
29th Int. Conference on Software Engineering® 20 - 26 May 2007



ICSE Workshops provide a forum for groups of participants to exchange pinions, advance ideas,  and discuss preliminary results on focused research topics.

If you are thinking of submitting a workshop proposal, we strongly encourage you to send an email to the workshop co-chairs as early as possible, indicating the topic for your workshop. This will help us to plan a strong workshop program for ICSE, and will allow us to put you in touch with anyone else developing a proposal for the same topic.


Workshops may be either one, one and a half, or two days long, and may be held before or after the main conference.  Prospective workshop organizers must clearly specify the desired length of their workshop. In addition, they may indicate in their workshop proposals any scheduling preferences they have, but the acceptance of a workshop proposal does not guarantee that the requested dates/times will be accommodated. We assume that submission of a workshop proposal indicates that the prospective workshop organizers are available to run the workshop on any of the days that ICSE 2007 has scheduled for workshops. Scheduling and other constraints might in some cases also require that the intended workshop duration be shortened. Furthermore, workshops may be open or closed and this should also be stated in the proposal. Finally, it is also a requirement that the workshop organizer is also responsible for producing a budget for the workshop based on a registration fee, the expected number of attendees, etc.