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datasynth - Generates synthetic diffusion MRI data.



datasynth [-options]



Generates synthetic diffusion MRI data either using a test function or a Monte-Carlo simulation for the spin-displacement density and an image acquisition scheme. The program outputs data in the format required by fitting programs such as dtfit, so the output of datasynth can be piped straight into these programs. By default the output is voxel-order four-byte floating point data.

If a scheme file is specified, it must either be in SI units for the standard test functions to work (since they use tensors in SI units). You may use scheme files in other units if you specify the full diffusion tensor to be used in the test function.



Generate 10000 voxels of synthetic data from a zero-mean Gaussian test function with diffusion tensor diag(17, 2, 2)*10^{-10} m^2 s^{-1} and signal to noise ratio 16 (Rician noise: see -noisetype) with no diffusion weighting using the acquisition scheme specified in A.scheme and store the data in file P1_A10000.Bfloat:

  datasynth -testfunc 1 -snr 16 -schemefile A.scheme -voxels 10000 > P1_A10000.Bfloat

Generate 10000 voxels of data from a mixture of two zero-mean Gaussians with diffusion tensors diag(30, 6, 6)*10^{-10} m^2 s^{-1} and diag(6, 30, 6)*10^{-10} m^2 s^{-1} and signal to noise ratio of 16 at q=0 using a spherical acquisition scheme with M=8 measurements at b=0, N=61 gradient directions, radial wavenumber |q|=200000 m^{-1} and diffusion time tau=0.04:

  datasynth -testfunc 3 -snr 16 -fixedmodq 8 61 200000 0.04 -lambda1 1.5E-9 -scale 2 -voxels 10000 > P1_V10000.Bfloat


  datasynth -gaussmix 2 30E-10 0 0 6E-10 0 6E-10 0.5 6E-10 0 0 30E-10 0 6E-10 0.5 -snr 16 -fixedmodq 8 61 200000 0.04 -voxels 10000 > P1_V10000.Bfloat

datasynth can also read input data, such as diffusion-tensor data or two-tensor data in the format output by modelfit, dtfit or twotenfit. Given input data, datasynth generates synthetic diffusion-weighted MRI measurements for each voxel using the input data to specify the test function. For example:

 datasynth -inputfile DiffTensorA.Bdouble -inputmodel dt -schemefile A.scheme > SyntheticMeasurementsA.Bfloat

creates a data set of synthetic measurements from the diffusion tensor data in DiffTensorA.Bdouble.

Here is a slightly pathological example to illustrate how this feature can be used:

 modelfit -testfunc 1 -inversion 1 -voxels 1 -schemefile A.scheme | datasynth -inputmodel
 dt -schemefile A.scheme -snr 16 | modelfit -inversion 1 -voxels 1 -schemefile A.scheme

Note that only one voxel of data is produced per test function when the -inputmodel option is used. The -voxels option is not used in this case. If we wanted 1000 voxels of data from DiffTensorA.Bdouble, we write 1000 voxels containing the same information to DiffTensorA.Bdouble.



datasynth can also synthesise data using a Monte-Carlo simulation of spins executing brownian motion on a specified substrate which restricts the motion of their excursions. Specifying any simulation-realted option will cause datasynth to use a simulation instead of a test function. Monte-Carlo simulation requires more information about scan parameters than is contained in a schemefile, and so gradient strength G, gradient pulse duration delta and pulse interval DELTA should ALL be specified from the commandline. The type and size of substrate should also be specified. If the commandline values of delta, DELTA and G are different from those in the schemefile, commandline values will be used.

To synthesise 10000 voxels of data using the schemefile A.scheme, with gradient strength with gradient strength G=0.022Tm-1, gradient block duration delta=0.032s and gradient block interval DELTA=0.04s with 10000 spins on a substrate with one principal direction and 1000 timesteps in the scan, use

datasynth -schemefile tensorDirs_b=500.scheme -voxels 10000 -walkers 100000 -tmax 1000 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -snr 16.0 -G 0.022 -del 0.032 -DEL 0.04 -geometry cylinder -packing SQUARE -cylinderrad 1.9E-6 -cylindersep 4E-6 > MCdata.Bfloat

we have also specified that spins are initially uniformly distributed across the substrate with impermeable barriers, and an SNR of 16. The diffusion environment here is a set of cylinders parallel to the z-axis with radius and separation given by the -cylinderrad and -cylindersep options. -packing SQUARE causes cylinders to be square packed, substituting HEX will cause hexagonal packing. the limit of close-packing will be acheived by specifying a cylinder radius equal to half the separation.

Monte-Carlo simulations of cylinders with distributed radii are also possible. Radii are draw from a gamma distribution with specified parameters. Cylinders are oriented parallel to the z-axis, and are packed into a region of specified size. Cylinders will be packed in a disordered but non-overlapping pattern. If the specified region is too small to contain the number of cylinders specified an warning will be generated. The following command specifies 100000 spins, 5000 timesteps, 100 cylinders with radii drawn from a gamma distribution with scale parameter 1.065E-7 and shape parameter 5.9242 packed into a cubic region 1.4E-5m x 1.4E-5m x 1.4E-5m in size.

datasynth -walkers 100000 -tmax 5000 -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize 1.4E-5 -schemefile STscheme.scheme -gamma 5.9242 1.065E-7

The locations and radii of cylinders can be output to a csv file of specified name by adding -cylfile testcyls.csv to the above command.

Crossing fibres can be simulated using

datasynth -schemefile tensorDirs_b=500.scheme -voxels 10000 -walkers 100000 -tmax 1000 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -snr 16.0 -G 0.022 -del 0.032 -DEL 0.04 -geometry crossing -cylinderrad 1.9E-6 -cylindersep 4E-6 > MCdata.Bfloat here cylinders are arranged in alternate sheets with principle axes parallel to the z- and x-axis in successive layers

It is also possible to separate the dymanics of the Monte-Carlo simulation from the synthetic measurements. In this case a simulation duration (the duration, in seconds, of the simulated diffusion. In practice this should be long enough to accomodate your scan sequence) and a traj file, which stores spin trajectories and is used by the scan module to generate synthetic measurements.

To generate spin trajectories from a monte-carlo simulation: datasynth -schemefile tensorDirs_b=500.scheme -voxels 10000 -walkers 100000 -tmax 1000 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -geometry cylinder -packing SQUARE -cylinderrad 1.9E-6 -cylindersep 4E-6 -duration 0.07 -trajFile MC.traj

In this case, no data will be written to stdout at the end of the simulation and instead the traj file is produced as the simulation progresses. The traj file contains ALL the trajectory information for every spin in the simulation and as such will be very large. File size is proportional to (number of spins) x (number of timesteps) and the trajfile from the about command will be over 300Mbytes, so caution is required in setting the number of walkers and timesteps. Howevere, if a wide range of scan parameters is required, this approach can save a lot of time.



Repetition bootstrap data is generated by taking a number of repeated measurements of some data and then randomly sampling (with replacement) these repeated measurements to generate new combinations of the data. Let the (M+N) measurements be repeated R times and stored in an array data with dimensions (R, M+N). Each bootstrap sample b is an array of dimension (1, M+N) and each element b(i) = data(r(i), i), where 1 <= i <= M+N and r is a vector of random integers uniformly distributed between 1 and R. In other words, each element of the bootstrap sample, b(i), is randomly chosen from one of the R repeats of the measurement i.

The following examples show the different ways to obtain bootstrap data.

Synthesize 1000 bootstrap samples from a standard test function with 6 repeats.

datasynth -testfunc 1 -schemefile A.scheme -snr 16 -bootstrap 6 -voxels 1000 > r6_b1000.Bfloat

Synthesize 500 bootstrap samples from Gaussian test functions, where the diffusion tensors are stored in the file tensors.Bdouble, using 8 repeats. The output is

        [ [bootstrap 0 (test func 0)] [bootstrap 1 (test function 0)]...
[bootstrap 499 (test func 0)] [bootstrap 0 (test func 1)]... ]

datasynth -inputmodel dt -inputfile tensors.Bdouble -schemefile A.scheme -snr 16 -bootstrap 8 -voxels 500 > r6_b1000.Bfloat

Generate 1000 bootstrap samples of each voxel of DW-MR data, stored in the files A_1.Bfloat through A_7.Bfloat:

datasynth -bsdatafiles A_1.Bfloat A_2.Bfloat A_3.Bfloat A_4.Bfloat A_5.Bfloat A_6.Bfloat A_7.Bfloat -voxels 1000 -schemefile A.scheme -inputdatatype float > A_b1000.Bfloat

Simulate bootstrapping with 12 repeats using monte-carlo simulation as the test function.

datasynth -schemefile tensorDirs_b=500.scheme -bootstrap 12 -voxels 10000 -walkers 10000 -tmax 100000 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -steptype fixedlength -snr 16.0 -G 0.022 -del 0.032 -DEL 0.04 -geometry cell-striped -stripethickness 1 -latticesize 200 -cellsize 2E-5 > bs_simdata.Bfloat



Wild bootstrap data is generated by fitting a linear model to the data and then resampling. Using DTI as an example, the Gaussian model of diffusion predicts

  ln S(q_i) = -q_i^T D q_i + e

where q is the wavenumber of the measurement, D is the diffusion tensor, and e is the residual error on measurement i after finding the least-squares fit of D to the data.

A wild bootstrap data sample of measurement i is then

  ln w = -q_i^T D q_i + r * e * a

where r is chosen at random from the set [-1, 1], and a is a correction factor applied to produce a heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimator. More details may be found in [Whitcher et al, Human Brain Mapping 29(3):346-62, 2008].

The following examples show different ways to obtain wild bootstrap data.

Generate bootstrap samples of FA from a single data set.

  datasynth -inputfile A_1.Bfloat -voxels 1000 -schemefile A.scheme 
  -inputdatatype float -wildbsmodel dt | dtfit - A.scheme | fa > fa.wildbs.Bdouble

As with the repetition bootstrap, we get 1000 voxels of data for each voxel of input.

Generate bootstrap samples of FA from diffusion tensor input.

  datasynth -inputfile dt.Bdouble -inputmodel dt -snr 20 -voxels 1000 -schemefile A.scheme 
   -wildbsmodel dt | dtfit - A.scheme | fa > fa.wildbs.Bdouble

The above example produces one voxel of data (at SNR = 20) from a Gaussian test function, and then produces 1000 voxels of wild bootstrap data. This is repeated for each tensor in the file dt.Bdouble.



Options for specifying the test function used to generate synthetic data:

-testfunc <test function index>
Tells the program to synthesize data from a standard test function. There are five standard test functions:

0. G(.;D_0, tau)

1. G(.; D_1, tau)

2. G(.; D_4, tau)

3. a*G(.; D_1, tau) + (1-a)*G(.; D_2, tau)

4. a_1*G(.; D_1, tau) + a_2*G(.; D_2, tau) + (1-a_1-a_2)*G(.; D_3, tau)

where G(.; D, tau) is the zero-mean Gaussian function with covariance matrix 2 tau D; a=1/2 and a_1 = a_2 = 1/3, by default, and the diffusion tensors are:

D_0 = diag(T/3, T/3, T/3)

D_1 = diag(l_1, (T-l_1)/2, (T-l_1)/2)

D_2 = diag((T-l_1)/2, l_1, (T-l_1)/2)

D_3 = diag((T-l_1)/2, (T-l_1)/2, l_1)

D_4 = diag((T+l_1)/4, (T+l_1)/4, (T-l_1)/2).

By default, T = 21 * 10^{-10} m^2 s^{-1} and l_1 = 17 * 10^{-10} m^2 s^{-1} so that

D_0 = diag(7, 7, 7)

D_1 = diag(17, 2, 2)

D_2 = diag(2, 17, 2)

D_3 = diag(2, 2, 17)

D_4 = diag(9.5, 9.5, 2).

-lambda1 <l_1>
Sets the value of l_1 used to define the diffusion tensors in the standard test functions.

-scale <scale factor>
Sets a scaling factor for the diffusion tensors in the standard test functions.

-dt2rotangle <rotation angle (in radians)>
Specifies a rotation angle for D_2 about the z-axis. This allows the principal directions in test function 3 to be non-orthogonal.

-dt2mix <mixing parameter>
Specifies the mixing parameter a in test function 3.

-gaussmix <n> <D_1> <a_1> ...

         <D_n> <a_n

Specifies all the parameters of a Gaussian-mixture-model test function. The test function is a mixture of n Gaussian components with diffusion tensors D_1, ..., D_n and mixing parameters a_1, ..., a_n, where

D_i = [D_ixx, D_ixy, D_ixz]

      [D_ixy, D_iyy, D_iyz]

      [D_ixz, D_iyz, D_izz]

On the command line, each D_i must be specified with all six components in the following order: D_ixx, D_ixy, D_ixz, D_iyy, D_iyz, D_izz.

-rotation <rotation index>
Specifies a random rotation, drawn from a uniform distribution of rotations, of the test function. The same index always ensures the same rotation.

Options relating to Monte-Carlo simulations

-walkers <number of spins>
Specifies number of spins executing random walker. more = better statistics by increased execution time. 10000 is typical.

-tmax <timesteps>
number of updates performed during a simulation. The more updates the finer time is sliced during the simulation. All averages displacemnts are automatically scaled appropriately. More timesteps = longer execution but there should be enough to give good averaging during gradient blocks etc. typical value is 100000.

-initial <uniform | spike >
Initial configuration of spins on substrate. uniform indicates even distribution accross the substrate, spike initiales all spins at the centre of the substrate.

The following three options should all be specified together.

-G <gradient strength >
Gradient strength in Tm-1

-del <block duration>
specifies the length of gradient blocks in teh PGSE sequence in seconds.

-DEL <time between starts of gradient blocks>
specifies the gradient pulse interval in seconds.

-diffusivity <Diffusivity>
specifies the value of the free-water diffusion constant used to callibrate step lengths for spin excursions. default is 2 x 10^{-9} m^2s^{-1}.


-geometry < cylinder | crossing | cell-iso | cell-striped | cell-perc >
specifies substrate geometry. In addtion to previous, cellular-lattice geometries, substrates can  contain parallel or crossing cylinders. specifying "cylinder" will cause
the substrate to contain cylinders parallel to the the z-axis. the -packing option sepcifies how they are arranged. specifying "crossing" arranges crossing cylinders, with one principle direction parallel to the z-axeis and a nother parallel to the x-axis. cylinders are arranged in laminar sheets with directions alternating in the y-direction.

Other options specify lattices of cubic cells with cell walls or missing cells walls in specific configurations. cell-iso is a block of cubes, all having cell-walls, and hence no directional anisotropy. cell-striped has lanes of empty space parallel to the y-axis of the substrate and hence introduces a preferred direction. cell-perc is a lattice in which cells have cell walls or not with a fixed probability (p_perc). This introduces dirorder to a lattice.

-packing <SQUARE | HEX> specifies how parallel cylinders are arranged. SQUARE or
HEXagonal packing. Cylinders should not overlap, but abutting cylinders are supported.

-cylinderrad <radius> cylinder radius in meters. cylinder radius should be no more than

-cylindersep <separation> cylinder separation in meters

-latticesize <number of cells on an edge of a cubic lattice>
specifies number of cells on a lattice default is 20.

-cellsize <linear size of edge cubic cell>
specifies the size of each cubic cell in meters.

-stripethickness <number of cells>
specifies number of cells wide stripes on a striped lattice are. ignored on other lattices. default is 1.

-pperc <percolation probability>
specifies the percolation probability. i.e. the probability that a given lattice site has cell-walls on a disordered lattice. ignored on other lattices. default is 0.5

-p <barrier permeability probability>
specifies the probability that a spin steps through a barrier to its motion rather than being elastically reflected. p=0 means that barriers are completely impermeable, p=1 means that barriers are completely permeable and diffusion is free regardless of substrate. Intermediate cases allow directionality of sunstrate to be "softened", allowing exchange between constrained and unconstrained populations.

-separateruns specifies that each voxel synthesised should be from a separate simulation. By default, this is not set. This is useful if generating a small number of voxels and insituations in which successive voxels have different substrates. If you simply want to add noise to a single voxel, then do not use this option.

Other options for data synthesis experiments:

-noisetype [rician|gaussian]
Specifies the noise model. The default is Rician, can also specify Gaussian.

-snr <S>
Specifies the signal-to-noise ratio of the non-diffusion-weighted measurements to use in simulations. The program uses an additive isotropic complex Gaussian noise model. The noisy synthetic measurement at q is |F(q) + c|, where F is the Fourier transform of the test function and the real and imaginary parts of the noise term c follow independent identically distributed Gaussians with zero mean and standard deviation is F(0)/S. The default is infinite SNR (no noise).

-seed <seed>
Specifies the random seed to use for noise generation in simulation trials.

Options relating to bootstrapping:

-bootstrap <R>
Tells the program to simulate a bootstrapping experiment with R repeats rather than using independent noise in every trial.

-bsdatafiles <file1 file2...>
Specifies files containing raw data for bootstrapping. This option implicitly sets -bootstrap, so it is not necessary to specify the latter if you use this option. A voxel is read from each file and then a fixed number of bootstrap samples are generated as specified by the -voxels option. The default data type of the data is double, use the -inputdatatype if you need to change this.

-voxels <V>
Output V voxels of synthetic data. If a single test function is specified, then this option specifies the number of voxels produced from the test function. If bootstrapping, then this option specifies how many bootstrap samples to generate for each voxel of data in the input files. For data synthesis from an input model, such as tensors, one voxel is produced per input test function and this option is ignored.

-wildbsmodel <bsmodel>
Specified the model to fit to the input data, for wild bootstrapping. Note that this is different to the input model - the bsmodel is used internally to generate new data, while the input model specifies what kind of test function parameters are being read from the file. Currently, only "dt" is supported.

IO options:

-inputmodel <model type>
Tells the program to use input data to specify the test function in each voxel and specifies the type of model in the input data. Possible model types are: "dt" (diffusion-tensor data), "twotensor" (two-tensor data), "threetensor" (three-tensor data), "multitensor" (multitensor data) and "ballstick" (ball and stick partial volume model).

-inputfile <input filename>
See modelfit.1.

-inputdatatype <data type of input>
See modelfit.1. The default is "double".

Options for specifying the imaging sequence:

-schemefile <Scheme file name>
See modelfit(1).

-fixedmodq <M> <N> <Q> <tau>
See modelfit(1).

-tau <tau>
See modelfit(1).



Daniel Alexander <>









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