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Slide presentation for Genetic Programming 1997 Conference
W. B. Langdon
School of Computer Science,
University of Birmingham, UK
Evolutionary and Emergent Behaviour
Intelligence and Computation (EEBIC)

Analysis of the MAX Problem
(pages 222--230)
W. B. Langdon and R. Poli
- What is the MAX Problem
- Confirm Gathercole, GP-96, but
- GP solution mechanism modelled
- Initial and Evolution of Variety
- Tournament Size
- Impact of depth limit on Price
- GP as hill climber
- Conclusions
Why MAX Problem
- Little GP theory
- Analyse benchmark problem
- Later stages of MAX not deceptive, why difficult?
- Strong scalar fitness
breeding pop = one solution
- Pop stuck near root
- Generally true GP?
MAX Problem
One of the four solutions to
MAX-depth-4-{*,+}-{0.5} = 16
- Find tree with max value within limited size
- Function set {*,+}, terminal set {0.5}
- Depth limit D
- Max value
optimal trees

Why MAX is hard for GP
- No negatives
+ always increases fitness
- * arguments
for good as +
- Initially growth of +
- GP converges towards + near root
- later need * near root
Near solution to
MAX-depth-5-{*,+}-{0.5} = 128 (optimal 256)
+ Difficult to Replace
- low crossover activity near root
- depth limit + full tree
xo can't move big to small
low fitness
hard near root
- iff * in same level
How long to Replace +
- Special case 1 + node at level d
crossover point
crossover points
The expected gens to improvement

Number of generations to displace
last misplaced + (D = 8)
Error bars indicate standard error
How long to Replace +
- When multiple + gets messy
- Lower bound xo at same level + nodes

- Detailed counting end of one run

How long to Solution
- Long periods with no improvement
- Whole pop accepts next improvement
- Ie GP hill climbs.
- Time for each step O(
- For large D, runtime is dominated by time to replace + near root
- Total time also O(
- Search space O
Mean number of generations
(successful runs)
Percentage of runs ending in failure, 500, 5000 gens
Lower curves shows percentage of failed runs with no
in a higher level.
How Many Steps to Solution
Improved solutions found before optimal solution in
successful runs.
- Number of steps
functions in tree
- lack of GP theory, analysed published example
- Pop sticks at root
- No introns/side effects to work around blocked root
- Role for analysis

Variety in initial populations
Predicted v. Mean of 50 runs

Number of different trees
Trees from xo full trees one function per level

Mean number of gens, successful runs
Percentage of runs ending in failure
Lower curves no
in a higher level
Cov and freq *
(d = 1, D = 5)
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William B Langdon
Thu Jul 24 17:45:21 BST 1997