Given the complexity of the problem, genetic algorithms are one of the
more promising methods of discovering control schemes for soft
robotics. Since physically embodied evolution is time consuming and
expensive, an outstanding challenge lies in developing fast and
suitably realistic simulations in which to evolve soft robot gaits.
We describe two parallel methods of using NVidia's PhysX, a
hardware-accelerated (GPGPU) physics engine, in order to evolve and
optimise soft bodied gaits. The first method involves the evolution of
open-loop gaits using a reduced-order lumped parameter model. The
second method involves harnessing PhysX's soft-bodied material
simulation capabilities. In each case we discuss the the challenges
and possibilities involved in using the PhysX for evolutionary soft
either due to hardware GPU limits
or older versions of software,
careful implementation of PRNGs was required
to make good use of the limited numerical precision
available on graphics cards.
Newer nVidia G80 and Tesla hardware support double precision.
This is available to high level programmers via CUDA.
This allows a much simpler C++ implementation
Park-Miller random numbers,
which provides a four fold speed up
compared to an earlier GPU implementation.
Code will be available via
Current consumer-grade computers and game devices incorporate very
powerful processors that can be used to accelerate many classes of
scientific codes. However, programming multi-core chips, hybrid
multi-processors or graphical processing units is not an easy task for
those programmers that deal mainly with sequential codes. In this
paper, we explore the ability of the Cell Broadband Engine to run a
particular Estimation of Distribution Algorithm. From an initial
sequential version, we develop a multi-threaded one that is afterwards
reworked to run on a Cell. The multi-threaded version is capable of
efficiently use current multi-core chips, such as those used in
desktop PCs. However, the efficiency of the Cell version is very
low. We analyse the causes of these discouraging results, and provide
some clues about the class of problems that could be efficiently
ported to the Cell.
A widely available and economic means of increasing the computing power
applied to a problem is to use modern graphics processing units (GPUs) for
parallel processing. We present a new, optimised general methodology for
deploying genetic programming (GP) to the PC, Xbox 360 video game console,
and Zune portable media device. This work describes, for the first time,
the implementation considerations necessary to maximise available CPU and
GPU (where available) usage on the three separate hardware platforms. We
demonstrate the first instance of GP using portable digital media device
hardware. The work also presents, for the first time, an Xbox 360
implementation that uses the GPU for fitness evaluation. Implementations on
each platform are also benchmarked on the basis of execution time for an
established GP regression benchmark.
Most real-life optimisation problems or decision-making problems are
multi-objective in nature, since they normally have several (possibly
conflicting) objectives that must be satisfied at the same time.
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) have been gaining
increasing attention among researchers and practitioners. However, they
may execute for a long time for some difficult problems, because several
evaluations must be performed. Moreover, the non-dominance checking and
the non-dominated selection procedures are also very time consuming. From
our experiments, more than 99% of the execution time is used in performing
the two procedures. A promising approach to overcome this limitation is to
parallelise these algorithms. In this paper, we propose a parallel MOEA
on consumer-level Graphics Processing Units (GPU). We perform many
experiments on two-objective and three-objective benchmark problems to
compare our parallel MOEA with a sequential MOEA and demonstrate that the
former is much more efficient than the latter.
This paper describes designing a parallel GA with GPU computation
to solve the quadratic assignment problem (QAP)
which is one of the hardest optimisation problems in permutation
domains. For the parallel method, a multiple-population,
coarse-grained GA model was used. Each subpopulation is evolved
by a multiprocessor in a GPU (NVIDIA GeForce GTX285). At predetermined
intervals of
generations all individuals in subpopulations are shuffled
via the VRAM of the GPU. The instances on which
this algorithm was tested were taken from the QAPLIB
benchmark library. Results were promising, showing a speedup
ration from 3 to 12 times, compared to the Intel i7 965 processor.
We present a set of single-core designed parallel SIMD Genetic Algorithm (GA) operators aimed at increasing computational speed of genetic algorithms. We use a discrete-valued chromosome representation. The explored operators include: single gene mutation, uniform crossover and a fitness evaluation function. We discuss their low-level hardware implementations on the Cell Processor. We use the Knapsack problem as a proof of concept, demonstrating performances of our operators. We measure the scalability in terms of generations per second. Using the architecture of the Cell Processor and a static population size of 648 individuals, we achieved 11.6 million generations per second on one Synergetic Processing Element (SPE) core for a problem size n = 8 and 9.5 million generations per second for a problem size n = 16. Generality for problem of size n multiple of 8 is shown. Executing 6 independent concurrent GA runs, one per SPE core, allows for a rough overall estimate of 70 million generations per second and 57 million generations per second for problem sizes of 8 and 16 respectively.
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) can be used to reduce the dimensions of
large Term-Document datasets using Singular Value
Decomposition. However, with the ever expanding size of data sets,
current implementations are not fast enough to quickly and easily
compute the results on a standard PC. The Graphics Processing Unit
(GPU) can solve some highly parallel problems much faster than the
traditional sequential processor (CPU). Thus, a deployable system
using a GPU to speedup large-scale LSA processes would be a much more
effective choice (in terms of cost/performance ratio) than using a
computer cluster. In this paper, we presented a parallel LSA
implementation on the GPU, using NVIDIA Compute Unified Device
Architecture (CUDA) and Compute Unified Basic Linear Algebra
Subprograms (CUBLAS). The performance of this implementation is
compared to traditional LSA implementation on CPU using an optimised
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library. For large matrices that have
dimensions divisible by 16, the GPU algorithm ran five to six times
faster than the CPU version.
We present two different single-core parallel SIMD linear genetic programming (LGP) systems aimed for the IBM Cell Processor on the Playstation3. Our algorithms harness their computational power from the SIMD capabilities of the Cell Processor. We implement two evolutionary algorithms and look at the classical problem of symbolic regression of functions. The first LGP generates a single offspring and selection from the population occurs randomly. The second algorithm generates two offspring and selection from the population is performed using k-tournament with k = 2. Mutation occurs at macro and micro levels. Both SIMD instructions and register operands are subject to mutation. We use a static population of 648 individuals and experiments are constrained to 300 seconds of computational time. Our results indicate that both EAs perform equally well though the first algorithm is faster and outperforms the 2nd algorithm in some cases. We speculate that the speed at which generations are iterated through is significantly greater than that of a typical tree-based GP and scalar linear GP.
W.B.Langdon 4 May 2009 (last update 4 July 2014)