How to Submit
Please read all of these instructions prior to submitting your paper.
To apply as a student participant in the Doctoral Symposium, you should prepare a submission package consisting of two parts, both of which must be submitted by the submission deadline which is 11 December 2006 23:59 SST (Apia-Samoa).
Part 1: Research Abstract
Research abstracts must be submitted electronically through Cyberchair. Your research abstract must conform to the ICSE 2007 Format and Submission Guidelines and must be a MAXIMUM of four pages with main text in 10 point font, including all text, references, appendices, and figures. All submissions must be in English. Submissions must be in PDF format.
The research abstract should cover:
- The technical problem to be solved with a justification of its importance.
- An account of related and prior work explaining why this has not solved the problem.
- The research hypothesis or claim.
- A sketch of the proposed solution.
- The expected contributions of your dissertation research.
- Progress in solving the stated problem.
- The methods you are using or will use to carry out your research
- A plan for evaluating your work and presenting credible evidence of your results to the research community.
Students at relatively early stages of their research will have some difficulty addressing some of these areas, but should attempt to do so as best they can. The research abstract should include the title of your work, your name, email address, postal address, personal website, and a one paragraph short summary in the style of an abstract for a regular paper. Submissions should contain no proprietary or confidential material and should cite no proprietary or confidential publications.
Submissions that do not comply with the foregoing instructions will be desk rejected without review.
Part 2: Letter of Recommendation
Ask your dissertation advisor for a letter of recommendation. This letter should include your name and a candid assessment of the current status of your dissertation research and an expected date for dissertation submission. The letter should be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), and sent to: and with the subject: DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM RECOMMENDATION.
Review and Evaluation Criteria
Each prospective student participant will submit a package of materials (described above) for consideration by the Doctoral Symposium Committee. The Doctoral Symposium Committee will select participants using the following three criteria:
- The potential quality of the research and its relevance to software engineering.
- Quality of the research abstract.
- The stage of the research.
- Diversity of background, research topic, and approach.
Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted research abstracts will be asked to complete an IEEE Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready versions. Accepted research abstracts will appear in the ICSE 2007 Proceedings. All submitters will be expected to be able to meet the tight deadlines for camera-ready submissions and to present their work at the ICSE 2007 conference.
Student Support
Doctoral consortium attendees will have preferential access to the student support and student volunteer schemes of ICSE 2007.