
29th Int. Conference on Software Engineering® 20 - 26 May 2007

Submission and Evaluation

How To Submit

Please read all of these instructions prior to submitting your proposal.

If you are thinking of submitting a workshop proposal, we strongly encourage you to send an email to the workshop co-chairs as early as possible, indicating the topic for your workshop. This will help us to plan a strong workshop program for ICSE, and will allow us to put you in touch with anyone else developing a proposal for the same topic.

Workshop proposals should be submitted electronically in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) via Cyberchair. Proposals must not exceed three pages in length and should be formatted according to the ICSE 2007 Format and Submission Guidelines.

The proposal must include the following:

  • full contact information for the principal organizer
  • the desired length of the workshop (one, one and a half, or two days)
  • a one-page outline of the theme and goals of the workshop
  • a short statement discussing the relevance of the workshop to the field of software engineering
  • the desired minimum and maximum number of workshop participants
  • please also state and justify the expected number of participants (to help determine whether the workshop is also financially feasible)
  • the participant solicitation and selection process (also whether open/closed)
  • a brief description of each organizer's background, including relevant past experience in organizing workshops and contact information
  • a preliminary version of the call for workshop papers that the workshop organizers intend to use
  • a list of (proposed and already committed) program committee members
  • desired workshop date(s), and any additional scheduling constraints
  • requested equipment, room capacity and organization, and any other logistic constraints.

Submissions that do not comply with the foregoing instructions will be desk rejected without review.

Review and Evaluation Criteria

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the ICSE 2007 Workshop Committee. Acceptance will be based on:

  • An evaluation of the workshop's potential to advance the state of software engineering research and/or practice
  • Timeliness and expected interest in the topic
  • The organizer's ability to lead a successful workshop
  • The need of ICSE 2007 to achieve balance and synergy in its workshop and other event offerings


Each accepted workshop will have two (2) pages for a summary in the conference proceedings: this summary must be submitted by the camera-ready copy deadline (February 5th 2007) in order for the workshop to be offered. Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted workshops will be asked to complete an IEEE Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready versions according to the ICSE 2007 Format and Submission Guidelines.

Accepted workshops must adhere to the common deadlines listed for submission of workshop papers, notification of acceptance of workshop papers, and preparation of the workshop proceedings. Workshop organizers must limit the length of any requested workshop papers to seven (7) pages and must follow the ICSE 2007 Format and Submission Guidelines.

Workshop organizers are responsible for producing two items:

  1. An informal proceedings, which will be made electronically available by ICSE 2007 before the workshop so participants can download the papers.

  2. A set of files, prepared according to the ICSE 2007 Format and Submission Guidelines (further instructions to follow upon workshop acceptance)

ICSE 2007 has arranged for accepted workshops to be able to use, if so desired, CyberChairPRO at a charge of 750 Euro for each workshop.


ICSE 2007 will not pay for registration, travel, or other arrangements for workshop organizers or any of their invited guests. All participants, including workshop organizers, must register for the workshop.