Toast++  1.0.2 (r.539)
Forward and inverse modelling in optical tomography
ObjectiveFunction Member List

This is the complete list of members for ObjectiveFunction, including all inherited members.

add_gradient_data(RVector &grad, const Raster &raster, const CFwdSolver &FWS, const RVector &proj, CVector *dphi, const CCompRowMatrix &mvec) const (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunction
add_gradient_prior(const Solution &so, RVector &grad) const (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunction
Data() (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunctioninline
get_gradient(const Raster &raster, const CFwdSolver &FWS, const RVector &proj, CVector *dphi, const CCompRowMatrix &mvec, const Solution *sol, RVector &grad) const (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunction
get_gradient() (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunction
get_posterior(const RVector *proj) const (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunction
get_prior(PRIOR_OLD prior, const RVector &x, const RVector &xp, const RVector &x0, double tau, const RCompRowMatrix &LTL) (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunctionstatic
get_value(const RVector &data, const RVector &proj, const RVector &sd, const RMatrix *scale=0) (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunctionstatic
get_value(const RVector *proj, const Solution *sol=0) const (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunction
ObjectiveFunction(const Raster *_raster) (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunction
SD() (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunctioninline
SetData(const RVector *_data) (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunctioninline
SetGMRFParam(double _gmrf_exp, double _hypermua, double _hyperkappa, const int *_nbg_rowptr, const int *_nbg_colidx) (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunctioninline
SetScalingMatrix(const RMatrix *mat) (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunctioninline
SetSD(const RVector *_sd) (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunctioninline
SetTVParam(double _tv_beta2, double _hypermua, double _hyperkappa) (defined in ObjectiveFunction)ObjectiveFunction