
29th Int. Conference on Software Engineering® 20 - 26 May 2007

Sponsors and Supporters

ICSE 2007 Sponsors

The ICSE 2007 organizers are very grateful to the following sponsors:

ICSE 2007 Platinum Supporters

The ICSE 2007 organizers are very grateful to the following platinum supporters:


ICSE 2007 Gold Supporters

The ICSE 2007 organizers are very grateful to the following gold supporters:

ICSE 2007 Silver Supporters

The ICSE 2007 organizers are very grateful to the following silver supporters:


ICSE 2007 Bronze Supporters

The ICSE 2007 organizers are very grateful to the following bronze supporters:






ICSE 2007 Doctoral Symposium

Student travel support for the Doctoral Symposium has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

ICSE 2007 Promoters

The ICSE 2007 organizers are very grateful to the following promoters: