GECCO 2014
Track Chairs
ACO+SI Ant Colony Optimisation and Swarm Intelligence Konstantinos E. Parsopoulos
Marco A. Montes de Oca
Artificial Immune Systems
Emma Hart
Christine Zarges
DETA Digital Entertainment Technologies and Arts
Christian Jacob
Julian Togelius
ECOM Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics
Thomas Stuetzle
Guenther Raidl
EMO Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimisation
Dimo Brockhoff
Joshua D. Knowles
GP Genetic Programming
Malcolm Heywood
William Langdon
EML Evolutionary Machine Learning
Jaume Bacardit
Tom Schaul
PES Parallel Evolutionary Systems Gabriel Luque
Stefano Cagnoni
THEORY Carsten Witt
Benjamin Doerr
Thomas Schmickl
Ken Stanley
BIO Biological and Biomedical Applications
Alison Motsinger-Reif
James Foster
EDA Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
John McCall
Pedro Larranaga
ESEP Evolution Strategies and Evolutionary Programming
Anne Auger
Tobias Glasmachers
GDS Generative and Developmental Systems
Michael Palmer
Sebastian Risi
RWA Real World Applications Bernhard Sendhoff
Hitoshi Iba
SBSE Search-Based Software Engineering Guenther Ruhe
Marouane Kessentini
SS Self-* Search
Sean Luke
Dirk Thierens
GA Genetic Algorithms
Thomas Jansen
Kalyanmoy Deb
IGEC Integrative Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Yaochu Jin
Yew Soon Ong
W.B.Langdon 15 August 2013 (last update 10 Dec 2013)