@InProceedings{ adorni:1999:gpgkcsrcmsc, author = "Giovanni Adorni and Stefano Cagnoni and Monica Mordonini", title = "Genetic Programming of a Goal­Keeper Control Strategy for the RoboCup Middle Size Competition", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "109--119", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ andersson:1999:rmbgprc, author = "Bjorn Andersson and Per Svensson and Peter Nordin and Mats Nordahl", title = "Reactive and Memory­Based Genetic Programming for Robot Control", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "161--172", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP AIMGP machine code GP, memory, simulated robot" } @InProceedings{ bollini:1999:dpeadp, author = "Alessandro Bollini and Marco Piastra", title = "Distributed and Persistent Evolutionary Algorithms: a Design Pattern", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "173--183", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP Java objectstore database" } @InProceedings{ ebner:1999:eemrl, author = "Marc Ebner", title = "Evolving an Environment Model for Robot Localization", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "184--192", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ eggermont:1999:affgpdm, author = "J. Eggermont and A. E. Eiben and J. I. {van Hemert}", title = "Adapting the Fitness Function in {GP} for Data Mining", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "193--202", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ esparcia­alcazar:1999:ppgpcdlis, author = "Anna Esparcia­Alcazar and Ken Sharman", title = "Phenotype Plasticity in Genetic Programming: a Comparison of Darwinian and Lamarckian Inheritance Schemes", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "49--64", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ garcia:1999:efrbcgapga, author = "Santiago Garcia and Fermin Gonzalez and Luciano Sanchez", title = "Evolving Fuzzy Rule Based Classifiers with {GA­P}: {A} Grammatical Approach", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "203--210", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP UCI machine learning databases" } @InProceedings{ golubski:1999:ennsmgp, author = "Wolfgang Golubski and Thomas Feuring", title = "Evolving Neural Network Structures by Means of Genetic Programming", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "211--220", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ kantschik:1999:m-eggp, author = "Wolfgang Kantschik and Peter Dittrich and Markus Brameier and Wolfgang Banzhaf", title = "Meta­Evolution in Graph {GP}", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "15--28", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ howard:1999:esdssari, author = "Daniel Howard and Simon C. Roberts and Richard Brankin", title = "Evolution of Ship Detectors for Satellite {SAR} Imagery", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "135--148", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ koza:1999:gpdim, author = "John R. Koza and Forrest H {Bennett III} and Oscar Stiffelman", title = "Genetic Programming as a Darwinian Invention Machine", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "93--108", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ langdon:1999:bool, author = "W. B. Langdon and R Poli", title = "Boolean Functions Fitness Spaces", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "1--14", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", abstract = "We investigate the distribution of performance of the Boolean functions of 3 Boolean inputs (particularly that of the parity functions), the always-on-6 and even-6 parity functions. We use enumeration, uniform Monte-Carlo random sampling and sampling random full trees. As expected XOR dramatically changes the fitness distributions. In all cases once some minimum size threshold has been exceeded, the distribution of performance is approximately independent of program size. However the distribution of the performance of full trees is different from that of asymmetric trees and varies with tree depth.", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ machado:1999:bbir, author = "Penousal Machado and Francisco B. Pereira and Amilcar Cardoso and Ernesto Costa", title = "Busy Beaver -- the Influence of Representation", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "29--38", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP Penousal Machado won special jury prize." } @InProceedings{ nordin:1999:greimp, author = "Peter Nordin and Anders Eriksson and Mats Nordahl", title = "Genetic Reasoning: Evolutionary Induction of Mathematical Proofs", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "221--231", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ olsson:1999:htif, author = "J. Roland Olsson", title = "How to Invent Functions", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "232--243", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming, ADATE", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP Gene duplication, abstraction" } @InProceedings{ oneill:1999:em-lccp, author = "Michael O'Neill and Conor Ryan", title = "Evolving Multi­Line Compilable {C} Programs", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "83--92", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ page:1999:smuxspmgp, author = "J. Page and R. Poli and W. B. Langdon", title = "Smooth Uniform Crossover with Smooth Point Mutation in Genetic Programming: {A} Preliminary Study", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "39--49", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @Proceedings{ poli:1999:gp, title = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of Euro{GP}'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", size = "282 pages approx", notes = "EuroGP'99" } @InProceedings{ poli:1999:smcgp:nre, author = "Riccardo Poli", title = "Sub­Machine­Code {GP}: New Results and Extensions", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "65--82", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ radi:1999:gpdelrholffnn, author = "Amr Radi and Riccardo Poli", title = "Genetic Programming Discovers Efficient Learning Rules for the Hidden and Output Layers of Feedforward Neural Networks", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "120--134", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ ryan:1999:apap, author = "Conor Ryan and Laur Ivan", title = "Automatic Parallelization of Arbitrary Programs", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "244--254", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming, paragen", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", abstract = "converting both sequences and loops in a single seamless operation", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ sarafopoulos:1999:agaifsstgp, author = "Anargyros Sarafopoulos", title = "Automatic Generation of Affine {IFS} and Strongly Typed Genetic Programming", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "149--160", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming, STGP", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", abstract = "Iterated Functions Systems IFS are recursive systems that have applications in modeling, animation and, Fractal Image Compression.... demonstrated with examples its application to the inverse problem for IFS. ", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" } @InProceedings{ silva:1999:ecaagpn, author = "Arlindo Silva and Ana Neves and Ernesto Costa", title = "Evolving Controllers for Autonomous Agents Using Genetically Programmed Networks", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "255--269", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP Santa Fe ant" } @InProceedings{ trenaman:1999:cgptda, author = "Adrian Trenaman", title = "Concurrent Genetic Programming, Tartarus and Dancing Agents", booktitle = "Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99", year = "1999", editor = "Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty", volume = "1598", series = "LNCS", pages = "270--282", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", publisher_address="Berlin", month = "26-27 " # may, organisation = "EvoNet", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming", isbn = "3-540-65899-8", notes = "EuroGP'99, part of poli:1999:GP" }