GOTEBORG, 26-27 May, 1999
talk | Meta-Evolution in Graph GP | W. Kantschik, P. Dittrich, M. Brameier, W. Banzhaf |
talk | Genetic programming of a goal-keeper control strategy for the RoboCup mid-size competition | G. Adorni, S. Cagnoni |
talk | Automatic generation of affine IFS and strongly typed genetic programming | Anargyros Sarafopoulos | talk | Sub-Machine-Code GP: New Results and Extensions | Riccardo Poli |
talk | Boolean Functions Fitness Spaces | W. B. Langdon and R. Poli |
talk | Genetic Programming Discovers Efficient Learning Rules for the Hidden and Output Layers of Feedforward Neural Networks | Amr Radi and Riccardo Poli |
talk | Genetic Programming as a Darwinian Invention Machine | John R. Koza, Forrest H Bennett III and Oscar Stiffelman |
talk | Smooth Uniform Crossover with Smooth Point Mutation in Genetic Programming: A Preliminary Study | J. Page, R. Poli and W. B. Langdon |
talk | Evolution of Ship Detectors for Satellite SAR Imagery | Daniel Howard, Simon C. Roberts and Richard Brankin |
talk | Busy Beaver - The Influence of Representation | Penousal Machado, Francisco B. Pereira, Ami'lcar Cardoso, Ernesto Costa |
talk | Evolving Multi-line Compilable C Programs | Michael O'Neill, Conor Ryan |
talk | Phenotype Plasticity in Genetic Programming A comparison of Darwinian and Lamarckian inheritance schemes | Anna I Esparcia-Alcazar and Ken Sharman |
poster | Evolving an environment model for robot localization | Marc Ebner |
poster | How to Invent Functions | J. Roland Olsson |
poster | Automatic Parallelization of Arbitrary Programs | Conor Ryan and Laur Ivan |
poster | Evolving Controllers for Autonomous Agents Using Genetically Programmed Networks | Arlindo Silva, Ana Neves and Ernesto Costa |
poster | Concurrent Genetic Programming, Tartarus and Dancing Agents | Adrian Trenaman |
poster | Evolving Neural Network Structures by Means of Genetic Programming | Wolfgang Golubski and Thomas Feuring |
poster | Evolving Fuzzy Rule Based Classifiers with GA-P: A Grammatical Approach. | Santiago Garc'ia, Ferm'in Gonzalez, Luciano S'anchez |
poster | Anytime Genetic Programming | Alessandro Bollini and Marco Piastra |
poster | Robotic Control Using Reactive and Memory Based Genetic Programming | Bjo"rn Andersson, Per Svensson, Peter Nordin and Mats Nordahl |
poster | Genetic Reasoning Evolutionary Induction of Mathematical Proofs | Peter Nordin, Anders Eriksson and Mats Nordahl |
poster | Adapting the fitness function in GP for data mining | J. Eggermont, A. E. Eiben, J. I. van Hemert |
W. B. Langdon $Date: 2003/01/12 14:12:53 $