CIGPU-2012 Australia, 10-15 June 2012

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CIGPU 2011

gecco logo Computational Intelligence on Consumer Games and Graphics Hardware

Location Burlington Hotel, Dublin, Ireland, 13 July 2011
Submissions 7 April 2011
Decision notifications 15 April 2011
Camera Ready 26 April 2011
Presentors registration 2 May 2011
GPU Competition 23 June 2011

Time Table

CIGPU was held Wednesday 13 July 2011 in the Burlington Hotel Connaught Suite (1) 2nd floor plan


Time Title Pages Authors Slides Chair
8:30 - 8:40 Start Welcome Simon Harding
8:40 - 9:05 Bitwise Operations for GPU Implementation of Genetic Algorithms 439-406 Martin Pedemonte, Enrique Alba and Francisco Luna Simon Harding
9:05 - 9:30 Acceleration of Genetic Algorithms for Sudoku Solution on Many-Core Processors 407-414 Yuji Sato, Naohiro Hasegawa and Mikiko Sato slides pic
9:30 - 9:55 Acceleration of Grammatical Evolution Using Graphics Processing Units 431-438 Petr Pospichal, Eoin Murphy, Michael O'Neill, Josef Schwarz and Jiri Jaros pic
9:55 - 10:20 Discussion: suggested topics AI techniques yet to be implemented on GPUs audience pic Bill Langdon
10:20 - 10:40 Break
10:40 - 11:05 Debugging CUDA 415-422 W. B. Langdon slides Tony Lewis
11:05 - 11:30 Performing with CUDA 423-430 W. B. Langdon slides
11:30 - 11:55 Implementing Cartesian Genetic Programming Classifiers on Graphics Processing Units using GPU.NET 463-470 Simon Harding and Wolfgang Banzhaf
11:55 - 12:20 Discussion: Pitfalls and Best Practices for Machine Learning using GPGPU Programming (Our Latest Revelations)

With the idea being that we discuss surprises we discovered in using APIs or hardware that we think others in the field could benefit from (rather than make the same mistakes we did).

audience pic Garnett Wilson
12:20 - 14:00 Lunch1 pic p p p p p p p p p p p
14:00 - 14:25 Evolving CUDA PTX Programs by Quantum Inspired Linear Genetic Programming 399-406 Leandro Cupertino, Cleomar Silva, Douglas Dias, Marco Aurelio Pacheco, Cristiana Bentes pic Bill Langdon
14:25 - 14:50 TMBL Kernels for CUDA GPUs Compile Faster Using PTX 455-462 Tony E Lewis and George D Magoulas slides
14:50 - 15:15 Identifying Similarities in TMBL Programs with Alignment to Quicken Their Compilation for GPUs 447-454 Tony E Lewis and George D Magoulas slides
15:15 - 15:50 Competition entrants Simon Harding
Discussion: Next year's CIGPU Bill Langdon


We continued discussions over lunch at a round table in the Burlington Hotel.


The fourth International workshop and tutorial on Computational Intelligence on Consumer Games and Graphics Hardware (CIGPU 2011) was held as a workshop in the GECCO-2011 conference in Dublin 12-16 July 2011.

CIGPU 2011 was the fourth workshop on the use of GPUs, games consoles and other consumer hardware for evolutionary algorithms and other computational intelligence techniques.

Due to its speed, price, and availability, there is increasing interest in using mass consumer market commodity hardware for engineering and scientific applications. Mostly this has concentrated upon graphics hardware, particularly GPUs, due to their ability to offer teraflop performance on a desktop using a restricted form of parallel computing. There is also increasing interest in using the computing power of game consoles such as the Xbox, Playstation and Cell processor, and portable entertainment and/or cellular phone mobile devices for research and applications.

Submissions are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:

Papers that discuss novel implementations and the practicalities of writing software for these hardware platforms are especially welcome.

Paper Submission

Submitted papers should follow the ACM format, and not exceed 8 pages. Accepted papers were presented at the workshop and appear in the GECCO workshop volume. Proceedings of the workshop were published on CD-ROM, and distributed at the conference.

Programme Committee

In addition to the organisers the programme committee included:

Simon Poulding Juan Lanchares Davila J Ignacio Hidalgo Tien-Tsin Wong Malcolm Heywood

Key Dates

Submissions 7 April 2011
Workshop paper decision notifications sent 15 April 2011
Final files and copyright or permission form deadline for accepted workshop papers 26 April 2011
Registration deadline for presenting authors 2 May 2011
GPU competition entries 23 June 2011
Workshop 13 July 2011

GPU Tutorial

The workshop was held in conjunction with the tutorial "Accelerating Evolutionary Computation with Graphics Processing Units".

GPU Competition

There was also a GECCO 2011 competition on GPUs for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation.

More details can be found at :

Workshop Chairs

Simon HardingIDSIA, Switzerland
Bill LangdonUniversity College London
Man Leung WongLingnan University, Hong Kong
Tony LewisBirkbeck, University of London
Garnett WilsonMemorial University, Canada

Previous Events

Other GPU sites

A few links to other pages interested in general purpose computing on graphics hardware
W.B.Langdon 30 Dec 2010 (last update 6 July 2014).