gawk -f gp2lattice.awk -v "data=gp.dat" example.txt > gp.gnu gnuplot gp.gnu
#example 21 Jul 2004 (EQ D1 (NOT (IFLTE D1 D2 D3 D4)))
#Created by gp2lattice.awk Revision: 1.1 $ Mon Feb 22 11:03:37 GMT 2010 #from file example.txt # (EQ D1 (NOT (IFLTE D1 D2 D3 D4))) #5 D2 1.22461e-16, 2 1 1.14805, 2.77164 1 #2 NOT 0, 0 1 6.12303e-17, 1 1 #6 D3 1.22461e-16, 2 1 -1.14805, 2.77164 1 #1 D1 0, 0 1 6.12303e-17, -1 1 #4 D1 1.22461e-16, 2 1 2.77164, 1.14805 1 #7 D4 1.22461e-16, 2 1 -2.77164, 1.14805 1 #3 IFLTE 6.12303e-17, 1 1 1.22461e-16, 2 1 #0 EQ 0, 0 1 0, 0 1
#Created by gp2lattice.awk Revision: 1.1 $ Mon Feb 22 11:03:37 GMT 2010 #from file example.txt #size 8 depth 4 set label "EQ" at 0, 0 center front set label "D1" at 6.12303e-17, -1 center front set label "NOT" at 6.12303e-17, 1 center front set label "IFLTE" at 1.22461e-16, 2 center front set label "D1" at 2.77164, 1.14805 center front set label "D2" at 1.14805, 2.77164 center front set label "D3" at -1.14805, 2.77164 center front set label "D4" at -2.77164, 1.14805 center front #set nolabel #Choose desired output type. Remember to disable pause -1 #set terminal postscript eps colour 22; set output 'gp.eps' #set terminal png; set output 'gp.png' set title " (EQ D1 (NOT (IFLTE D1 D2 D3 D4))) " set nokey set noxtics set noytics set noborder #set pointsize 1.5 set size 0.8,1.0 #square set xrange[-2.77164:2.77164] set yrange[-1:4.54328] plot "gp.dat" with linesp pt 7 pause -1
#gawk script to create data file for gnuplot to display GP lisp s-expressions at circular lattice #Jason M. Daida and Adam M. Hilss and David J. Ward and Stephen L. Long. Visualizing Tree Structures in Genetic Programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 6(1):79-110, 2005. # #WBL 17 Feb 2010 created $Revision: 1.2 $" #based on RE_gp2dot.awk r1.12 #It self based on lisp2dot.awk r1.3 #and Steven M Gustafson's awk/gnuplot code #Inputs: file containing program as text #examples #gawk -f gp2lattice.awk -v "data=gp.dat" lisp2dot_example.txt > t.gnu #gnuplot t.gnu BEGIN { datafile = (data!="")? data : "/tmp/points"; #Arity is given by function name via these four strings NOT brackets #all non-terminals from GProc1.8 r1.124 #You may need to edit this file or override by command line. if(arity1=="") arity1 =",NOT,SMNOT,XC,YC,ANN,Int,Frac,INT,FRAC,"; if(arity2=="") arity2 =",ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,AND,OR,NAND,NOR,XOR,EQ,APPROX,DIF,GT,GTEQ,LT,LTEQ,SMAND,SMOR,SMEQ,SMDIF,SMGE,SMLE,Max,Min,MaxA,MinA,"; if(arity3=="") arity3 =",IF,"; if(arity4=="") arity4 =",IFLTE,"; ##else arity0, ie terminal twopi = 8 * atan2(1,1); printf("#Created by gp2lattice.awk %s %s\n", substr("$Revision: 1.2 $",2),strftime()); printf("#Created by gp2lattice.awk %s %s\n", substr("$Revision: 1.2 $",2),strftime()) > datafile } (FNR==1) { printf("#from file %s\n",FILENAME); printf("#from file %s\n",FILENAME) > datafile } (index($1,"(")==1 && code=="") { #start of program code = $0; next; } ($1=="poly0" && (n1=index($0,"="))>1) { #GProc start of program code = substr($0,n1+1); next; } (index($0,"#")==0 && ($1!="poly0") ) { code = sprintf("%s %s",code,$0); next; } END{ printf("#%s\n",code) > datafile; print_data(code); #print_dot(substr($0,n1)); print_allpos(); printf("#set nolabel\n"); printf("#Choose desired output type. Remember to disable pause -1\n"); printf("#set terminal postscript eps colour 22; set output '%s'\n", gnuoutfile((data!="")? data : FILENAME,"eps")); printf("#set terminal png; set output '%s'\n", gnuoutfile((data!="")? data : FILENAME,"png")); printf("set title \"%s\"\n",gensub(/[[:space:][:cntrl:]]+/," ","g",code)); printf("set nokey\n"); printf("set noxtics\n"); printf("set noytics\n"); printf("set noborder\n"); printf("#set pointsize 1.5\n"); printf("set size 0.8,1.0 #square\n"); side = max(xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin); printf("set xrange[%s:%s]\n",xmin,xmin+side); printf("set yrange[%s:%s]\n",ymin,ymin+side); printf("plot \"%s\" with linesp pt 7\n",datafile); printf("pause -1\n"); } function gnuoutfile(infile,type, n,t) { if(type=="") type="eps"; if(infile=="") return sprintf("gp2lattice.%s",type); n=split(infile,t,"."); if(n<2) return sprintf("%s.%s",infile,type); return sprintf("%s.%s",substr(infile,1,length(infile)-length(t[n])-1),type); } #shared node_name,node_dpth,node_back,node_nxt,node_arity,separation, function print_data(code, inst,l,size,pc,parent,args,i, node_child, j,max_depth, p,q,n,t) { for(i in node_dpth) delete node_dpth[i]; for(i in node_name) delete node_name[i]; for(i in node_back) delete node_back[i]; for(i in node_arity) delete node_arity[i]; for(i in node_nxt) delete node_nxt[i]; for(i in printed) delete printed[i]; l=split(code,inst,"[ \t()]"); #remove brackets and layout # printf("#'%s'\n",code); # printf("#%d4",l);for(i=1;i<=l;i++) printf("'%s'",inst[i]);printf("\n"); size = 0; pc=0; parent=-1; args=1; #sanity check only for(i=1;i<=l;i++) { if(length(inst[i])>0) { node_name[pc]=inst[i]; node_nxt[pc]=0; node_arity[pc]=arity(node_name[pc]); args += node_arity[pc]-1; # printf("//i=%3d pc=%3d %2d %d args=%2d `%s' %d %20s %3d\n", \ # i, \ # pc, \ # arity(node_name[pc]), \ # node_arity[pc], \ # args,sym,n, \ # sprintf(",%s,",node_name[pc]), \ # parent); assert(args>=0, sprintf("badly formed tree. Check arity1-4? args %d i=%d pc=%d %s", args,i,pc,inst[i])); node_back[pc]=parent; node_dpth[pc]=node_dpth[parent]; size++; node_dpth[pc]++; if(node_dpth[pc]>max_depth) max_depth = node_dpth[pc]; node_nxt[parent]++; node_child[parent,node_nxt[parent]]=pc; node_coord[pc]=sprintf("%s,%d",node_coord[parent],node_nxt[parent]); if(node_arity[pc]>0) parent=pc; else { for(j=parent; node_nxt[j]>=node_arity[j] && j>=0; ){ j=node_back[j]; parent=j; # printf("//j=%3d parent=%3d\n",j,parent); } } pc++; } } printf("#size %d depth %d\n",size,max_depth); assert(args==0, sprintf("ERROR2 badly formed tree2.Check arity1-4? args %d i=%d pc=%d %s", args,i,pc,inst[i])); print_pos(0); for(p=0;p<pc;p++){ for(i=1;i<=node_arity[p];i++) { q=node_child[p,i]; print_pos(q); } } } function print_pos(pc, n,t,i,A,B,B0,p,sibs,middle) { #if(node_nxt[pc]==0) return; #printf("#print_pos(%d) %s `%s' ",pc,node_name[pc],node_coord[pc]); n=split(node_coord[pc],t,","); p = pc; #printf("n=%d\n",n); for(i=n;i>2;i--) {#ignore leading comma separator and root assert(p in node_back,"opps p not in node_back"); p = node_back[p]; assert(node_arity[p]>0,"opps no arity"); sibs[i]=node_arity[p]; #printf("#sibs[%d] %d\n",i,sibs[i]); } A = 1; B0 = B = 0; print_2pos(0,B0,0,B,pc); for(i=3;i<=n;i++) {#ignore leading comma separator and root middle = (sibs[i]-1)/2; B += A*(t[i]-1-middle)/sibs[i]; A /= sibs[i]; #printf("#t[%d]=%d,sibs[%d]=%d A=%s B=%s\n",i,t[i],i,sibs[i],A,B); print_2pos(i-3,B0,i-2,B,pc); B0 = B; } #printf("#%s A=%s B=%s %s %s\n",node_name[pc],A,B,1.0/A,(B!=0)? 1.0/B : "inf"); printf("set label \"%s\" at %s center front\n",node_name[pc],position(n-2,B)); } function print_allpos( i,t) { for(i in Print_2pos) { split(i,t,SUBSEP); printf("\n#%s\n",Print_2pos_name[i]) > datafile; #gnuplot separator print_pos2(t[1],t[2],Print_2pos[i]); print_pos2(t[3],t[4],Print_2pos[i]); } } function print_2pos(i0,B0,i,B,pc) { if((i0,B0,i,B) in printed) return; printed[i0,B0,i,B]=1; #save pc and name of first occurrence of this limb of the tree if(!((i0,B0,i,B) in Print_2pos)) Print_2pos_name[i0,B0,i,B] = sprintf("%d %s",pc,node_name[pc]); Print_2pos[i0,B0,i,B]++; } function position(i,B, x,y) { x=i*cos(twopi*B); y=i*sin(twopi*B); if(x>xmax) xmax=x; if(x<xmin) xmin=x; if(y>ymax) ymax=y; if(y<ymin) ymin=y; return sprintf("%s, %s",x,y); } function print_pos2(i,B,count) { printf("%s %d\n",position(i,B),count) > datafile; } function arity(name, t_,s_) { last =name; t_ = sprintf(",%s,",name); # printf("#t_'%s'\n",t_); if(index(arity1,t_)>0) return 1; if(index(arity2,t_)>0) return 2; if(index(arity3,t_)>0) return 3; if(index(arity4,t_)>0) return 4; s_ = sprintf("(%s",name); if(index(code,s_)) suspect_leaf = s_; return 0; } function min(a,b) { return (a>b)? a : b; } #from syntax.awk r1.37 function max(a,b) { return (a>b)? a : b; } function assert(true,id) { if(!true) { printf("ERROR %s\n%s File %s\n",id,suspect_leaf,FILENAME) > "/dev/stderr"; exit 1; } }
W.B.Langdon 22 February 2010 (last updated 2 Aug 2012)