
29th Int. Conference on Software Engineering® 20 - 26 May 2007

Doctoral Symposium


The goal of the Symposium is to provide a supportive yet questioning setting in which students can present their work, to provide an opportunity for students to attend ICSE, and to support the ICSE mission as a world-leading venue for software engineering research. Students will be able to discuss their goals, methods, and results at an early stage in their research. The Symposium aims to provide useful guidance for completion of the dissertation research and initiation of a research career.


The technical scope of the Symposium is that of ICSE. The Symposium will provide an opportunity for student participants to interact with other students at a similar stage in their careers and with established researchers in the broader software engineering community.

Students should consider participating in the Doctoral Symposium, after having settled on a dissertation topic and having obtained initial research results.  Students should be at least a year from completion of their dissertation (at the time of the Symposium), to obtain maximum benefit from participation.  Some students selected to attend the Symposium, typically those at a later stage of their research, will be asked to present a talk about their work. Other students selected who are at an earlier stage of their research, will be asked to present a capsule summary of their work.