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Main.Tutorials History

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May 24, 2013, at 06:54 PM by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

These tutorials are out of date, please see for current tutorials


These tutorials are out of date, please see for current tutorials and documentation.

While most of the current code is backwards compatible, some of the commands here may no longer work. Please see the current tutorials at the new site before emailing us with problems. Thanks.

May 24, 2013, at 06:49 PM by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Here is a list of tutorials to illustrate common operations using Camino:


These tutorials are out of date, please see for current tutorials

May 12, 2011, at 07:37 PM by -
May 12, 2011, at 07:36 PM by -
Changed line 98 from:
Changed lines 109-116 from:

Other measurement options\\


Other measurement options

Mapping axon density and diameter with ActiveAx
Example data and data preparation.
Model fitting.
Generating parameter maps.

October 27, 2010, at 11:09 AM by matt -
Changed line 97 from:


October 27, 2010, at 11:09 AM by matt - added link to advanced simulation tutorial
Changed lines 96-109 from:

Explanation of parameters\\


Explanation of parameters
More advanced Monte-Carlo Simulations This is intended as an overview of the capabilities of the Camino Monte-Carlo simulation. It contains sample commands for different substrates and describes other features of the simualtion that aren't documented elsewhere. Topics covered: Regular-packed cylinder substrates
Disordered, Gamma-distributed cylinder substrates
Crossing fibre substrates
Mesh substrates
Different scheme files
Other measurement options\\

June 24, 2010, at 01:59 PM by -
Added lines 41-46:

Connectivity Mapping
Topics covered:

How to construct a connectivity matrix \\

June 24, 2010, at 12:05 PM by -
June 24, 2010, at 11:33 AM by -
Added lines 32-40:

Tractography with q-ball and PASMRI
Topics covered:

Running reduced-encoding PASMRI
Deterministic tractography with PASMRI or q-ball
PICo calibration with PASMRI or q-ball
Probabilistic tractography with PASMRI or q-ball \\

June 21, 2010, at 04:08 PM by -
Changed lines 75-81 from:

More hints


More hints

Creating a general-waveform schemefile
Topics covered: What is a gen-wave?
Scheme-file format
Explanation of parameters\\

April 27, 2010, at 04:23 PM by cookpa - Adding raw data tutorial
Added lines 2-7:

Input data to Camino
Topics covered:

Conversion of raw data from DICOM to NIfTI
NIfTI conversion to Camino raw format
Dealing with diffusion tensors in NIfTI format
February 25, 2010, at 09:11 AM by Danny -
Changed lines 46-47 from:
Synthetic data from 3D Gaussian functionsSynthetic data using Monte-Carlo simulation\\
Synthetic data from 3D Gaussian functions
Synthetic data using Monte-Carlo simulation\\
Changed lines 49-50 from:

Constructing data files using shredderSynthetic data for fibre-crossing studies \\


Constructing data files using shredder
Synthetic data for fibre-crossing studies

September 04, 2009, at 04:35 PM by shahrum -
Changed line 11 from:
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Changed line 31 from:
Changed line 37 from:
Changed line 42 from:
Changed lines 47-48 from:
Changed lines 53-57 from:
1. Preparation before running mbalign2. Run mbalign3. Improve performance4. Update Gradient5. More hints
  1. Preparation before running mbalign
  2. Run mbalign
  3. Improve performance
  4. Update Gradient5.
  5. More hints
July 29, 2009, at 03:44 AM by shahrum -
Added lines 1-53:

Here is a list of tutorials to illustrate common operations using Camino:

Detecting Crossing Fibres in the post-mortem pig brain?
Topics covered:

files/pig/fa05.png Creating FA map
files/pig/trd05.png Creating Tr(D) map
files/pig/pds05.png Creating colour-coded direction map
files/pig/favc05.png Detecting fibre crossings

Using camino to generate and use Q-Ball data?
Topics covered:

Create a Q-Ball ODF map (grey scale and color)Extracting useful information about the peaks of the Q-Ball ODFsVisualising Q-Ball ODF fibre-orientation estimates

Tractography tutorial - generating and visualising results?
Topics covered:

files/case/minipdview.pngViewing the colour-coded direction map with pdview
files/case/miniroi.png Using an ROI
files/case/minitracks.png Streamline Tractography
files/case/minipico.png Probabilistic Tractography using PICo.
files/case/miniparallel.png Parallel processing of PICo probability maps.

Connectivity segmentation: more tractography operations?
Topics covered:

files/cbs/target_meancp.png PICo using waypoints and target ROIs
files/cbs/cc_labels.png Segmenting brain structures by connectivity

Running PASMRI using parallel processing?
Topics covered:

Running PASMRI using SGE
files/case/PAS_ROI.pngCreating PAS plots.

Using camino to produce synthetic data?
Topics covered:

Synthetic data from 3D Gaussian functionsSynthetic data using Monte-Carlo simulationGenerating statistics on fibre orientation estimatesConstructing data files using shredderSynthetic data for fibre-crossing studies

Spatial normalization and warping of tensor images?
Topics covered:

Creating masked diffusion tensor imagesUsing flirt to compute affine transformations between imagesWarping a diffusion tensor imageReorienting diffusion tensors for consistency with the image transformation

Registering the DWIs within a single acquisition?


Topics covered:

1. Preparation before running mbalign2. Run mbalign3. Improve performance4. Update Gradient5. More hints
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Page last modified on May 24, 2013, at 06:54 PM