From David Barber

Main: MScThesisUCL


These are some personal thoughts about projects and should not be considered official guidelines. They are mainly based on past experiences in supervising and marking projects and passed on in the hope that they may be useful.

Data Science/Machine Learning/CSML

All students take the same project, so formally speaking the assessment criteria are the same. However, I would anticipate that Data Science students may wish to take industry projects in preference to projects in which the primary supervisor is an academic. However, Data Science students are welcome to take any project.

Students are welcome to contact companies independently. However (as below) note that you are required to complete a project disseration and this must contain a report of a scientific investigation and demonstrate an application of the skills that you have learned throughout the taught component of the MSc. Unlike elsewhere, you should not consider the projects as `internships'; rather you need to investigate a scientific challenge that can be addressed using Machine Learning/Data Science/CSML.

Choosing a Project

During the Project

Project Report

Typical Layout

You are not required to follow this, but a typical structure for the thesis is:

What is the problem and why is it interesting.

State very clearly the problem that you are investigating. If your examiner cannot even understand the first few pages of your thesis, there is no chance that you will obtain a high mark.

Describe here work that is connected to your thesis. This should include references to published work. There is no fixed rule, but I would expect a student to have read around 50 published research papers and reference them in a thesis.

Describe your method in detail and with great clarity, distinguishing it from other works (if it is indeed a novel idea). It is very important to clearly motivate your method.

Describe the results of your method here in this chapter.

It is unlikely that everything you tried worked well, so in this chapter you may wish to describe a modified version of your method and the associated results. Explain why you were motivated to try this extension and how you think it might help to address some of the shortcomings of the method is Chapter 3.

Summarise what you have achieved and evaluate honestly if you feel the approach has been largely successful. Explain what could be improved still and perhaps why the method is not working well (if that is the case).

Length and format

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