Gene Regulation in a Cellular System.. Proceedings of 12th IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'10), IEEE Press (2010) xxx-xxx

  52. Seaton, T., Brown G., Miller J. F. Analytic Solutions to Differential Equations under Graph-based Genetic Programming. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming. Springer LNCS (2010) 6021 232-243.

  53. Faulconbridge, A., Stepney, S., Miller, J. F., Caves, L. S. D. RBN-World: A Sub-Symbolic Artificial Chemistry. Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Life, Springer LNAI 5777 (2009)

  54. Kuyucu T., Trefzer M. A., Miller J. F., Tyrrell. A. M. A Scalable Solution to N-bit Parity via Artificial Development . Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics & Electronics(PRIME2010), Cork, Ireland (2009).

  55. Harding S., Miller J. F., Banzhaf W. Evolution, Development and Learning Using Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming. Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'09), ACM (2009) 699-706.

  56. Khan G. M., Miller J. F. Evolution of Cartesian Genetic Programs capable of Learning.Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'09), ACM (2009) 707-714.(nominated best paper).

  57. Harding S., Miller J. F., Banzhaf W. Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming: Parity. Proceedings of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'09), IEEE Press (2009) 285-292.

  58. Khan G. M., Halliday D. M., Miller J. F. In Search of Intelligent Genes: The Cartesian Genetic Programming Computational Neuron (CGPCN). Proceedings of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'09), IEEE Press (2009) 574-581.

  59. Zhan S., Miller J. F., Tyrrell A. M. Obtaining System Robustness by Mimicking Natural Mechanisms . Proceedings of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'09), IEEE Press (2009) 3032-3039.

  60. Trefzer M. A., Kuyucu, T., Miller J. F., Tyrrell. A. M. A Model for Intrinsic Artificial Development Featuring Structural Feedback and Emergent Growth. . Proceedings of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'09), IEEE Press (2009) 301-308

  61. Kuyucu T., Trefzer M. A., Miller J. F., Tyrrell. A. M. Task Decomposition and Evolvability in Intrinsic Evolvable Hardware . Proceedings of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'09), IEEE Press (2009) 2281-2287.

  62. Völk, K., Miller J. F., Smith, S. L. Multiple Networks CGP for the Classification of Mammograms. Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (EvoIASP'09). Springer LNCS 5484 (2009) 405-413. 5484 (2009)

  63. Harding S. L., Miller J. F., Banzhaf W. Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming: Fibonacci, Squares, Regression and Summing. Proceedings of the 12thEuropean Conference on Genetic Programming. Springer LNCS (2009) 5481 133-144. (nominated best paper).

  64. Kuyucu T., Trefzer M. A., Miller J. F., Tyrrell. A. M. On the Properties of Artificial Development abd Its Use in Evolvable Hardware. Proceedings of Symposium on Artificial Life , Part of IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence, IEEE Press (2009) 108-115.

  65. Trefzer M. A., Kuyucu T., Miller J. F., Tyrrell. A. M. The Input Pattern Order Problem II: Evolution of Multiple-Output Circuits in Hardware. Proceedings of the Workshop on Evolvable and Adaptive Hardware (WEAH2009), Part of IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence, IEEE Press (2009) 32-38.

  66. Khan G. M., Halliday D. M., Miller J. F. Breaking the synaptic dogma: evolving a neuro-inspired developmental network.. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning(SEAL), Springer LNCS 5361 (2008) 11-20.

  67. Khan G. M., Halliday D. M., Miller J. F. Emergent Instinctive Behaviour in Evolved Neuro-inspired Agents.. Proceedings of Modelling Adaptive and Cognitive Systems (ADAPCOG) at SBIA/SBRN/JRI Joint Conference Oct 30 (2008) Brasil

  68. Khan G. M., Halliday D. M., Miller J. F. Coevolution of neuro-developmental programs that play checkers.. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES): From Biology to Hardware, Springer LNCS 5216 (2008) 352-361.

  69. Zhan S., Miller J. F., Tyrrell. A. M. A Development Gene Regulation Network For Constructing Electronic Circuits. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES): From Biology to Hardware, Springer LNCS 5216 (2008) 177-188.

  70. Kuyucu T., Trefzer M., Greensted A., Miller J. F., Tyrrell. A. M. The Input Pattern Order Problem: Evolution of Combinatorial and Sequential Circuits in Hardware. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES): From Biology to Hardware, Springer LNCS 5216 (2008) 382-391.

  71. Hirayama, Y., Clarke T., Miller J. F. Fault Tolerant Control Using Cartesian Genetic Programming..Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference(GECCO), ACM Press,(2008) 1523-1530.

  72. Kuyucu T., Trefzer M., Greensted A., Miller J. F., Tyrrell. A. M. Fitness Functions for the Unconstrained Evolution of Digital Circuits. Proceedings of 9th IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press (2008) 2589-2596.

  73. Zhan S., Miller J. F., Tyrrell A. M. An Evolutionary System using Development and Artificial Genetic Regulatory Networks . Proceedings of 9th IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Special Session on Evolving Gene Regulatory Networks, IEEE Press 2008. 812-822.

  74. Walker J. A., Miller J. F. Solving Real-valued Optimisation Problems using Cartesian Genetic Programming . Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM Press, (2007) 1724-1730

  75. Clegg J., Walker J. A., Miller J. F. A New Crossover Technique for Cartesian GeneticProgramming. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM Press, (2007) 1580-1587.

  76. Khan G. M., Halliday D. M., Miller J. F. Coevolution of Intelligent Agents using Cartesian GeneticProgramming.Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference(GECCO), ACM Press,(2007) 269-276.

  77. Harding S. L., Miller J. F., Banzhaf W. Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming. Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), ACM Press, (2007) 1021-1028.

  78. Walker J. A., Miller J. F. Predicting Prime Numbers using Cartesian Genetic Programming.Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2007), Springer LNCS 4445 (2007) 205-216 (nominated best paper)

  79. Walker J. A., Miller J. F. Changing the Genospace: Solving GA Problems using Cartesian Genetic Programming.Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2007), Springer LNCS 4445 (2007) 261-270.

  80. Walker J. A., Miller J. F., Cavill R.A Multi-chromosome Approach to Standard and Embedded Cartesian Genetic Programming. Proceedings of the 2006 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), ACM Press, (2006) 903-910.

  81. Walker J. A., Miller J. F. Embeddeded Cartesian Genetic Programming and the Lawnmower and Hierarchical-if-and-only-if Problems.Proceedings of the 2006 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), ACM Press, (2006) 911-918.

  82. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. The dead state: A Comparison between Developmental and Direct Encodings. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2006) Workshop Program: Complexity through Development and Self-Organizing Representations (CODESOAR), ACM Press (2006).Note this has been updated.

  83. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. Evolution in Materio: Investigating the Stability of Robot Controllers Evolved in Liquid Crystal. Proceedings of 6th International Conference in Evolvable Systems (ICES 2005), Springer, LNCS 3637 (2005) 155-164.

  84. Walker J. A., Miller J. F.Improving the Evolvability of Digital Multipliers Using Embedded Cartesian Genetic Programming and Product Reduction. Proceedings of 6th International Conference in Evolvable Systems (ICES 2005), Springer, LNCS 3637 (2005) 131-142.

  85. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. Evolution in Materio: Evolving Logic Gates in Liquid Crystal . Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on Unconventional Computing: From Cellular Automata to Wetware European Conference on Artificial Life, Luniver Press (2005) 133-148. (awarded best paper)

  86. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. Evolutionin Materio: A Real-Time Robot Controller in Liquid Crystal . Proceedings of the NASA/DOD Evolvable Hardware Conference, IEEE Computer Society, (2005) 229-238.

  87. Liu H., Miller J. F., Tyrrell A. M. Intrinsic evolvable hardware implementation of a robust biological development model for digital systems. Proceedings of the NASA/DOD Evolvable Hardware Conference, IEEE Computer Society (2005) 87-92.

  88. Walker J. A., Miller J. F. Investigating the performance of module acquisition in Cartesian Genetic Programming . Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2005), ACM Press (2005) 1649-1656.

  89. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. Evolution of Robot Controller Using Cartesian Programming. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Genetic Programming. Springer LNCS (2005) 3447 62-72.

  90. Liu H., Miller J. F., Tyrrell A. M. A Biological Development Model for the Design of Robust Multiplier. Applications of Evolutionary Computing EvoHot 2005, Springer LNCS 3449 (2005) 195-204 (nominated best paper)

  91. Younes A., Miller J. F., Rowe J. Quantum Searching via entanglement and partial Diffusion . Einstein Symposium (2005). 

  92. Younes A., Miller J. F., Rowe J. Quantum Search Algorithm with more Reliable Behaviour using Partial Diffusion. 7th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, (2004).

  93. Younes A., Miller J. F. Automated Method for Building CNOT based quantum circuits for Boolean Functions. Proceedings of ICENCO (2004) Also available at http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0304099

  94. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Beyond the Complexity Ceiling: Evolution, Emergence and Regeneration.Workshop on Regeneration and Learning in Developmental Systems, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference(GECCO) (2004)

  95. Liu H., Miller J. F., Tyrrell A. M. An Intrinsic Robust Transient Fault-Tolerant Developmental Model for Digital Systems. Workshop on Regeneration and Learning in Developmental Systems, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference(GECCO) (2004).

  96. Miller J. F. Evolving a self-repairing, self-regulating, French flag organism. Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Springer LNCS 3102 (2004) 129-139.

  97. Walker J. A., Miller J. F. Evolution and Acquisition of Modules in Cartesian Genetic Programming. Genetic Programming 7th European Conference, EuroGP 2004, Proceedings. Springer LNCS 3003 (2004) 187-197 (nominated best paper)

  98. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. A Tone Discriminator In Liquid Crystal. Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2004), IEEE Press 2 (2004) 1800-1807

  99. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. Evolution in materio: Initial experiments with liquid crystal. NASA/DOD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, IEEE Computer Society (2004) 289-299.

  100. Younes A., Miller J. F., Rowe J. A hybrid quantum search engine: A fast quantum algorithm for multiple matches. Proceedings of the 2nd International Computer Engineering Conference (2003). 

  101. Rothermich J., Wang F., Miller J. F. Adaptivity in Cell Based Optimization for Information Ecosystems.Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC03) IEEE Press (2003) 490-497.

  102. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. A scalable platform for intrinsic hardware and in materio evolution. 2003 NASA/DOD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, IEEE Computer Society (2003) 221-224.

  103. Miller J. F. Evolving developmental programs for adaptation, morphogenesis, and self-repair . Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Artificial Life, Springer LNAI 2801 (2003) 256-265 (nominated best paper)

  104. Miller J. F., Thomson P. A Developmental Method for Growing Graphs and Circuits. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, Springer LNCS 2606 (2003) 93-104.

  105. Rothermich J., Miller J. F. Studying the Emergence of Multicellularity with Cartesian Genetic Programming in Artificial Life. Proceedings of the 2002 U.K. Workshop on Computational Intelligence (2002).

  106. Miller J.F., Downing K. Evolution in materio: Looking Beyond the Silicon Box. Proceedings of the NASA/DOD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, IEEE Computer Society (2002) 167-176.

  107. Yu T., Miller J. F. Climbing Unimodal Landscapes With Neutrality: A Case Study Of The One-max Problem. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference(GECCO), Morgan Kauffmann (2002) 704.

  108. Hartmann M., Esklund F.,Haddow P., Miller J. F. Evolving Fault Tolerance On An Unreliable Technology Platform. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference(GECCO), Morgan Kauffmann (2002) 171-177.

  109. Yu T., Miller J. F. Finding Needles in Haystacks Is Not Hard with Neutrality. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP2002), Springer LNCS 2278 (2002) 13-25 (nominated best paper).

  110. Yu T., Miller J. F. Neutrality and Evolvability of a Boolean Function Landscape. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP2001). Springer LNCS, 2038, (2001) 204-217.

  111. Miller J. F. Evolution of Program Size in Cartesian Genetic Programming. Proceedings of the 3rd Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'01). Morgan Kaufmann (2001) 84. This one page things is useless so take a look at the late-breaking paper that was the submitted version.

  112. Miller J. F., Hartmann M. Evolving messy gates for fault tolerance: some preliminary findings. Proceedings of the 3rd NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware (EH'01). IEEE Computer Society (2001) 116-123.

  113. Miller J. F., Hartmann M. Untidy evolution: Evolving messy gates for fault tolerance. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware. Springer LNCS 2210 (2001) 14-25.

  114. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F. Embedding Landscape Neutrality to Build a Bridge from the Conventional to a More Efficient Three-bit Multiplier Circuit. Proceedings of the 2nd Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'00). Morgan Kaufmann (2000) 539. This paper was only accepted as a poster. However, the full submitted version is available here (late-breaking paper).

  115. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F., Job D. Towards the Automatic Design of More Efficient Digital Circuits. Proceedings of the 2nd NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware. IEEE Computer Society(2000) 151-160.

  116. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F. Scalability Problems of Digital Circuit Evolution. Proceedings of the 2nd NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware. IEEE Computer Society (2000) 55-64.

  117. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Cartesian Genetic Programming. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Genetic Programming. Springer LNCS 1802 (2000) 121-132.

  118. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F. The Advantages of Landscape Neutrality in Digital Circuit Evolution. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware. Springer LNCS 1801 (2000) 252-263 (awarded best paper).

  119. Miller J. F. Evolution of Digital Filters using a Gate Array Model. Proceedings of the First EvoIASP'99 Workshop on Image Analysis and Signal Processing. Springer LNCS 1596 (1999) 17-30.

  120. Miller J. F. Digital Filter Design at Gate-level using Evolutionary Algorithms.Proceedings of the 1st Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'99). Morgan Kaufmann (1999) 1127-1134.

  121. Miller J. F. An empirical study of the efficiency of learning boolean functions using a Cartesian Genetic Programming Approach. Proceedings of the 1st Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'99). Morgan Kaufmann (1999) 1135-1142.

  122. Miller J. F. On the filtering properties of evolved gate arrays. Proceedings of the First NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware (EH'99). IEEE Computer Society (1999) 2-11.

  123. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F., Fogarty T. C.On the Nature of Two-Bit Multiplier Landscapes. Proceedings of the First NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware (EH'99). IEEE Computer Society (1999) 36-45.

  124. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F., Fogarty T. C. Co-evolving Demes of Non-uniform Cellular Automata for Synchronisation. Proceedings of the First NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware (EH'99). IEEE Computer Society (1999) 111-119.

  125. Miller J. F., Kalganova T., Lipnitskaya N., Job D. The Genetic Algorithm as a Discovery Engine: Strange Circuits and New Principles. Proceedings of the workshop on the AISB Symposium on Creative Evolutionary Systems (CES'99) (1999) 65-74.

  126. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F., Fogarty T. C. Digital Circuit Evolution and Fitness Landscapes. Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE Press (1999) 1299-1306.

  127. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F., Fogarty T. C. The Evolution of Computation in Co-evolving Demes of Non-uniform Cellular Automata for Global Synchronisation. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Artificial Life. Springer LNAI 1674 (1999) 159-169.

  128. Kalganova T., Miller J. F. Evolving More Efficient Digital Circuits by Allowing Circuit Layout Evolution and Multi-Objective Fitness. Proceedings of the First NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware (EH'99). IEEE Computer Society (1999) 54-63.

  129. Kalganova T., Miller J. F., Fogarty T. C. Evolution of digital circuits with variable layouts. Proceedings of the 1st Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'99). Morgan Kaufmann (1999) 1235.

  130. Job D., Shankaraman V., Miller J. F. Hybrid AI Techniques for Software Design. Proceedings of 1999 Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE’99). Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School (1999).

  131. Job D., Shankararaman V., Miller J. F. Hybrid AI Techniques for Automated Software Reuse. Proceedings of International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning. Technical Report of the Centre for Learning Systems and Applications (LSA) of the University of Kaiserslautern (1999).

  132. Job D., Shankararaman V., Miller J. F. Combining CBR and GA for Designing FPGAs. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (1999).

  133. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Evolving Digital Electronic Circuits for Real-Valued Function Generation using a Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Genetic Programming. Morgan Kaufmann (1998) 863-868.

  134. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Aspects of Digital Evolution: Evolvability and Architecture. Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSNV). Springer LNCS 1498 (1998) 927-936.

  135. Fogarty T. C, Miller J. F., Thomson P. Evolving Digital Logic Circuits on Xilinx 6000 Family FPGAs. 2nd Online Workshop on Soft Computing (1998).

  136. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Aspects of Digital Evolution: Geometry and Learning. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware. Springer LNCS 1478 (1998) 25-35.

  137. Kalganova T., Miller J. F., Fogarty T. C. Some Aspects of an Evolvable Hardware Approach for Multiple-Valued Combinational Circuit Design. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware (ICES98). Springer LNCS 1478 (1998) 78-89.

  138. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Comparison of AND-XOR Logic Synthesis using a Genetic Algorithm against MISII for Implementation on FPGAs. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/IEE Joint International Conference on GA Applications (GALESIA). IEEE Press (1997) 278-282.

  139. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Restricted Evaluation Genetic Algorithms with Tabu Search for Optimising Boolean Functions as Multi-level AND-EXOR Networks. Selected Papers from the AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computing. Springer-Verlag LNCS 1143 (1996) 85-101

  140. Miller J. F., Bradbeer P. V. G., Thomson P. Experiences of using Evolutionary Techniques in Logic Minimisation. 1st Online Workshop on Soft Computing (1996).

  141. Miller J. F., Thomson P., Bradbeer P. V. G. Ternary Decision Diagram Optimisation of Reed-Muller Logic Functions using a Genetic Algorithm for variable and simplification rule ordering. Selected Papers from the AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computing. Springer-Verlag LNCS 993 (1995) 181-190.

  142. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Combinational and Sequential Logic Optimisation using Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE/IEE Joint International Conference on GA Applications (GALESIA). IEEE Press (1995) 34-38.


  1. Miller, J. F., Smith S. L, Zhang, Y. M. Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammograms using Multi-chromosome Cartesian Genetic Programming. Workshop on Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (2010) xxx-xxx.

  2. Khan, G. M., Miller, J. F., Halliday, D. M. Developing Neural Structure of Two Agents that Play Checkers Using Cartesian Genetic Programming. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Late breaking paper (2008) 2169-2174.

  3. Khan, G. M., Miller, J. F., Halliday, D. M. A Developmental Model of Neural Computation Using Cartesian Genetic Programming. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Late breaking paper (2007) 2535-2542.

  4. Harding, S. L., Miller J. F., Rietman E. A. Evolution in Materio: Exploiting the Physics of Materials for Computation. Also available at http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0611462 (2006)

  5. Harding S. L., Miller J. F. Evolution in Materio: Exploiting the Physics of Materials for Non-Classical Computation. The Grand Challenge in Non-Classical Computation, International Workshop, 18-19 April, 2005.

  6. Younes A., Rowe J. E., Miller J. F. Quantum searching via entangelment and partial diffusion., Technical Report CSR-04-9, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, arXive-Print quant-ph/040620, 2004.

  7. Harding S. L., Miller J. F., Harris R. M. Evolution in Virtual Materio : Configuring Artificial Neural Networks Using Small Amounts of Information. First International Symposium on Cellular Computing (CELLCOM04), University of Warwick, December 9-10, 2004.

  8. Younes A., Miller J. F. Automated method for building CNOT Based quantum circuits for Boolean functions, Technical report CSR-03-3, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, arXive-Print quant-ph/0304099, 2003.

  9. Miller J. F. Evolving Developmental Programs that Construct Multicellular Organisms Capable of Metamorphosis, Segmentation and Self-repair. Evolvability, Genetics and Development in Natural and Constructed Systems. C. L. Nehaniv, P. J. Bentley, and S. Kumar (Eds.) Technical Report No. 389, Department of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, August 2003.

  10. Goldsmith R. S., Miller J. F. Cooperative Co-evolution of Robot Control, Sensor Relevance and Placement. Evolvability and Sensor Evolution Symposium Abstracts, Technical Report 384, Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, April 2003.

  11. Miller J. F., Harding S. L. Going DEEPER: Artificial Evolution in materio. Evolvability and Sensor Evolution Symposium Abstracts, Technical Report 384, Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, April 2003.

  12. Miller J. F. Growing Multi-Cellular Organisms Inside Computers. Evolvability and Individuality Symposium Abstracts Technical Report No. 370, Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, September 2002.

  13. Miller J. F. What is a Good Genotype-Phenotype Mapping for the Evolution of Computer Programs? Software Evolution and Evolutionary Computation Symposium Abstracts Technical Report No. 364, Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, February 2002.

  14. Yu T., Miller J. F. The Role of Neutral and Adaptive Mutation in an Evolutionary Search on the Ones Max problem. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Late breaking paper (2002) 512-519.

  15. Rothermich J., Miller J. F. Studying the Emergence of Multicellularity with Cartesian Genetic Programming in Artificial Life. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Late breaking paper (2002) 397-403.

  16. Miller J. F. What bloat? Cartesian Genetic Programming on Boolean problems. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Late breaking paper (2001) 295 - 302.

  17. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Evolving Circuits on Gate Arrays. Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on Reconfigurable Systems. IEE Press (1999) 10/1-10/6.

  18. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F., Fogarty T. C. Digital Circuit Evolution: The Ruggedness and Neutrality of Two-Bit Multiplier Landscapes. Proceedings of the IEE half-day Colloquium on Evolutionary Hardware Systems. IEE Press (1999) 6/1-6/4.

  19. Kalganova T., Miller J. F. Circuit layout evolution: An Evolvable Hardware Approach. Proceedings of the IEE half-day Colloquium on Evolutionary Hardware Systems. IEE Press (1999) 3/1-3/4.

  20. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Discovering Novel Digital Circuits using Evolutionary Techniques. Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on Evolvable Systems. IEE Press (1998) 3/1-3/4.

  21. Kalganova T., Miller J. F., Lipnitskaya N. Multiple-Valued Combinational Circuits Sythesised using Evolvable Hardware Approach. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Post-Binary Ultra Large Scale Integration Systems (ULSI'98) in association with ISMVL'98, Fukuoka, Japan, May 27-29 (1998).

  22. Miller J. F., Thomson P., Fogarty T. C. Designing Electronic Circuits Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Arithmetic Circuits: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 4thInternational Conference on Application of Computer Systems, (ACS’97)Szczecin, Poland (1997) 232-239.

  23. Kalganova T., Miller J. F. Evolutionary Approach to Design Multiple-valued Combinational Circuits. Proceedings. of the 4th International conference on Applications of Computer Systems (ACS'97). Szczecin, Poland. (1997) 333-339.

  24. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Optimisation of Finite State Machines using Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Application of Computer Systems (ACS’96) Szczecin, Poland (1996).

  25. Miller J. F., Thomson P. Minimisation of Reed-Muller Expansions of Boolean Functions using Modern Optimisation Methods. Proceedings of CAD DD'95, Minsk, Belarus, (1995).

  26. Thomson P., Miller J. F. Optimisation Techniques based on the use of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) for Logic Implementation on FPGAs. Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on Software Support and CAD Techniques for FPGAS. IEE Press Digest Number 1994/094 (1994) 4/1-4/4.

  27. Thomson P., Miller J. F. The use of Genetic Algorithms in Reed-Muller Optimisation. Proceedings of the AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computing. Leeds April 11-13 (1994)


  1. Vassilev V. K., Miller J. F. Embedding Landscape Neutrality to Build a Bridge from the Conventional to a More Efficient Three-bit Multiplier Circuit.Unpublished (2000)

  2. Ashmore L., Miller J. F. Evolutionary Art with Cartesian Genetic Programming.Unpublished (2004)