Research Papers
Wolfgang Emmerich, University College London, UK,  Gregg Rothermel, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, |
Wednesday May 23
11:00AM |
Program Analysis I Room: Salon F Session Chair: Atanas Rountev |
Models Room:Salon E Session Chair: Tetsuo Tamai |
Parallel Randomized State-space Search M. Dwyer, S. Elbaum, S. Person, R. Purandare |
Behaviour Model Synthesis from Properties and Scenarios S. Uchitel, G. Brunet, M. Chechik |
Sequential Circuits for Relational Analysis F. Zaraket, A. Aziz, S. Khurshid |
Feature Oriented Model Driven Development: A Case Study for Portlets S. Trujillo, D. Batory, O. Diaz |
A Sound Assertion Semantics for the Dependable Systems Evolution Verifying Compiler P. Chalin |
Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications S. Nejati, M. Sabetzadeh, M. Chechik, S. Easterbrook, P. Zave |
02:30PM |
Testing I Room: Salon F
Session Chair: Giovanni Denaro |
Clone Detection and Removal Room: Salon E Session Chair: Harald Gall |
Regression Test Selection for AspectJ Software
G. Xu, A. Rountev |
DECKARD: Scalable and Accurate Tree-based Detection of Code Clones L. Jiang, G. Misherghi, Z. Su, S. Glondu |
Feedback-directed Random Test Generation C. Pacheco, S. Lahiri, M. Ernst, T. Ball |
Very-Large Scale Code Clone Analysis and Visualization of Open Source Programs Using Distributed CCFinder: D-CCFinder S. Livieri, Y. Higo, M. Matushita, K. Inoue |
Compatibility and Regression Testing of COTS Component-based Software L. Mariani, S. Papagiannakis, M. Pezzè |
Using Server Pages to Unify Clones in Web Applications: A Trade-off Analysis D. Rajapakse, S. Jarzabek |
04:30PM |
Aspect Oriented Software Engineering Room: Salon F Session Chair: Harold Ossher |
Maintenance Room: Salon E Session Chair: Walter Tichy |
Automated Inference of Pointcuts in Aspect-Oriented Refactoring P. Anbalagan, T. Xie |
Tracking Code Clones in Evolving Software
E. Duala-Ekoko, M. Robillard |
A Formal Framework for Automated Round-trip Software
Engineering in Static Aspect Weaving and Transformations M. Chalabine, C. Kessler |
Do Maintainers Utilize Deployed Design Patterns
Effectively? T. Ng, S. Cheung, W. Chan and Y. Yu |
Identifying Feature Interactions in Multi-Language Aspect-Oriented Frameworks S. Kojarski, D. Lorenz |
OPIUM: Optimal Package Install/Uninstall Manager C. Tucker, D. Shuffelton, R. Jhala, S. Lerner |
Thursday May 24
11:00AM |
Software Architecture Room: Salon F Session Chair: S.C. Cheung |
Program Analysis II Room: Salon E Session Chair: Jo Atlee |
Modeling Product Line Architectures through Change Sets and Relationships S. Hendrickson, A. van der Hoek |
Adaptive Online Program Analysis M. Dwyer, A. Kineer, S. Elbaum |
On Accurate Automatic Verification of Publish-Subscribe Architectures L. Baresi, C. Ghezzi, L. Mottola |
Exception Chain Analysis: Revealing Exception Handling Architecture in Java Server Applications C. Fu, B. Ryder |
Supporting Heterogeneous Architecture Descriptions in an Extensible Toolset M. Leclercq, A. Erdem Özcan, V. Quéma, J.-B. Stefani |
Path-Sensitive Inference of Function Precedence Protocols M. Ramanathan, A. Grama, S. Jagannathan |
02:00PM |
Debugging and Fault Correction Room: Salon F Session Chair: Margaret Burnett |
Design I Room: Salon E Session Chair: Anthony Finkelstein |
GoalDebug: A Spreadsheet Debugger for End Users R. Abraham, M. Erwig |
Supporting Generic Sketching Based Input of Diagrams in a Domain-specific Visual Language Meta-tool J. Grundy, J. Hosking |
A Technique for Enabling and Supporting Debugging of
Field Failures J. Clause, A. Orso |
Fixing Inconsistencies in UML Design Models A. Egyed |
POLUS: A POwerful Live Updating System H. Chen, J. Yu, R. Chen, B. Zang, P.C. Yew |
The Factory Pattern in API Design: A Usability Evaluation B. Ellis, J. Stylos, B. Myers |
Friday May 25
11:00AM |
Program Analysis III Room: Salon F Session Chair: Matt Dwyer |
Human Aspects in Software Development Room: Salon E Session Chair: Kumiyo Nakakoji |
Overview and Evaluation of Constraint Validation Approaches in Java L. Froihofer, G. Glos, J. Osrael, K. Goeschka |
Information Needs in Collocated Software Development Teams A. Ko, R. DeLine, G. Venolia |
Ownership and Immutability Inference for UML-Based Object Access Control Y. Liu, A. Milanova |
The Social Dynamics of Pair Programming J. Chong, T. Hurlbutt |
Automatic Inference of Structural Changes for Matching Across Program Versions M. Kim, D. Notkin, D. Grossman |
Role Migration and Advancement Processes in OSSD Projects: A Comparative Case Study C. Jensen, W. Scacchi |
11:00AM |
Design II Room: Salon G
Session Chair: Pankaj Jalote | |
[FoSE Track Paper] Software Design and Architecture: The Once and Future Focus of Software Engineering R. Taylor, A. van der Hoek |
The Role of Experience and Ability in Comprehension Tasks supported by UML Stereotypes F. Ricca, M. Di Penta, M. Torchiano, P. Tonella, M. Ceccato |
Information Hiding and Visibility in Interface
Specifications G. T. Leavens, P. Müller |
02:00PM |
Testing II Room: Salon F
Session Chair: Alex Orso |
Refactoring & Reuse Room: Salon E Session Chair: John Grundy |
Using GUI Run-Time State as Feedback to Generate Test Cases X. Yuan, A. Memon |
Refactoring-aware Configuration Management for Object-Oriented Programs D. Dig, K. Manzoor, R. Johnson, T. Nguyen |
Automated Generation of Context-Aware Tests Z. Wang, S. Elbaum, D. Rosenblum |
Refactoring for Parameterizing Java Classes A. Kieżun, M. Ernst, F. Tip, R. Fuhrer |
Hybrid Concolic Testing R. Majumdar, K. Sen |
Supporting the Investigation and Planning of Pragmatic Reuse Tasks R. Holmes, R. Walker |
04:00PM |
Security Room: Salon F Session Chair: Jens Jahnke |
Software Defects Room: Salon E Session Chair: Victor Braberman |
Mining Security-Sensitive Operations in Legacy Code using Concept Analysis V. Ganapathy, D. King, T. Jaeger, S. Jha |
Predicting Faults from Cached History S. Kim, T. Zimmermann, E. J. Whitehead Jr., A. Zeller |
Managing Impacts of Security Protocol Changes in
Service-Oriented Applications H. Skogsrud, B. Benatallah, F. Casati, F. Toumani |
Detection of Duplicate Defect Reports Using Natural Language Processing P. Runeson, M. Alexandersson, O. Nyholm |
When Role Models Have Flaws: Static Validation of Enterprise Security Policies M. Pistoia, S. Fink, R. Flynn, E. Yahav |